Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Prophet's Truthfulness

The Prophet's Truthfulness

By Fethullah Gulen

Muslim Intellectual — Turkey

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was known as a truthful person even before Islam. The people of Makkah, the unbelievers included, called him As-Sadiq Al-Amin (the truthful and trustworthy). Even his enemies did not accuse him of lying after he proclaimed Prophethood.

After the Treaty of Hudaybiyah, Allah's Messenger sent letters to the rulers of neighboring countries. The Emperor of Byzantium received it in Syria at a time when a trade caravan from Makkah headed by Abu Sufyan was in Damascus. The Emperor summoned him, and the following conversation took place:

Emperor:Do the elite or the weak mostly follow him?

Abu Sufyan:The weak.

Emperor:Do his followers increase or decrease?

Abu Sufyan:They increase.

Emperor:Has anyone apostatized after converting to Islam?

Abu Sufyan:No.

Emperor:Have you ever heard him tell a lie?

Abu Sufyan:No, never.

Struck by the answers of Abu Sufyan, who was at that time one of the bitterest enemies of Islam, the Emperor acknowledged Muhammad's position, "It is inconceivable for one who has never told a lie during his whole life to invent lies against Allah" (Al-Bukhari).

The Emperor was right. Why would someone who had never told a lie, even in jest, suddenly begin to lie, especially against Allah, when that person is 40 years old and getting closer to the grave?

The people of Makkah agreed unanimously that Muhammad was a truthful person.

He always encouraged truthfulness, as can be seen in the following hadiths:

"Promise me six things, and I will promise you Paradise: Speak the truth, keep your promises, fulfill your trusts, remain (sexually) chaste, do not look at what is unlawful, and avoid what is forbidden." (Authenticated by Al-Albani)

"Abandon what arouses your suspicions, and follow what is certain. Truthfulness gives satisfaction; lying causes suspicion."(At-Tirmidhi and Ahmad)

"Always be truthful, for truthfulness leads to righteousness and righteousness leads to Paradise. If you are always truthful and seek truthfulness, Allah records you as such. Never lie, for lying leads to shamefulness and shamefulness leads to Hell. If you insist on lying and seek deceit, Allah records you as such."(Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Truthfulness is always in the interest of the truthful, even if it causes their death. It may lead to death, but that death happens only once, whereas each lie is a different kind of death. One of the most striking examples of this is the case of Ka`b ibn Malik, a famous Ansari poet who swore allegiance to Allah's Messenger at Al-`Aqabah. Although he took part in almost all the battles, he missed the campaign of Tabuk without a justifiable excuse.

The Tabuk campaign was very difficult. It took place in mid summer and, what is more, against the Roman Empire with all its might. Although Allah's Messenger always kept the destination of such campaigns secret, this time he disclosed it and wanted every believer to participate. Ka`b completed his preparations but, at the last minute, uncharacteristic negligence kept him from joining the army.

When Allah's Messenger returned from the campaign, he asked those who had not fought why they had stayed at home. The Hypocrites lied and made excuses, but Ka`b, being unable to lie, told the truth. Allah's Messenger told him to leave. Thereafter, Ka`b and two other believers who had done the same thing were boycotted. On the order of Allah's Messenger, no Muslim met with them or spoke to themfor 50 days. They repented publicly, beseeching Allah for forgiveness. After this, Allah has revealed,

[As for those three, the acceptance of their repentance was delayed until, for them, the earth, vast as it is, was straitened and their own souls were straitened to them, and they perceived that there is no fleeing from Allah and no refuge but with Him. Then He accepted their repentance so that they could recover their former state. Verily, Allah is the One who accepts repentance, Most Merciful.)(At-Tawbah 9:118)

After this revelation, Ka`b ibn Malik told Allah's Messenger, "I promise to speak the truth as long as I live" (Muslim).

If a prophet were to lie, everything connected with the divine religion would be upset.
Truthfulness is the pivot of Prophethood. It could not be otherwise, for if a prophet were to lie, everything connected with the divine religion would be upset. All it takes is one lie to call a whole mission into question. Thus Allah declares,

[If he [Muhammad] had invented false sayings concerning Us, We would surely have grasped him firmly, and then cut off the artery of his heart, and none of you could have withheld Us from doing this.)(Al-Haqqah 69:44–47)

The prophets came to guide us to the straight path and to lead us to Paradise. Had they lied even once, they would have guided no one to the truth. However, their truthfulness, especially that of Prophet Muhammad, will be manifested as brightly as the sun in the Hereafter, where people will see everything clearly. In that place, all the tidings they gave about the next life, the Resurrection, the Place of Gathering, the Final Reckoning, the Bridge (As-Sirat), Paradise, and Hell will be realized.

By Fethullah Gulen

Muslim Intellectual — Turkey

* Excerpted with some modifications and with kind permission from "Truthfulness."

Fethullah Gulen is an influential Turkish Muslim intellectual who inspired a series of social activities, including a transnational education and business network, interfaith dialogue forums, and multicultural encounters.

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