Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Welcome Jimce Barkhadle” or Good Friday

Jimce Barkhadle........By  Ahmed H Nur

Welcome Jimce Barkhadle" or Good Friday or Pascua or Paques or Påske (pronounced: pooske) or Eostre and many other names of the occasion. The following is not about the Christian tradition of celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is about a little startling discovery I made this morning! I felt stupid as I realized the connection. Stupid because I knew well of the events, each in its way, but never saw the link. The revelation came to me from a conversation between a mother and a daughter in the back seat of my car. It is early Wednesday morning, the 20th.of April 2011. There is little traffic on the roads as many had already travelled out of the city to the mountains or elsewhere. In Easter Holidays, Norwegians traditionally follow the receding snow and go to the mountains for skiing and relaxation. Recently, many choose travel to the sun in the South. Skjærtorsdag (Thursday before Good Friday) marks the beginning of a week-long holiday-break.

My wife and I were driving my mum-in-law to an early appointment with her doctor. There, in the calm of the misty morning, cruising on Ring 3, the women in my company struck this conversation. It started off with whether the senior mother called home (Hargeisa) lately. "Yes", the response came and added that most of the family members in Hargeisa were already in Aw Barkhadle, awaiting the "Jimce Barkhadle". "It falls on the coming Friday as you know", she continued.  Aw Barkhadle is a little village, about 30 km to the East of Hargeisa, on the Hargeisa – Berbera Road. And Jimce Barkhadle is an annual religious festival which takes place in the village. The origin of the festival and why it is arranged in this particular place has most definitely some historical connotations but this is long lost and forgotten.


I all of a sudden realized that "Jimce Barkhade" which is so passionately celebrated in Somaliland, is the same as the Christian Easter. Not only do the observed dates coincide, the meaning of the "day" and the manifestitations of the celebration are also the same. Modern-day Easter is known as the moveable feast since it falls on different dates each year. In The West, Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday following the full moon after the vernal equinox on March 21. Easter is therefore observed anywhere between March 22 and April 25 every year and this coincides perfectly with the Jimce Barkhadle observations in Somaliland. Good Friday, which is the Friday before Easter Eve, fully corresponds to Jimce Barkhadle, meaningwise. Barkhadle means the Good One, the Virtuous, the Righteous or the Pious.

During the Jimce Barkhadle Festival people, especially the young, used to paint a white Cross on their foreheads. This reflects the remains of the Christian traditions. Perhaps even pagan traditions before Christianity and Islam. In modern-day, Somali context, Jimce Barkhadle is believed to be an Islamic religious celebration. Popular believe has that partaking in 2 Jimce Barkhadle Festivals would amount to one Hajj Visit. I do not know how the occasion is celebrated these days, but in the past, this used to be a great fun festival, especially for the young people. There used to be a bounty of food and mesmerizing religious chanting under every tree. The small hills on both sides of the Doox echoed the beat of the drums – The Noor Qani as we called them. There was the corner for infertile women to sit on "Miracle Stones". This costed the women one shilling per sitting. Some of the stone-owners charged more, promising quicker results or the firstborn to be a boy. The infertility healing is an important relationship between our Jimce barkhadle and the believed originions of the Easter. Read about the origins of the Easter on the internet. There were many other "Barako" experiences, whether in this world or in the other, as the learned sheikhs used to say. For the kids, it was an occasion for running away from home. Staying up late with no parent supervision, playing in the Doox the whole day and sleeping in the open was fun, I remember.

Two central figures

Jimce Barkhadle has two central historical men: Sheikh Yusuf Al-Kawnayn and Bucur Bacayr. The former is said to have been a good guy (a Moslem) who saved the people from the evil rule of the latter. While the existence of these men is very strong in Somaliland folk believes, I found no written literature on these mythological figures. If you know something about them, or know about a resource of reliable literature, please share!

Ahmed H Nur

Monday, April 25, 2011



The world must dramatically step up its existing efforts to conquer malaria if it is to reach the goal of near zero deaths from the disease – which, despite being preventable and curable, currently kills almost 800,000 people every year – by 2015, the United Nations warns today.

Ahead of <"">World Malaria Day, which is officially observed on Monday, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the goal will not be met unless there is "an extraordinary intensification" in two key areas.

"First, scaling up the life-saving and cost-effective interventions that have already produced such dramatic results," he said in a message marking the Day. "We need to ensure universal coverage for all people at risk.

"Second, providing timely testing for all persons suspected of having malaria, and effective treatment for those confirmed to have the disease."

Mr. Ban stressed that these efforts, even if implemented, will not be sufficient to defeat the mosquito-borne disease.

"Parasite resistance to our best anti-malarial medicines is a major threat. We must respond by implementing our global plan to overcome such resistance."

Malaria is a leading killer of children under the age of five, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, where a child dies every 45 seconds on average from the disease. In total, around 781,000 people are estimated to die every year, and in some countries it accounts for one in five of all childhood deaths.

The economic costs from malaria are also high. Malaria-related illnesses and mortality cost $12 billion each year in Africa alone, and shave as much as 1.3 per cent off the gross domestic product (GDP) of the worst affected countries.

Mr. Ban said that all donors and international partners need to increase their investments in both research activities and existing programmes to defeat the disease.

"Let us also build up human capacity in malaria-endemic countries; our continued success depends on the hard work and dedication of these unsung heroes. And let us recognize that a world free of the burden of malaria will be a safer and healthier world for all."

But he also noted that "there is much to celebrate" in recent years in the battle against malaria, particularly thanks to the distribution of long-lasting insecticide-treated mosquito nets and increased indoor residual spraying with safe and effective insecticides.

"Together with improved testing and treatment, these measures have saved nearly 750,000 lives over the past decade."

On Monday, Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro and the Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Malaria Ray Chambers will attend a round-table event in New York, while a photographic exhibition entitled "Champions to End Malaria" will open at UN Headquarters.

Ali Samatar's Case....Former Somali Prime Minister in US Court

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — A judge ruled Friday (April 1, 2011) that a former Somali prime

minister who has been living quietly in the U.S. for the last 14 years
can be questioned under oath in a federal lawsuit alleging he oversaw
war crimes and other abuses against his own people more than a quarter
century ago.
U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema denied a motion to dismiss the
suit against Mohamed Ali Samantar, who was Somalia's defense minister,
and later prime minister, in the 1980s under the regime of dictator
Siad Barre.
The suit against Samantar, who now lives in Fairfax, was first filed
in 2004, alleging that he oversaw abuses committed as part of the
government's campaign of repression against the Isaaq clan in the
northern part of the country.
The case has languished in the courts for nearly seven years. Brinkema
dismissed the case in 2007, ruling that Samantar was entitled to
immunity. But the U.S.
Supreme Court reinstated the case. And earlier this year the State
Department, in a rare move, recommended to the judge that Samantar
should not receive
immunity, in large part because there is no longer a recognized
central government in Somalia that can request immunity on Samantar's
Following Brinkema's ruling on Friday allowing the case to proceed,
Samantar's accusers will for the first time be able to question him in
a deposition about alleged abuses, including killings and torture,
against the Isaaq clan.
"This is a great day for justice," said Natasha Fain, a lawyer with
the San Francisco-based Center for Justice and Accountability, which
is representing the
plaintiffs. "For all this time the defendant has been saying he
shouldn't even have to answer his accusers in court."
One of the plaintiffs, Aziz M. Deria of Bellevue, Wash., who alleges
that his father and other family members were killed by forces under
Samantar's direction, flew across the country to attend Friday's
hearing. He has traveled to Somalia several times to document abuses
that occurred there.
"I really want this guy to answer our questions," said Deria, who
acknowledged that efforts to hold Samantar accountable for his actions
are not universally well received among the Somali community. "Back
home, authority figures are considered above the law."
Joseph Peter Drennan, Samantar's lawyer, argued Friday that the case
should be tossed out for several reasons, including an expiration of
the statute of limitations. He also said the courts should not wade
into what he argues is essentially a political dispute.
Samantar has denied any wrongdoing and did not attend Friday's
hearing, though many of his family members did.

Sources: The Associated Press
For complete case history click the link below:


Vote "YES!" to AV



Why an AV referendum?


Recognising the need to "clean up" politics after the MP expenses scandal, the Liberal Democrats promised in their election manifesto for the 2010 general election that they would introduce an electoral system based on proportional representation (PR).  PR is an electoral method that matches as closely as possible the vote share won by parties in an election to their share of seats in the House of Commons.


As part of the agreement reached by the Coalition before taking office was the holding of a referendum on May 5th to change the UK's electoral system from "First Past the Post" (FPTP) to the "Alternative Vote" (AV).


AV is not a system of proportional representation but it does offer a significant opportunity to change the way we do politics by ensuring that candidates selected to represent constituencies are voted in by a majority (50% + 1) and not a plurality (greatest number) of votes.


How does AV work?



  1. AV works by registering the preferences of voters for a candidate in rank order – that means, first preference, second preference, third preference etc
  2. The first preferences of voters are then totalled and the candidate who reaches the 50% threshold of first order preferences wins the seat
  3. If a candidate doesn't reach the 50% threshold, the ballots of the candidate who gained the least number of first order preferences is eliminated and the second order preferences of those voters are allocated to the remaining candidates.
  4. If a candidate reaches the 50% threshold at the second round, he/she is declared the winner. If not, the contest goes to a third round with the candidate at the bottom of the table eliminated and the second order preferences allocated to the remaining candidates
  5. The "rounds" continue until a candidate reaches the 50% threshold, each time eliminating the candidate with the least number of votes and reallocating their ballots on second order preferences.


Why you should vote "YES to AV"


  1. AV is a fairer system than the current electoral method of FPTP. It will end the distorting effect of FPTP where parties can win a majority of seats on a minority of votes. See for example, the table below which breaks down the party share of the vote and its share of seats in parliament based on the 2010 and 2005 general election results:



2010 general election

Seats won

% share of seats

% share of vote









Lib Dem








2005 general election

Seats won

% share of seats

% share of vote









Lib Dem






  1. AV is more democratic – under AV every vote counts because candidates have to reach a 50% threshold in order to win a seat. It will end the practice of "wasted votes" in "safe seats" where votes cast for candidates other than the "safe candidate" do not count for anything, even if the "safe candidate" enjoys less than 50% of the popular vote
  2. AV is more representative because MPs need to gain up to 50% of the vote in a constituency in order to be awarded the responsibility and privilege of representing it.
  3. AV will invigorate MP- Constituent links by making MPs more accountable to their electorate in all seats. MPs will be forced to work hard every electoral cycle to gain 50% of the votes needed to win an election, rather than aim simply to win a plurality (more votes than the next wo/man and very often less than 50%)
  4. AV will marginalise extremist parties and deny them electoral representation. This is because candidates have to win at least 50% of the vote share in a constituency in order to win the seat. Extremist parties like the BNP do well under the present "winner takes all" system of FPTP but they will find it much harder, if not impossible, to win seats under AV. That is why the BNP are opposed to electoral change.


What difference does it make?


The AV referendum is the single most important change that has been proposed to the way we do politics in the UK. It is an opportunity to endorse a change that will send a signal to politicians that we as voters want elections and their outcomes to be fairer, more representative and more democratic.


At a time of declining voter participation in elections with more than a third of voters not turning out to vote (voter turnout in 2010 was 65.1% and in 2005 it was 61.4%), the AV referendum is an opportunity to reinvigorate political participation and representative democracy by proving to voters that their votes count.


ENGAGE urges you to vote "YES! to AV" on May 5th and to say YES! to:


  • fairer election outcomes based on majority rule;
  • marginalisation of extremist parties; and
  • building strong local communities with stronger MP – constituent links




The United Nations political affairs chief today voiced concern over the continuing deadlock in peace talks aimed at resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and urged both parities to make bold and decisive steps to end the stalemate and to avoid violence and provocative actions that could undermine political efforts.

"Both parties should be concerned that the political track is falling behind the significant progress being made by the Palestinian Authority in its state-building agenda," said B. Lynn Pascoe, Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, in a <"">briefing to the Security Council on the situation in the Middle East.

"The international community is rightly concerned at the protracted stalemate in the peace process. We stress the importance of supporting and empowering the leadership of [Palestinian) President [Mahmoud] Abbas and Prime Minister [Salam] Fayyad, and of bringing the parties back to the table," he said.

"Far-reaching rather than incremental steps should be taken by Israel to lead to progress on the ground, by rolling back measures of occupation to match the Palestinian Authority's achievements," he added.

Mr. Pascoe pointed out that in its report to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC) meeting in Brussels on 13 April, the UN made clear its assessment that in the six areas where it is most engaged with the Palestinian Authority, governmental functions are now sufficient for a viable government of a State. In parallel, Israeli measures to facilitate movement have also supported economic activity and access to basic services, he added.

But he voiced concern that the Palestinian Authority has not able to extend its State-building work to Gaza due to the ongoing Palestinian political divide.

He said that the latest reporting period saw the highest level of violence in Gaza and Israel since Operation Cast Lead took place more than two years ago.

Palestinian militant groups, including Hamas, fired 111 mortar shells and 155 rockets while Israel conducted six incursions and 57 air strikes into Gaza since the last briefing to the Security Council. One Israeli child was killed and two civilians were injured by Palestinian rocket fire. Some 19 Palestinian militants and 15 civilians were killed, while 17 militants and 60 civilians were injured, as a result of Israeli military actions.

"We are alarmed at actions of Hamas to escalate violence, endangering civilians on both sides and risking a deeper confrontation with Israel," said Mr. Pascoe. "The Secretary-General strongly condemns rocket fire from Gaza and calls for it to end.  He also reiterates his calls for maximum restraint by Israel. All parties must fully respect international humanitarian law. In the interest of the civilian populations on both sides, we call on the parties to uphold and solidify the prevailing fragile calm," he said.

He said the diplomatic grouping known as the Quartet – which comprises the UN, European Union, Russia and the United States – continues to work with the Israelis and Palestinians to maximize prospects for resuming direct negotiations on a two State solution. The Quartet held follow-up meetings with both the parties on 5 April, but it was decided that more time is needed for consultations before scheduling the next one, he said.

On Lebanon, almost three months after the nomination by President Michel Sleiman of Najib Mikati as Prime Minister, a government has still not been formed. Both Mr. Sleiman and Mr. Mikati have decided to give additional time to the government formation process, Mr. Pascoe said.

He reported that there have been some minor security incidents in Lebanon, but the overall situation in the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) area of operations remained generally quiet and stable. Israeli air violations, however, continued almost on a daily basis.

Addressing the Council, Israel's Ambassador Meron Reuben said that lasting peace required the building of a culture of understanding and tolerance that is based on the recognition of the right of both Israelis and Palestinians to exist. "Israel's commitment to recognize a future Palestinian State must be met with an equal acknowledgement that Israel is the Jewish State for the Jewish people," he said.

In his statement to the Council, Riyad Mansour, the Permanent Observer of Palestine, said Palestinians remained committed to the achievement of peace through political means, despite the stalemate in the process. He urged the Council and the international community in general to "redouble their efforts at this critical time to uphold the principles for which the United Nations stands in order to bring an end to this conflict and allow the Palestine to take its rightful place among the community of nations."

Lebanon's Permanent Representative Nawaf Salam pointed out that people across the Middle East are now voicing their aspirations for peace, dignity and better life. "However, let us keep in mind that the greatest source of frustration in our region remains the non-solution of the Arab-Israeli conflict," said Mr. Salam.

"A lasting peace in our part of the world needs to be comprehensive and just peace. It will also require that Israel withdraw fully from the occupied Syrian Golan to the line of 4 June 1967, and from the remaining occupied parts of southern Lebanon," he added.

In total, more than 40 countries are expected to address the Council's during today's day-long debate.

New Imaam position at Masjid as-Sunnah, Bradford, UK

 New posting for an Imaam Position at the Masjid as-Sunnah, Bradford, UK

 Job Description

Position: Full-time Imaam

Location: Masjid As-Sunnah, off Great Horton Road, Bradford 7

Country: UK

Salary: Negotiable depending upon experience and qualifications

Employer: Albaseerah Bradford 


Reference: Imaam1Mas 

Application deadline: 19th May 2011

Contract duration: 1 year (renewable)

Start date: TBC


About us:

Albaseerah are looking for an Imaam for the newly acquired Masjid as-Sunnah. Located in Bradford, UK, Masjid as-Sunnah aims to become the centre for the Muslims in the North offering a place of worship as well as a library, school and centre for learning.

 Specific duties:

  • Lead the 5 daily prayers at their appointed time.
  • Conduct regular Qur'an classes for children within the community.
  • Lead the Taraweeh prayers in the month of Ramadaan.
  • Deliver Jumu'ah and Eid sermons.
  • Conduct funeral services and preparation for burial.


General duties and expectations:

  • Must be fully acquainted with the basic rulings as it relates to the 5 daily prayers, jumuah, taraaweeh etc. (e.g. the pillars and conditions of the prayer, nullifiers of the prayer, what do do in the case of forgetfulness, rulings of jumuah etc.
  • Expected to work 40 hours a week and longer during Ramadaan.
  • Expected to be available during office hours.
  • Must have good manners and communication skills and interact with the people with gentleness and good character.
  • Should be able to speak English at a proficient level.
  • Must hold a valid UK British Passport.
  • To carry out any other duties as required by the Masjid Commitee, which are reasonable in terms of the nature and level of the post.

 Salary and Benefits:

Salary is negotiable and will include a basic salary, paid vacation and sick leave.

 How to apply:

Interested candidates are encouraged to apply by sending their CV to You must include 2 references from a reputable Islamic Centre.

تَبَارَكَ الَّذِي نَزَّلَ الْفُرْقَانَ عَلَىٰ عَبْدِهِ لِيَكُونَ لِلْعَالَمِينَ نَذِيرًا"

"Blessed be He who sent down the Furqaan (Qur'an) to His slave Muhammad that he may be a Warner to the Mankind".

Saturday, April 23, 2011



The United Nations human rights chief today condemned the reported repeated use of cluster munitions and heavy weaponry by Libyan Government forces against civilians in Misrata, warning that such acts could constitute international crimes.

"I urge the Libyan authorities to face the reality that they are digging themselves and the Libyan population deeper and deeper into the quagmire. They must halt the siege of Misrata and allow aid and medical care to reach the victims of the conflict," said UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay.

Misrata, a north-western city with an estimated population of 300,000 people, has been the scene of continuous fighting since earlier this year between military forces allied to the regime of Muammar al-Qadhafi and opposition groups.

"Since the city is largely cut off, it is not known precisely how many civilians have died or been injured during two months of fighting there, but it is clear that the numbers are now substantial, and that the dead include women and children," Ms. Pillay said in a news release.

"Using imprecise weaponry such as cluster munitions, multiple rocket launchers and mortars, and other forms of heavy weaponry, in crowded urban areas will inevitably lead to civilian casualties," she noted, adding that there are also reports of snipers deliberately targeting civilians in Misrata and other places in Libya.

"The pro-Government forces besieging the city, including their commanders and all other personnel, should be aware that – with the International Criminal Court investigating possible crimes – their orders and actions will be subject to intense scrutiny," stated Ms. Pillay.

"Under international law, the deliberate targeting of medical facilities is a war crime, and the deliberate targeting or reckless endangerment of civilians may also amount to serious violations of international human rights law or international humanitarian law."

The High Commissioner said the unhindered presence of international observers, including media, would help calm the situation and curb excesses.

She also voiced serious concern about the treatment of journalists by the Libyan authorities, and called on the Government to immediately release those detained. At least two journalists have been killed, and some 16 others are missing, including ten international journalists and six Libyans. Dozens of others have been detained, assaulted, physically abused – possibly to the point of torture – or expelled.

Ms. Pillay also urged NATO forces to exercise the utmost caution and vigilance so as not to kill civilians by mistake. The alliance has been carrying out air strikes in response to Security Council resolution 1973, which was adopted last month and authorized Member States to take "all necessary measures" to protect civilians in Libya.

Thursday, April 21, 2011



The United Nations International Maritime Organization (IMO) has condemned the use of sailors as human shields after Somali pirates continued to detain seven crew members of a recently released ship even though a ransom had been reportedly paid.

Six officers and one other crew member of the M/V Asphalt Venture are being held at an undisclosed location after the ship and the rest of the people aboard were released by pirates off Somalia last Thursday, nearly seven months after they were hijacked.

In a <"">statement issued yesterday from its London headquarters, IMO stressed that it deplores all acts of piracy and armed robbery against ships and the treatment of seafarers held hostage.

"Using seafarers as human shields to continue to engage in piracy – one of the most heinous of crimes against humanity at sea – is totally unacceptable," the agency said.

IMO is backing a new "Save Our Seafarers" campaign launched by the shipping industry, saying that the safety and well-being of sailors should be of paramount importance to any strategy to respond to piracy.

The agency's statement comes amid mounting international concern about the problem of piracy, particularly in the waters off Somalia.

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today that the Trust Fund to Support Initiatives of States Countering Piracy off the Coast of Somalia needs more resources to carry out its mandate.

The trust fund's board has approved 12 projects worth $4.3 million since the fund was created in January last year, including a media project to disseminate anti-piracy messages in the region and other initiatives to strengthen law enforcement and criminal justice in Somalia, Kenya and Seychelles.

In a <"">message to an event in Dubai to support the trust fund, delivered on his behalf by UN Legal Counsel Patricia O'Brien, Mr. Ban said the fund offered an opportunity to translate regional and global concerns into concrete actions.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Abu Khadijah – Importance of prayer

Abu Khadijah – Importance of prayer

For the pleasure of Allah and from the greatest of affairs of one's entrance into Jannah is the affair of the salah. Allah not only obligated upon the ummah but also upon the ummah that came before. The prophet salAllahu alayhe wa salam was taken by jibreel to the furtherest loat tree , where on the prophet went passed, It is something which is indescribable and something which was amazing Jibreel said 'no one can pass' but the messenger salAllahu alayhe wa salam was sent forward to pass and Allah spoke to Muhammad at this point, where Allah 'azzawajal obligated 50 salah , the the prophet salAllahu alayhe wa salam informred musa alay salam, Musa said 'it will be too much for the ummah' up until it was reduced to the 5 daily prayers. The 5 daily prayers are the pillars of Islam. Prophet alayhe sallatu wa salam said Islam is built upon 5. Two shahada, and the second pillar is prayer. When the prophet sallAllahu alayhe wa sallam sent mua'd Ibn Jabal to Yemen he said 'the first thing you should call them to is that they worship Allah alone and if they accept that then inform them Allah has made obligatory upon them the five daily prayers'. This worship is to be implemented five times a day. The prophet salAllahu alayhe wa salamm  informed the companions ' If one of you had a river and he was to bathe in it with there be any filth upon you?' The companions said 'no O Messenger of Allah' He stated 'likewise with the five daily prayers'. The prophet salAllahu alayhe wa salam mentioned regarding the daily prayers, then he mentioned from juma'ah to juma'ah and then he mentioned Ramadan to ramadan, he said it is an expiation for everything that occurs between them times except for the major sins.

When one stands for fajr, he is clensed just as someone cleanses in the river. And likewise with dhur, Then he prays asr , then magrib and isha and then he goes to sleep and whatever occurs between isha and fajr he is clensed due to the prayers. These 5 daily prayers are the most important affair of ibadah after the establishment of Tawheed. The great tabi'e Abdullah mentioned this hadith reported by tirmidhi authenticated by albaani, the sahaba did not consider any of the wajibat to be kufar except for the abandonment of salah.  The one who abandons the prayer has left the fold of Islam.

If one leaves off the zakat, then he does not leave the fold of islam, or the one who does not want to fast due to disobedience, or the one who abandons the umrah or hajj, he does not leave islam. However the one who abadons the slaah , due to them not being bothered, due to lazyness, or the fact that they are too busy chasing the dunya = this necessitates kuffar.

The one who leaves the prayer while affirming its obligations then this one has left the fold of islam.

Ibn Qayyim, he mentioned in his kitaab – the muslims have not differed with regards to the one who abandons the prayer deliberately. It is from the greatest of sins and from the most severest of the major sins, the one who leaves the prayer is a greater sin than that of killing another human or taking wealth, drinking of wine and fornication and adultery. This one - has places himself forward in the anger of Allah, the disgrace of Allah.

The Muslim ruler is obligated to order them to pray, establishing the prayer, this is upon the ruler. And as for the one who leaves off the prayer, how is this to be dealt with? No doubt this person is to be taken to the Muslim ruler, if that person does not pray and refuses, Ibn Qayyim said this person is given an opportunity to repent  but if he chooses after the judge informed him to pray and does not pray -Ibn Qayyim and Albaani confirms this person is to be executed. Albaani used to be take the opinion  that the person who abandons the prayer is still a Muslim. They all agree with the consensus.



Poppy cultivation in Afghanistan is expected to decline slightly this year despite the prevailing high prices of opium, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) reported today, saying that Government effort to discourage production could yield further reduction.

"This is only an indicator and government policy can stimulate further decline," <"">said Jean-Luc Lemahieu, the UNODC representative in Afghanistan, when he released the agency's <"">Opium Winter Rapid Assessment Survey.

The production decrease is expected to be driven by a slightly lower level of cultivation in Helmand and Kandahar in the south, according to the projection.

In turn, a strong increase in cultivation is expected in the north and north-eastern regions, namely in Badakshan, Baghlan and Faryab provinces. Those provinces had low levels of cultivation in previous years, and although in percentage terms the expected increase may be large, in absolute terms the overall cultivation level is expected to remain low compared with southern provinces.

In the southern and western regions, a significant increase is also expected in Herat, Kapisa and Ghor provinces. Baghlan, Faryab, Kapisa and Ghor were all poppy-free in 2010, according to UNODC.

Helmand has shown decreasing poppy cultivation trends over the last three years, declining from 103,590 hectares in 2008 to 65,045 hectares last year. "The political will shown by both the Minister of Counter Narcotics and the Governor of Helmand in tackling poppy cultivation, are exemplary for the country," said Mr. Lemahieu.

According to the assessment, 73 percent of respondents in the north and 77 per cent in the south said the driving force behind poppy cultivation this year is the high returns from opium sales. The prices of dry and fresh opium rose by 306 per cent and 251 per cent respectively between February 2010 and February this year.

In the south a direct correlation between insecurity, lack of agricultural aid and poppy cultivation was established, according to the assessment.

Some 90 per cent of villages in the south with poor security are involved in poppy cultivation. In the north, the vast majority of the residents – 94 per cent – reported good or very good security at the village level. The expected increase in poppy cultivation even under comparatively good security conditions is a cause for concern, UNODC said.

"Let's not forget that this latest survey is a prediction, a 'weather forecast', and that the exact situation of the poppy cultivation will only be known later in the year, once the estimation from satellite images are completed," stressed Mr. Lemahieu.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Muslim students warn Obama world is not US playground


EU: Muslim students warn Obama world is not US playground

Via FNA:

The Union of Islamic Student Associations in Europe in a letter warned US President Barrack Obama to stop oppression against Muslim nations and support for long-time US allies and dictators in the region, saying that Islamic awakening, inspired by the Iranian Revolution, is spreading throughout the world and that the world is no more the US playground.

"Unlike the past, the world is no longer your playground where you make up rules and force them upon oppressed nations in order to determine their destiny. The nations of the world have vowed and are determined to shape their own destinies by overthrowing and driving out the western imposed puppets and dictators," the Union said in its letter.

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France: Religious leaders concerned about Islam debate

France: Religious leaders concerned about Islam debate

Via AFP:

Leaders of six religions on Wednesday voiced concern that a debate on France's secular nature and Islam planned by President Nicolas Sarkozy's right-wing party could lead to confusion and stigmatisation.

The text signed by Roman Catholic, Protestant, Christian Orthodox, Muslim, Jewish and Buddhist leaders described secularism as "a pillar of our republican pact, a basis of our democracy, a foundation of our desire to live together."

"Let's take care not to squander this precious gain," they warned, saying it was "capital during this pre-election period, to calmly stay the course by avoiding lumping things together and the risks of stigmatisation."

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The Question of Hercules And The Answers Of Abdullah Ibn Abbas’s (RA)


The Question of Hercules And The Answers Of Abdullah Ibn Abbas's (RA) Abdullah Ibn Abbas's (RA) deep knowledge of the Qur'an has won him the popular title of "Hibrul Ummah" or Sage of the Ummah. His knowledge, intelligence and juristic acumen was acknowledged and accepted by all the Sahaabah (RA). Abdullah Ibn Abbaas (RA) wasn't [...]

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