Saturday, January 30, 2010



This week, Planning Minister Oparanya was supposed to release Kenya's Census results but was postponed....Reason....The Kenya Somali Population surpassed 2.5 Million Mark.....But what is wrong...10 Years Grace period between 2 census is enough to make Kenya Somalis be at par with other Kenyans....

Read this coming analysis......

.......................In fact, some reports suggest the announcement was postponed because the number of Somalis in the country had been doctored; that their number had risen by 140 per cent in the last ten years. Such a growth rate is definitely wont to raise suspicions although there is nothing wrong with people wanting to give birth to as many people as they wish. That is their right. After all, the number in real figures is not much, just 2.3 million from 900,000 in 1999 Kenya National Census. And this could be a consequence of people stating their 'tribe' in the census. However, we await the facts and do not want to speculate.

Arab News Editorial: Murder in Dubai

Editorial: Murder in Dubai

Though there are conflicting reports of how it happened, the death of Hamas commander Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh in a Dubai hotel room was almost certainly murder. On the basis of similar assassinations, the killers were from the Israeli intelligence service Mossad.

Six months ago in Beirut, Al-Mabhouh recovered from poisoning after losing consciousness for 30 hours. That attempted slaying was blamed on the Israelis, who are also thought to have murdered a Hezbollah military commander in Damascus two years ago and last month to have set up a bomb blast in the Lebanese capital which slew two other Hamas officials. The Israelis never confirm or deny any of these operations, preferring to leave their enemies guessing and wondering who among their number may have provided information that made a killing possible.

No doubt they crow about their successes in private. In public, meanwhile, it is rare that an Israeli politician or official seeks to deny these crimes are taking place. And no one should forget these are crimes. If, for example, an Israeli soldier holidaying abroad were murdered in his hotel by a Hamas operative, the Israelis would be the first to call it a terrible crime, echoed, of course, by the White House, and protest to the international community at the barbarity of the Palestinians.

However, when it is a Mossad triggerman who slays someone from Hamas or any other Palestinian or Lebanese group, it is no crime at all, rather an occasion for quiet gloating and behind-the-scenes backslapping.

But Israel simply cannot have it both ways. It cannot appeal to world opinion when it considers itself wronged but ignore that same opinion when it perpetrates wrongs itself, be they the building of more and more illegal settlements in the occupied territories, slaughtering 1,400 Palestinians trapped beneath its Gaza bombardment or even eliminating Hamas people, one by one.

This is not the behavior of the civilized country that Israel pretends to be. Instead it is brutal and psychotic conduct. Some Israelis may rightly feel ashamed of the crimes that are being done in their name — including these extrajudicial executions. Many others, however, no doubt rejoice. Do they recognize how corrosive to their own country is an attitude that condones despicable crimes, provided they are carried out against their Arab rivals?

This is the law of the jungle, the ruthless antics of wild beasts. And these are the people that the Palestinians are supposed to be negotiating with in good faith. This is the manipulative, cynical Israel that Washington has funded and shielded for so long — whose leaders see one law for themselves and another for everyone else.

Is it any wonder that in the face of over 60 years of such violent and amoral actions, the luckless Palestinians have become more and more radicalized as they sink deeper and deeper into despair? The Al-Mabhouh murder was yet another turn of the Israeli screw. Hamas has of course vowed revenge.

When that moment comes, the Israelis and their American friends will howl with anguish at the latest crime that has been visited on them and appeal with loathsome hypocrisy for the world's sympathy.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Prophet Muhammad - 7: A model husband

Prophet Muhammad - 7: A model husband
Adil Salahi | Arab News

When Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sent to deliver his message as God's last messenger to mankind, all human societies ill-treated women. Arabia was no exception. Prior to Islam Arabian women had no rights, not even the right to live. Often parents killed their young daughters, burying them alive, for fear of poverty or shame. Under the Roman and Byzantine Empires, women were practically enslaved, even by the rule of law. The Persian Empire considered women to be the source of evil. Today, the Western civilization boasts of its achievement of equality between men and women. Yet, this was achieved after hard struggle. Until World War One, women did not have the right to vote in general elections in Britain or elsewhere in Europe. The suffragette movement had to fight hard for that right to be granted. By contrast, Islam, as preached by Prophet Muhammad 1400 years ago, gave women a status equal to that of men. The Qur'an clearly states: "Women shall, in all fairness, enjoy rights similar to those exercised against them." (2: 228)

Legal provisions are one thing and personal treatment is another. A member of parliament may give the best argument in a public debate for looking after women, but his behavior toward his wife and women folk may be overbearing and hurtful. Prophet Muhammad made sure that his conduct was always a practical endorsement of what he preached. As a husband, he never wavered in his love and kind treatment of Khadijah, his first and only wife for 25 years. He continued to cherish her memory to the end of his life. He married other women after her death, but none could fill her place. Yet with them he committed himself to much more than what Islam requires of all men to be kind and caring of their women. He disliked to be seen by any of them without a smile on his face. He visited each one of them in the morning and in the afternoon, enquiring after them and ensuring that they received what they needed. At night, he would be with the one whose turn it was for him to stay with.

Aishah mentions that when he was alone with his wives, he was the most amenable of people, always smiling and relaxed. Every description of the Prophet, given by his companions, highlights the fact that he inspired awe in anyone who talked to him, whether on religious matters or any other subject. Yet he did not allow that awe inspiring appearance to become a barrier between him and any of his wives. They always spoke to him in the friendliest manner that characterizes a marital relation. One of them once said to him in front of her father: "Speak out, but say nothing but the truth."

What we see here is a normal conversation between husband and wife. The role of the Prophet, who is God's messenger to all mankind, totally disappears. Had the woman felt that she was addressing God's messenger, she would not have thought of speaking in this way. She was merely a woman talking to her husband and trying to prove a point in dispute between them. Muhammad, whose life was totally devoted to his mission, saw nothing wrong with the way she spoke to him. He accepted it as perfectly normal. We will have more to say on this aspect of the Prophet's life in future.


Real reason why Somalis are targeted in arrests

Real reason why Somalis are targeted in arrests

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The riots and destruction of private property that occurred 10 days ago around Jamia mosque in Nairobi must be condemned. It was a shameful event with many losers and no winner. The Muslims that triggered the initial demonstration were wrong. Their activities must be condemned in the strongest terms possible.

But it seems the dreary response by the government in stopping the destruction of private property was deliberate. The involvement of some civilians in quelling the demonstration is most alarming. What was the real complaint of the Muslim demonstrators? Wasn't it a senseless and unnecessary demonstration?

How can some fringe members of the Muslim community be aggrieved by the arrest of a Jamaican national, Sheik al-Faisal? We must never lose sight of the fact that al-Faisal is a hate monger with a criminal conviction. His continued stay, as we saw, is most undesirable. What he intended to preach, if given an opportunity, is anybody's guess.

Al Faisal is not even an Islamic scholar, no matter how liberal we construe the term. He is a rabble rouser who cut his teeth on the radical fringes of the Muslim community in Britain. The demonstration organised by fringes of the Muslim community was a most unfortunate one, devoid of a cause.
The plight of the Jamaican was highlighted by Al Amin Kimathi, the leader of the organisation called Muslim for Human Rights. He fights endless legal battles with the government in and outside the courts. None of his cases have been heard on the merits. He twice organised demonstrations over the Jamaican preacher's fate. The first was peaceful.

The second was ugly and bloody. Was he right? He was wrong on both occasions. Was he entitled in law to demonstrate? He was absolutely within his legal rights to demonstrate. To internalise democracy, we must allow Kenyans the right to demonstrate peacefully. Al Amin and his rowdy gang ought to have been allowed to demonstrate under police supervision.

What was the government's fear, especially since the first demonstration went on peacefully? Prior to the reforms introduced in 1997 through the IPPG, demonstrations were tightly regulated and almost impossible under the Kanu regime. After 1997, the Public Order Act was repealed.

For one to demonstrate, a mere notice to the police officer in charge of the nearest police station is all that was required. This notice doesn't mean that the police officer sets in judgment or has discretion on whether or not to allow the demonstration. The government went into full swing after the riots.

As expected it zeroed in on Eastleigh and a number of neighbourhoods predominantly inhabited by the Somali community. The announced aim was to arrest and repatriate all foreigners who are in the country illegally. That is a laudable intention and many Kenyans are with the government on this.

In light of the threat posed by terrorist organisations, the government must be supported in this endeavour. But the reason the government is arresting every Somali on the streets of these neighbourhoods is different. It all goes back to the edict issued by the Permanent Secretary in the Office of the President to conduct an audit of property in Nairobi.

I am not privy to the intelligence that informs a new policy being implemented by the Office of the President. It is an open secret that certain sections of government are uncomfortable with the reported ''explosion'' of population numbers in Northern Kenya as enumerated in the census of last year. The Jamia Mosque fiasco brought to the surface the shameful ethnicity in the security apparatus of the State.

When one saw the TV footage in the evening news showing MPs from Northern Kenya meeting the minister in charge of security, his permanent secretary, the police commissioner, the AP commandant and the director-general of the National Security Intelligence Service (NSIS), one saw something resembling a meeting of two warring tribes.

One armed and in control of the apparatus of the State, the other unarmed. This mono-ethnic monopoly of State security institutions presents the greatest threat to the national security of the country, the phobia of Somalis by the Office of the President notwithstanding.

The MPs, while opposed to the Jamia demonstration, were nonetheless also unhappy with the slow response of the police and the alarming presence of vigilantes who supported the police. Involvement of civilians in quelling the Muslim demonstration also raises questions: Was it planned by government? If so, then this is a most menacing signal to Kenyans of a new weapon in government's arsenal.

Ahmednasir Abdullahi is a former chairman of the Law Society of

Wednesday, January 27, 2010



Ahmed Arwo

CODKAAGA KU CIIL BAX, waxa hortimid su'aalo ah Codkee? Halkee food ka jiraa? Aan codeeyee meeday doorasho?. Haddaba waxaan hakiyey Codkaaga ku Ciil Bax, ilaa aan dhabada cod-bixinta ka qaadayno isbaarada dabataxanta ah ee ciddii waajibka ay ku ahayd inay doorasho qabataa dariiqa daadinayso. Xilka ugu mudan ee Xukuumad dimuquraadi ahi leedahay waa inay xaqiijso in la helo tartan xalaal ah oo doorasho ku dhacdo xiligeeda. Waana qalad in lagu abaal mariyo korodhsiimo iyo cimri-dherar aan sharci ahayn. Ciddi ummaddu dooratay waxa waajib ku ah in awoodda dib ugu soo celiso dadweynaha kolka muddadii ay xilka u dhiibteen ka idlaato.

Cinwaanka maqaalku, waa ereyo uu qaalibay nin oday ah oo ilaa lixdankii qayb ka ahaa raga arrimaha siyaasadda iyo bulshaba isteerinka u haya. Waa eryo naxadin iyo qoomamo leh, waa niyad jab iyo filan-waa, waa amakaag iyo dhabana hays... Waxa ereyadan marka arrin naxadin aan loo fadhiyin dalka laga soo sheego, afku ka xadi jiray oday Muj. Cali Doob-ilkoole oo ka mid ah odayada reer Cardiff, haddeerna ku maqan Hargeysa...Cali waxuu ii sheegay in ererkaasi ka soo baxeen si kama' ah afkiisa kolkii la yidhi doorashadii Madaxwenaha waxa helay Riyaale oo ku kasbaday dhaqdhaqaajin sanaaduuq iyo riixidii Xaaji Cabdikarim ka marag furay: " Axmedow annagaa kaa hiilinay...".

Waxa ayaan darro ah in arrinta dalka ka timaadaaba tahay ishaysi, iyo qalalaase ula kac looga soo unko Madaxtooyada. Madaxweyne waxa loo doortay waxqabad, horumar, toosin, dhaqaajin, taakulin, kicin, hagid iyo barwaaqayn. Madaxweyne waa mas,uulka ummaddu dooratay, ahna cidda xilka guud ee mas'uuliyadda xukuumaddu saarantay. Waa cidda ugu awood weyn ee shacbigu u soo cabanaayo, kolka Wasiir amba sarkaal kale ay wax ka tirsadaan. Awoodda shacbigu siiyey, ayuu Madaxweyne u doortaa Wasiiro iyo mas,uuliin kale si ay ugu shaqeeyaan dadweynaha. Kolka cabasho timaado, xilku waxuu farayaa in Madaxweynahu u arko mas'uulka laga cabanayaa mid cidda ka cabanaysaa tahay ciddii uu u magacaabay inuu u shaqeeyo. Ma aha sida Madaxweynaha ka muuqata inuu gar iyo gar-darraba la safto mas'uulka.Waxa marag ma doon ah in Wasiiradu noqdeen dar aan waxba iskaga tirin sharciga iyo gudashada waajibkooda, waxa maqan la-xisaabtan, waxayna u dhaqmaan gardarro garab og. Waxa ka dhigay awr dabar la'aan dha'cay waa xil-guadasho la'aan dhanka Madaxtooyada ah.

Waxa iyna xukuumadda waajib ku ah inay soo bandhigto barnaamajyo, iyo siyaasad dhaqan, bulsho iyo dhaqaale ee dalka, mid dhow iyo mid fogba. Waxa ay tahay inay dhaliisha dadweynha iyo mucaaridka kaga jawaabto qorshe iyo siyaasad toosin ah amba sixid ah. Waa inay shokaanta madasha siyaasadda iyadu hagtaa, halka ay manta noqotay mid dabo guclaysa Mucaaridka. Xaalku ma aha inuu noqdo raad-gurka Kulmiye iyo UCID, ma aha u jawaab Kulmiye sax iyo qaladba, ma aha ka xumaada dhaqdhaqaaqa Kulmiye, juuq-dhegeysta Kulmiye, Wax-qabad ka madhan, wax-dhe ka maydhan...Waxa dalku u muuqdaa mid Kulmiye xukumo, Xukuumadduna tahay mucaarad.. Bal dib u dhegeyso qudbadii maaxatay ee sanadka la sugaayey ee Madaxweynha oo ka hel wax aan ahayn..Kulmiyaa yidhi, anna waxaan ka idhi..iyo mucaaridbaa dunida maray ana waxaan ku talaabsaday...Hadda waa bishii sannadka ugu horeysay ee waajibka dastuurku dhigaayo inuu Madaxweynahu la yimaado barnaamajka sanadka oo uu ka hor akhriyo Golayaasha ...Weli miisaaniyadii sanadku waa mid circa ku maqan, xisaab celinna lama hadal hayo.

Waxuu taabtay cabasho ah dilka Sool lagu ugadhsaday madaxdu in la yidhaahdo waxa ka dambeysay xukuumadda...haye kolka Sarkaalkii CIDa ugu sareeyey gobaku uu dilo Sarkaalkii Ciidanka abaanduulaha u ahaa, welina laga werwereegaayo xukunkiisa maxay tahay ee kale? Miyaanu kan waxdilay iyo kan la dilayba ahayn wakiiladii xukuumadda ee gobalka?

Waxuu tibaaxay khilaafka Guurtida iyo eedeynta ah in duufaanku ka soo kacay fadhiga Madaxtooyad. Haddii raga duufaanka kiciyey yihiin darka maalin walba la taagan waxaanu nahay Muxaafid oo colka xukuumadda u riyaaqa ayaanu nahay, ma thay mid loo arko sidaas? Maxaa u diiday Madaxweynahu inuu xilkiis guto oo intuu labada garab u yeedho u muujiyo sida loogu baahan yahay wadajirka iyo soo-afjarka khilaafka? Waa xukuumad ku wacan inay mucaarid ahaato, oo waxay sugaysaa kolka Kulmiye dhaqaajiyo! Kulmiye baaq ayuu haddaba ka soo saaray ee waa lagaa sugayaa inaad mid kale ka soo dabo saarto.

Dadweynow, Kulmiye isagoo mucaarid ah, ayuu kasbaday maanka iyo dhegaha adduunka, waxuu magaca Soomaliland gadhsiiyey meel dheer iyo caro khawaaje. Kolkuu Gud. Siilaanyo la fadhiistay raga taladu ka go'do ee Maraykan sida Mud. Payn oo u qaabilsan Arrimha Debedda iyo Afrika, waxa la yidhii waxuu la fadhiistay cadowga Soomaliland. Waa yaab haddaan ninka Afrika u qaabilsan loo qadimin qadyadeena halkaynu Maraykan u marnaa? Micnehu waa hinaase iyo fashilaad la qaawiyey tamarta xukuumadda fadhiidka ah....Waxa mahadsan Wasiirka arrimha Debedda Cabdillaahi Ducaale oo arrintaas sida ay tahay u sheegay. Loogama baran, wuu se asiibay doorkan.

Waxuu yidhi Wasiirku..." Arrintaasu maaha arrin xukuumada ka suuro gasha, arrin xukuumada ka timidna maaha, waa wax ku khaasa Wasiirka yidhi, Waxaanu rejeynaynaa intii uu dalka ka maqnaana inuu dalka wanaag u soo waday, oo wanaag ka soo sheegay, oo ku hawlgalay qaddiyada Somaliland ciddii uu arkayba. , waxaanuna ognahay inuu arkay Sentor Donald Payne iyo ninka Maraykanka u qaabilsan arrimaha Somalia iyo Somalilandba, waxaanuna reajeynaynaa inuu ahaa duq u maqnaa qaranka oo Qaranka wadajirkiisa iyo midnimadiisa u maqnaa".

Isagoo ka jawaabaya hadalkii ka soo yeedhay madaxweyne Riyaale ee ahaa Mucaaridku debedda wax-xun ayey la wareegaan, iyo Wasiir kuxigeenkiisa Kayse oo is yidhi hadalka Madaxweynaha sii diiri, bal se marin-habaabay. Was/Xig Axmed Keyse waxa uu yidhi " Waa in Axmed Siilaanyo cafis na weydiistaa, haddii kale dalka ma soo geli karo" isagoo ku eedeynaaya in Axmed Siilanyo aaminsanaa sida ay SNM aaminsanayd xiligii halganka iyo taariikh la soo dhaafay...Waa dhacdo taariikh ah nin kasta oo akhristay dastuurka SNM na uu garnkaro..magacaaba u daliil ah, iyo in Guddoomiye xigeenka SNM ahaan jiray nin Koonfur ka soo jeeda. Waa taariikh la soo maray manta se ayna waxba ka jirin. Soomaliland waa dal xor ah rabana inuu doorasho madaxtooyo mar labaad qabsado. Xiligaas iyo taarikhda ku noqoshadeeda uma fiican Riyaale iyo kooxdiisa oo kolka la qodqodo ayey ku waalan waa tii leys-saamaxay...illeyn waxa la fadhi maxay tahay NSS/ Xilku hayey Riyaale, Ciro, Warancadde iyo Qaar kaloo badani maxay ahaayeen? Halkay joogeen?...Intaa u dhaafimaayo manta ee bal wedwedka taariikhada ha sii wadaan..anagana waxa noo furmeysa fursad naga xidhnayd..

Murtida xukuumadda Riyaale waxa si wacan looga dheehday hadalada ka soo yeedhay Wasiiradiisa. Dejintii xaalka ee Wasiirka debedda waxa In yar kadib waxaa TV-ga UDUB soo galay oo isna ka hadlay socdaalka Axmed Siilaanyo Wasiirka Warfaafinta Ina Rayaale Axmed Xaaji Daahir ,waxaana uu yidhi:"Mucaaridku inta ay xanaaqa iska daayaan , oo ay kala gartaan Rayaale iyo Somaliland, ha kala caddeeyaan inay Federal ay ku dhawaaqeen qaar ka mid ahi u aaminsan yihiin sida afkooda laga hayo, iyo inay ka noqonayaan oo ay shacibiga cafis iyo saamaxaad weydiisanayaan". Faalo iigama baahna, oo waxa maanka fayoobi, arkayaa inayna jirin hadaf ay wadaagaan wasiiradu. Meel ay u socdaan iyo meel ay ka socdaan iskuma oga. Waa meero iyo nin waliba dhankuu doon how tugado!. Haddayna garanayn siday salaada isula qabsadaan, ma hagi karaan Soomalilnad?

Aan ku noqdo YAA INA HABAARAY...Maanta dalkeena waxa ka jira daraf ilaa daraf qaybsanaan, qolo-qolo ka hor gee, dhac iyo boob hantida qaranka nin waliba inta uu cantoobsan karo iyo inta kursigiisu u qaadi karo. Waxa timaha leysagu xidhay reer Selel iyo Awdal, hadda Selel waa garab uu Riyaale Awdal ka goo,yey bal se ku dhisan qabiil, hoos u daadag oo waxa madaxa iskula jira reer Dila iyo Magaalo-cad, iska dhaaf Dila iyo Gabiilay...Waxa aan cidna loo xidhin, xalna loo helin Ceelbardaale iyo Waqooyiga Hargeysa. Iyadoon degmooyinka Salaxley iyo Baligubadle oo dhowr iyo toban sano jiray aan xad degmo loo samayn ayuu Madax/W ku dhawaaqay labaataneeye degmo oo cusub..iyo gobalo reereysan... Waxa uu damcay inuu Togdheer ka dhigo meel reer u khaas ah, degmada Xaaji Saalax ayuu yidhi Oodweyne raaca, reer Xaaji wey garteen oo waxay yidhaahdeena Togdhheeer waa anaga...Meel keliya oo xad lehi ma jirto, degmo keliya oo sharci ahi ma jirto, waa qas iyo qalalaase iyo doorasho lagu doonaayo been iyo khiyaamo. Xukuumaddu waxay u aragtaa dadkeeda nacas iyo doqon, waxay ku haysaa jahli iyo faqri, si ay uga faa'ideysatoitaal yaridooda .

Kelitalisku waxuu doonaa inuu dadka ku hayo gaajo iyo aqoon darro. Fikir bulsho looma baahna oo anigaa u fakiraaya. Dheregna ka dheeree oo kolba laftaad cunto u tuur ha feenteene. Qaybi oo qaybi oo wiil iyo waalid isku dir, oo wiil iyo walaal kala durki, oo sodog iyo sodoh u kala turjumaan. Aqoonta la colow, jahliga la saaxiib, nacaskooda u cumaamad, fuleygooda hubka u dhiib...ha baqdin dilo cid kasta oo nuuxsata. Deedna karbaash iyo cabsi ugu dar. Gaajo, qaybsanaan,jahli, iyo Cabsi waa dariiqa loo maro kelitalisnimada.

Aan ku soo laabto YAA INA HABAARAY..Cali maalin kale ayuu si gaar ah u yabay. Waxuu maqlay in halkii Muj Derewal iska casilay uu qaatay Mud. Cabdi Haybe, waxuu igu yidhi..Awoow Axmed kolkii derwal is casilay ayaan is idhi qoyskiinii habarkii laga qaad...maanta se kiiyoo malaasan ayuu dayrka iigu soo dhacay.." Cali marwalba waxuu i yidhaahdaa "Awoow" isagoo i xusuusinaaya inuu aabahay abti u yahay, aniguna waan ku jeclay isaga iyo reerkoo dhanba. Aabahay ehelkii waa ehelkey.

Cali-Doob-ilkoole waxaan leeyahy Awoow weli meynaan garan cida ina habartay, balse kol haddii habaar jiro...ku dar aan ducaysano oo waadiga Hargeysa joogee ugu baaq dadka duco, sadaqad, quraan akhris iyo salad wadata...Waar aan ducaysano..oo qof waliba si niyad ah Alle ha uga baryo inuu xaqqa ina tuso,inuu inta xun inaga qabto, inuu inoo dooro inta wanaagna jecel, marwalba daafaca oo u dagaalan xaqqa,ka durug markhaati been ah,ka fagow hafaraad iyo ceebeen, ka dhowrsanow laaluush iyo xatooyo. Ha naqon xaabada lagu karsado xaaraanta...oo yaanu eex kugu kaxaysan daalin xaaraan daaq ihi...

Maqaal kale ayaan ku soo afjari habaarka iyo halkuu yuururo.

Salaama iyo nooli kulantee,

Waa inoo qormo kale Insha Allah.


Ahmed Arwo

Silanyo Oo Shahaado Sharaf Ka Gudoomay Senator Al Frank Minnesota...

Silanyo Oo Shahaado Sharaf Ka Gudoomay Senator Al Frank Minnesota La Xidhiidha Waxqabadkiisa Siyaasadeed Iyo Nabadeed

Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Kulmiye oo la gudoonsiiyey Shahaado sharaf lagu maamusay waxqabadkiisa Siyaasadeed , nabadeed iyo horumarinteed

Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga kulmiye oo muddo bil ku dhowaad ah ku joogay booqasho rasmiya wadanka Marayka lana kulmay madax ka mid ah labada aqal ee looga taliyo dalka Maraykanka , Gudoomiye Siilaanyo oo casuumad rasmiya ka helay madaxa arimaha Africa ee State department senator Donald ayaa kulamo uu la yeeshay ay kaga wada hadleen sidii S/land u heli lahayd aqoonsi caalami ah, arimaha doorashooyinka iyo taabo gelinta dimoqradiyada S/land, kulankaas oo ahaa kulan si heer sare ah loo agaasimay ayaa waxaa ku weheliyey Xoghayaha arimaha debeda ee Xisbiga Kulmiye Dr. Maxamed Cabdilaah Cumar , waxaa labda dhinac isla afgarteen in si buuxda loo taageero qabsoomida doorashooyinka soo socda iyo in xukuumada Maraykanku ay ka caawiso S/land sidii ay u heli lahayd ictiraaf caalami ah.


Gudoomiyuhu wuxuu kale la kulmay Keith Elison oo ah Mudane ka tirsan Congreska Maraykanka oo ah mudane muslim ah oo laga soo doorto Gobolka Minnesota , wuxuu kale oo la kulmay Senator Al Franken oo ah mudane ka tirsan baarlmaanka Maraykanka oo laga soo doorto Gobolka Minneosta , maanta oo taariikhdu tahay January 26 2010 ayaa Senator Al Frank wuxuu gudoonsiiyey Shahaado Sharaf baarlmaanka Minnesota ku maamusay Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Kulmiye Mudane Axmed Maxamed Siilaanyo, shahaada sharaftan oo si weyn loogu muujiyey kaanlinta Gudoomiye Siilaanyo kaga jira taariikhda aduunka oo lagu xardhay waxqabadkiisa siyaasadeed, Nabadeed iyo horumarineed ee uu ka geystay dalkiisa waxaana loo ictiraafay in uu yahay astaan qaran iyo aabaha Dimoqradiyda Somaliland.

Gudoomiye Siilaanyo wuxuu booqasho ku tegey gobolada Minnesota , Ohio , iyo Virginia oo ay degan yihiin qurba jooga ugu badan reer Somalinad ee wadanka maraykan waxaana loo soo dhoweeyey Gudoomihaya si aad iyo aad u heer sareysa iyadoo gudoomihuna uga xog waramay duruufaha ka jira dalkoodii hooyo kuna guubaabiyey inay yihiin cidda dalkii mustaqbal iyo manfacba ka sugayo sidaa aawadeed la idiinka baahan yahay inaad dalkiina ku xidhnaataan kuna noqotaan wakhtiyada fasaxa oo aad noqotaan dad laba dal leh kan aad degan tihiin iyo kiinii hooyo.

Saed Saleiman

Silanyo Oo Shahaado Sharaf Ka Gudoomay Senator Al Frank Minnesota...

Silanyo Oo Shahaado Sharaf Ka Gudoomay Senator Al Frank Minnesota La Xidhiidha Waxqabadkiisa Siyaasadeed Iyo Nabadeed

Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Kulmiye oo la gudoonsiiyey Shahaado sharaf lagu maamusay waxqabadkiisa Siyaasadeed , nabadeed iyo horumarinteed

Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga kulmiye oo muddo bil ku dhowaad ah ku joogay booqasho rasmiya wadanka Marayka lana kulmay madax ka mid ah labada aqal ee looga taliyo dalka Maraykanka , Gudoomiye Siilaanyo oo casuumad rasmiya ka helay madaxa arimaha Africa ee State department senator Donald ayaa kulamo uu la yeeshay ay kaga wada hadleen sidii S/land u heli lahayd aqoonsi caalami ah, arimaha doorashooyinka iyo taabo gelinta dimoqradiyada S/land, kulankaas oo ahaa kulan si heer sare ah loo agaasimay ayaa waxaa ku weheliyey Xoghayaha arimaha debeda ee Xisbiga Kulmiye Dr. Maxamed Cabdilaah Cumar , waxaa labda dhinac isla afgarteen in si buuxda loo taageero qabsoomida doorashooyinka soo socda iyo in xukuumada Maraykanku ay ka caawiso S/land sidii ay u heli lahayd ictiraaf caalami ah.


Gudoomiyuhu wuxuu kale la kulmay Keith Elison oo ah Mudane ka tirsan Congreska Maraykanka oo ah mudane muslim ah oo laga soo doorto Gobolka Minnesota , wuxuu kale oo la kulmay Senator Al Franken oo ah mudane ka tirsan baarlmaanka Maraykanka oo laga soo doorto Gobolka Minneosta , maanta oo taariikhdu tahay January 26 2010 ayaa Senator Al Frank wuxuu gudoonsiiyey Shahaado Sharaf baarlmaanka Minnesota ku maamusay Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Kulmiye Mudane Axmed Maxamed Siilaanyo, shahaada sharaftan oo si weyn loogu muujiyey kaanlinta Gudoomiye Siilaanyo kaga jira taariikhda aduunka oo lagu xardhay waxqabadkiisa siyaasadeed, Nabadeed iyo horumarineed ee uu ka geystay dalkiisa waxaana loo ictiraafay in uu yahay astaan qaran iyo aabaha Dimoqradiyda Somaliland.

Gudoomiye Siilaanyo wuxuu booqasho ku tegey gobolada Minnesota , Ohio , iyo Virginia oo ay degan yihiin qurba jooga ugu badan reer Somalinad ee wadanka maraykan waxaana loo soo dhoweeyey Gudoomihaya si aad iyo aad u heer sareysa iyadoo gudoomihuna uga xog waramay duruufaha ka jira dalkoodii hooyo kuna guubaabiyey inay yihiin cidda dalkii mustaqbal iyo manfacba ka sugayo sidaa aawadeed la idiinka baahan yahay inaad dalkiina ku xidhnaataan kuna noqotaan wakhtiyada fasaxa oo aad noqotaan dad laba dal leh kan aad degan tihiin iyo kiinii hooyo.

Saed Saleiman

Silanyo Oo Shahaado Sharaf Ka Gudoomay Senator Al Frank Minnesota La Xidhiidha Waxqabadkiisa Siyaasadeed Iyo Nabadeed

Silanyo Oo Shahaado Sharaf Ka Gudoomay Senator Al Frank Minnesota La Xidhiidha Waxqabadkiisa Siyaasadeed Iyo Nabadeed

Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga kulmiye oo muddo bil ku dhowaad ah ku joogay booqasho rasmiya wadanka Marayka lana kulmay madax ka mid ah labada aqal ee looga taliyo dalka Maraykanka , Gudoomiye Siilaanyo oo casuumad rasmiya ka helay madaxa arimaha Africa ee State department senator Donald ayaa kulamo uu la yeeshay ay kaga wada hadleen sidii S/land u heli lahayd aqoonsi caalami ah, arimaha doorashooyinka iyo taabo gelinta dimoqradiyada S/land, kulankaas oo ahaa kulan si heer sare ah loo agaasimay ayaa waxaa ku weheliyey Xoghayaha arimaha debeda ee Xisbiga Kulmiye Dr. Maxamed Cabdilaah Cumar , waxaa labda dhinac isla afgarteen in si buuxda loo taageero qabsoomida doorashooyinka soo socda iyo in xukuumada Maraykanku ay ka caawiso S/land sidii ay u heli lahayd ictiraaf caalami ah.


Gudoomiyuhu wuxuu kale la kulmay Keith Elison oo ah Mudane ka tirsan Congreska Maraykanka oo ah mudane muslim ah oo laga soo doorto Gobolka Minnesota , wuxuu kale oo la kulmay Senator Al Franken oo ah mudane ka tirsan baarlmaanka Maraykanka oo laga soo doorto Gobolka Minneosta , maanta oo taariikhdu tahay January 26 2010 ayaa Senator Al Frank wuxuu gudoonsiiyey Shahaado Sharaf baarlmaanka Minnesota ku maamusay Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Kulmiye Mudane Axmed Maxamed Siilaanyo, shahaada sharaftan oo si weyn loogu muujiyey kaanlinta Gudoomiye Siilaanyo kaga jira taariikhda aduunka oo lagu xardhay waxqabadkiisa siyaasadeed, Nabadeed iyo horumarineed ee uu ka geystay dalkiisa waxaana loo ictiraafay in uu yahay astaan qaran iyo aabaha Dimoqradiyda Somaliland.

Gudoomiye Siilaanyo wuxuu booqasho ku tegey gobolada Minnesota , Ohio , iyo Virginia oo ay degan yihiin qurba jooga ugu badan reer Somalinad ee wadanka maraykan waxaana loo soo dhoweeyey Gudoomihaya si aad iyo aad u heer sareysa iyadoo gudoomihuna uga xog waramay duruufaha ka jira dalkoodii hooyo kuna guubaabiyey inay yihiin cidda dalkii mustaqbal iyo manfacba ka sugayo sidaa aawadeed la idiinka baahan yahay inaad dalkiina ku xidhnaataan kuna noqotaan wakhtiyada fasaxa oo aad noqotaan dad laba dal leh kan aad degan tihiin iyo kiinii hooyo.
Gudoomiye Siilaanyo Siilaanyo wuxuu ku soo beegan yahay S/land Januray 29/2010 hadii eebe idmo waxaana la filayaa aadna loo saadaalinayaa wuxuu la soo guryo noqon doono.
Saeed Suleiman

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Yemen: Security and the collapsing state

Yemen: Security and the collapsing state
Yemen special forces in training -  Jan 2010
Yemeni security forces are receiving funding and training from abroad

Rising concerns about terrorism emanating from Yemen prompted UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown to host a conference on the issue in London.

But, as Ginny Hill, an expert in Yemeni politics, political economy and security argues, the country is in crisis on many fronts and heavy-handed security measures may well be counterproductive.

The London meeting on Wednesday is essentially a response to the claim by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), a group based in Yemen, that it was responsible for the attempt to blow up an American airliner in the skies over Detroit on Christmas Day.

The threat from Yemen prompted last week's decision to stop direct flights from Yemen to the UK, and is believed to have played a part in the decision to upgrade the threat of international terrorism in the UK to severe.

Yemeni public opinion is hostile to US policy in the Middle East and President Ali Abdullah Saleh's alliance with the West on counterterrorism since 9/11 has generated widespread resentment in the country.

Many Yemenis are now worried that heavy-handed Western insistence on counterterrorism objectives will backfire, increasing support for al-Qaeda affiliates.

One popular Yemeni sheikh proclaimed that delegates attending the London meeting were planning the invasion of Yemen.

But US President Barack Obama has ruled out sending US troops to Yemen and Pentagon military planners have decided to keep a light footprint in this strategic Arabian Peninsula state.

'Enormous pressure'

Yemen is the poorest country in the Middle East, with dwindling oil reserves, a growing population and a weak, incomplete central government.

Since 2006, Yemen's donors have pledged nearly $5bn in development aid but only a fraction of the money has been spent.

Yemen's government is unlikely to receive additional pledges until ministers demonstrate renewed commitment to reform and tackle corruption.

Yemen's previous record on governance reforms is poor but one Yemeni official involved in preparations for the London meeting said: "We are under enormous pressure now."

The sense of urgency that underpins the current debate about Yemen's future stems from the fact that Yemen is a collapsing state.

Oil revenues are falling, as oil production turns downward and there is currently little inward investment to support a sustainable economic base.

Terrorist networks are likely to grow as the state collapses, so an effective counterterrorism strategy requires a long-term commitment to development, good governance and state building.

Fragile state

Yemeni civil society organisations are calling on the organisers of the London conference to take a comprehensive approach to the country's current challenges.

They are calling for commitments to tackle poverty, support freedom of speech and protect human rights.

Yemeni opposition groups also want Mr Brown to insist on measures to reduce internal political tensions in this fragile state.

They want the Yemeni president to launch a national dialogue that addresses the grievances of grassroots southern separatists and brings an end to the six-year civil war in the northern province of Saada.

The government claims that Saada rebels, southern secessionists and al-Qaeda affiliates belong to an "axis of evil" but local analysts warn Yemeni officials are conflating domestic dissent with terrorism in order to justify repressive measures.

In recent weeks, the Yemeni military claims to have killed AQAP's deputy commander, Said al-Shihri, and military commander, Qasim al-Raymi, but the jihadi organisation says both men are still alive.

Tackling terrorism in Yemen requires an ambitious, holistic strategy, combined with an acute instinct for the interplay of local political issues.

Success depends on a united front among Western powers, support from Yemen's neighbours and committed partners in Yemen.

Ginny Hill is an associate fellow at Chatham House in London, where she runs the Yemen Forum.


Nigeria Set Up Ghana Semi

Nigeria Set Up Ghana Semi

William Njobvu of Zambia and John Obi Mikel of Nigeria

January 25, 2010

Nigeria Set Up Ghana Semi Zambia and Nigeria played out a largely dreary goalless draw in Lubango and needed a penalty shoot-out, the first of the 2010 Africa Cup of Nations, to decide the quarterfinal match.

Neither team was overly impressive during regulation time and this match lacked the drama and action of the three quarterfinal match-up's that preceded it.

Nigeria played almost the entire second half of extra time a man short when they had defender Onyekachi Apam sent off for a wreck less two footed challenge on Zambian substitute Emmanuel Mayuka in the 106th minute.

Despite playing a man short, Nigeria held on to take the match to a penalty shoot_out where they scored all five of their kicks.

Goalkeeper Vincent Enyeama was the Super Eagles shoot-out hero as he saved Thomas Nyirenda's kick and converted Nigeria's fifth to send them through to the semi finals at an Nations Cup tournament for the first time since 2004.

In regulation time it took a quarter of an hour for any of the goalkeepers to see their goal threatened, Mweene was the first into action but was hardly troubled as he got down to collect Dickson Etuhu's powerful shot from around 22 yards from goal.

It took another 15 for either team to threaten the opposition goal and it was Nigeria who were up in the Zambian penalty area when Yakubu was dispossessed of the ball again, but it fell to Mikel who belted the ball low and hard towards goal.

Mweene remained in the centre of his goal and then threw himself at the ball and made a one handed block pushing the ball to safety.

Zambia had hardly threatened the Nigerian goal in the first half in the rare occasions that they did the 'Copper Bullets' wasted them, Christopher Katonogo's 32nd minute header had no direction as he headed Jacob Mulenga's floated ball in from the lefty into the side netting.

In the final minute of the first half James Chamanga could not connect with Felix Katongo's low ground ball from the left when he was just a few yards from goal as he miss kicked the ball, letting a golden goal scoring chance float by.

A dreary first half ended goalless as both teams lacked the creative spark to have made pulled ahead in the opening forty five minutes, Zambia created the first chance of the second half when Felix Katongo drew Enyeama into making a save as he shot for goal from around 25 yards out.

Ten minutes after the restart and Zambia began asking questions of the Nigerian defence on two occasions, but could not drive home the pressure as Chris Katongo could not bring Mbola's dangerous cross under control in the 51st minute.

Seven minutes later Chamanga turned his marker on the left hand edge of the Nigerian 18 yard area but send his effort at goal way of the cross bar.

For the first time in the game there was an end to end movement it happened in the 66th minute, Himonde rose up to head a Zambian corner from the right towards goal his header beat Enyeama but Yusuf Mohamed came to the rescue for Nigeria clearing the ball off the line.

The Super Eagles quickly broke and eventually Obasi managed to loop the ball over the Zambian defence setting Yakubu clear on goal but the Nigerian skipper could not get the ball under control and the chance slipped away under his boots.

Zambia had reason to feel aggrieved in the 85th minute as they should have been awarded a penalty when Kaita had his hands around Mayuka and pulled him down inside the Nigeria penalty area; Mayuka was guilty of missing a gilt edge chance at goal in the final minute of normal time.

Still goalless after 90 minutes the match headed into extra time.

In extra time Zambia were given the upper hand when Nigeria's Apam was shown his marching orders in the 106th minute for a two footed lunge on Mayuka of Zambia, it was Apam's second bookable offence.

In an effort to make their numerical advantage count in the 108th minute The Copper Bullets created an opening for William Njobvu who unleashed a powerful shot at the Nigerian goal some 25 yards from goal, which had Enyeama jumping off the ground to get the faintest of touches to the ball to turn it out for a corner.

Two minutes before the end of extra time Mikel lifted the ball up and over the Zambian rear guard for Obafemi Martins, who chased the ball and from close to goal attempted a spectacular scissor-kick which went over Mweene.

With the teams deadlocked at 0-0 after 120 minutes it was off to the first penalty shoot out of the competition to see who would be facing Ghana in the semi-finals.

Zambia kicked off the shoot out and had Chivuta, Chris Katongo and Mayuka score but Nyirenda's kick was saved by Enyeama, even though Mweene was to convert Zambia's fifth kick it was not enough.

As Mikel, Martins, Nsofor, Odemwingie and Enyeama all converted their spot kicks to see Nigeria prevail 5-4 in the shoot out to set up a semi final meeting with Ghana.

Mighty Pharaohs Tame The Lions

Mighty Pharaohs Tame The Lions

Egypt's Ahmed Hassan
January 25, 2010

Six-time winners Egypt will meet north African rivals Algeria in the African Cup of Nations semi-finals after they needed extra time before overcoming Cameroon 3-1 in Benguela on Monday night.

The game was a lot tighter than the score-line suggested, with Egypt having to come from behind to force extra time before two quick fire goals sealed the win.

The Indomitable Lions gave as good as they got in this contest, and for the most part were the more adventurous and attacking side, but in the end the Pharaoh's greater tactical awareness, discipline and big-game experience carried them through.

The west African side can however only have themselves to blame as all three goals conceded involved under-par defending.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Editorial: Obama and Mideast

Editorial: Obama and Mideast
Arab News

US President Barack Obama hit the mark when he acknowledged that the Middle East peace process has not moved forward; that "we overestimated our ability to persuade" the Palestinians and Israelis "to start engaging in a meaningful conversation;" and that "what we did this year didn't produce the kind of breakthrough that we wanted." But in the Time magazine interview marking the first anniversary of his inauguration, Obama's next comment was odd: "If we had anticipated some of these political problems on both sides earlier, we might not have raised expectations as high."

The Palestinian-Israeli problem is over 60 years old, has been impervious to numerous peace initiatives, has withstood multiple changes of leaderships, and Obama was somehow caught off guard?

At the UN General Assembly last September, Obama felt it necessary to tell his audience that he was not naive about how hard it would be to make peace in the Middle East. But perhaps he was. His speech in Cairo in June, aimed at Muslims around the world, for a while induced a state of near euphoria among observers who had been fierce critics of the foreign policy of President George W. Bush. He repeated his support for Palestinian aspirations for freedom. And he repeated that America "does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements."

Both Obama and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated unequivocally at the time that Israel should stop building settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. The reality with which Obama and Clinton are grappling, though, is that Israel continues to expand its settlements. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has given every indication that he is in no mood to stop the outposts. This is bad. What is worse is that the Obama administration is yet to give any indication that it can or would make him stop. A settlement freeze, we are now told by Obama's Middle East envoy George Mitchell, was never an American precondition for talks between Israel and Palestinians.

Because of this unprecedented comedown, one completely rejected by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, several months could produce only a brief, cold public handshake at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Manhattan between Abbas and Netanyahu.

Obama obviously misread the scale of the difficulties. He admirably plunged into the Middle East faster than any of his predecessors and certainly, no reasonable person should have expected a solution in his first year. But Obama opened his push for peace with calls for a complete halt on Israeli settlement building in the West Bank without anticipating that Israel would not deliver. The result is Abbas' recent, blunt rejection of the latest Mitchell shuttle to resume peace talks without an Israeli settlement freeze.

The Middle East, as Obama told Time, is "as intractable a problem as you get." Never were there truer words but Obama overestimated the problem as well as himself. He is good at making speeches but his fine words have not been translated into concrete action.

The belief is that Obama remains committed to trying to broker a Mideast deal but it's unclear what he could try next. One thing is sure: These are serious times. It's not the time for rhetorical flights of fancy. Obama has suffered because of the expectations his own words have aroused.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Yar’Adua’s fate hangs in balance

Yar'Adua's fate hangs in balance
Camillus Eboh | Reuters

Umaru Yar'Adua

ABUJA: Nigeria's Cabinet will decide within 14 days whether President Umaru Yar'Adua is fit enough to govern Africa's most populous nation after a two-month absence for medical treatment, the attorney general said on Friday. The country's Federal High Court early in the day gave a 14-day deadline to the Cabinet to pass a resolution to determine whether the ailing president is capable of remaining in power.

The 58-year-old leader has not been seen publicly since leaving the country on Nov. 23 to receive treatment for a heart ailment. He has not transferred power to his deputy, triggering debate over the legality of government decisions.

Judge Dan Abutu gave the ruling after a former lawmaker brought a legal case against the government, saying the president's failure to transfer power was in breach of the constitution.

"We will abide by the judgment of the court. The Executive Council of the Federation will within 14 days, as directed, consider a resolution on the state of the president's health," Attorney General Michael Aondoakaa said.

The Senate, which was briefed on Thursday on Yar'Adua's health in a closed-door session, is due to meet next Tuesday for an update and may also take a position on whether the president should remain in office.

The Cabinet unanimously agreed in early December that there were no grounds to seek his resignation, rejecting calls for him to step down or prove his fitness to govern.

Some political analysts say ministers are reluctant to come out against Yar'Adua because they fear they would lose their jobs if Vice President Goodluck Jonathan were to take over. But pressure for a resolution has mounted since December.

Nigeria has had to cope with clashes between Christians and Muslims, which killed hundreds of people in the central city of Jos this week as well as the risk of resurgent violence in the Niger Delta, the heartland of its mainstay oil industry.

More than 3,000 people marched to the state government headquarters in the commercial capital Lagos on Thursday, a rare public demonstration of political anger, demanding Yar'Adua give up his executive powers or return to Nigeria immediately.

It was the second major street protest following a similar demonstration in the capital Abuja.

Foreign Minister Ojo Maduekwe declined to give a clear answer when questioned in a BBC interview broadcast on Thursday. "I do not rule out (a transfer of power to Jonathan) but he should not be stampeded into doing that."

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo, Yar'Adua's direct predecessor and his main sponsor to the presidency, defended himself against accusations he had imposed an "invalid" on the nation, but was less than equivocal in his support for Yar'Adua.

"If you take up a job, elected, appointed or whatever, and then your health starts to fail you and you will not be able to deliver ... to satisfy the people you are supposed to serve, then there is a path of honor and path of morality," he said.

"If you don't know that, you don't know anything. I will stop on that note," he told a briefing in Abuja on Thursday.

Obasanjo remains an influential figure within the ruling party and his closeness to Jonathan means his influence over government could grow should the vice president take over.

Abutu's ruling was in response to a case brought against the government by a former lawmaker and an Abuja-based lawyer in the hope that it would force Yar'Adua to hand over power.

Two similar suits by the Nigerian Bar Association and a leading human rights lawyer are still awaiting judgment.

Abutu last week ruled Jonathan could exercise executive powers but could not be "acting president," sparking confusion over how far his authority extends while Yar'Adua is absent.

Friday, January 22, 2010

What the Qur’an teaches: Truth versus falsehood

What the Qur'an teaches: Truth versus falsehood
Adil Salahi

In the name of God, the Lord of Grace, the Ever Merciful

Ha. Mim. The revelation of this book is from God, the Almighty, the All-Knowing, who forgives sins, accepts repentance, is severe in retribution and limitless in bounty. There is no deity other than Him. To Him is the ultimate return. - (The Forgiving, Ghafir; 40: 1-3)

This surah deals with the major issues of truth and falsehood, faith and unfaith, the message and those who reject it, as well as unjustifiable tyranny and how God smites tyrants who seek to impose their will on others. It also refers to the position of believers who follow divine guidance and obey God's commandments. It mentions how the angels pray that they may be forgiven their sins, and how God answers their prayers. It also speaks about the reward awaiting them in the life to come.

Such being its subject matter, the whole atmosphere of the surah is one of a battle, the battle between truth and falsehood, faith and tyranny. This is interspersed with an air of grace and mercy whenever the believers are mentioned.

The general atmosphere is generated through a description of how earlier communities were destroyed as a result of their opposition to divine faith, as well as several images of the Day of Judgment. All in all, these awesome images suit the somber air of the surah.

Fittingly, the opening of the surah uses short phrases that carry a distinctive beat: "Who forgives sins; accepts repentance; is severe in retribution; limitless in bounty; there is no deity other than Him; to Him is the ultimate return." These phrases sound like hammers striking in unison, with harmony between meaning and rhythm. Note also that words like "might" and "power" are frequently used in the surah.

As a whole, the surah has a powerful effect on us, portraying as it does scenes of the Day of Judgment and images of the fate of earlier communities. At times, it softens its rhythm so as to gently touch our hearts, showing us images of the angels who carry God's throne, as well as those around it, praying to God to bestow His grace on His devoted servants.

The same may be said regarding the verses that refer to universal scenes or to the finer elements of the human soul, as both provide evidence in support of the truth of faith. In all such images there is evident harmony and consistency, the whole ambience perfectly fitting the surah's subject matter.

The surah may be divided into four parts. The first begins with two separate letters: "Ha. Mim. The revelation of this book is from God, the Almighty, the All-Knowing." This is followed by the short phrases with their distinctive beat, to which we referred earlier.

The surah then states that the whole universe submits to God and obeys Him. Only the unbelievers dispute God's revelations, thus they separate themselves from the rest of the universe. Therefore, the Prophet should pay no attention to them, no matter how affluent and well pleased they appear to be. They will inevitably face the same fate suffered by earlier communities of unbelievers. God smote them with a stern punishment. Nevertheless, more suffering awaits them in the life to come. By contrast, the angels carrying God's throne, as well as those surrounding it, declare their belief in their Lord, address their worship to Him alone, and pray for the forgiveness of the believers among the dwellers of the earth, as well as for their success and


At the same time, the surah gives an image of the unbelievers when the entire universe, which believes in God, calls out to them on the Day of Resurrection, saying: "Indeed, greater than your present loathing of yourselves is God's loathing of you when you were called to the faith and you rejected it." (Verse 10)

In their position of humiliation, which contrasts with their arrogance in this present life, they admit their faults and acknowledge their Lord, but such realization is now of no use to them. They are only reminded of what they used to do when they associated partners with God and arrogantly turned from His guidance.

This image of the hereafter is followed by one presenting people's situation in this present life: "He it is who shows you His signs and sends down sustenance from the sky for you." (Verse 13) They are so reminded in order that they may turn to their Lord and declare their belief in Him as the only God: "Pray to God, then, sincere in your faith in Him alone, however hateful this may be to the unbelievers." (Verse 14)

The surah then adds a strong warning of that fearful day, and follows this with an image of how they stand on that day: "The Day when they shall come forth, with nothing about them concealed from God." (Verse 16) Those who are arrogant, tyrannical or disputant will all disappear into insignificance: "With whom does sovereignty rest today? With God, the One who holds absolute sway over all that exists." (Verse 16) The surah goes on to give further images of that day when judgment over all belongs to God alone. All those worshipped instead or alongside Him are nowhere to be seen.


Thursday, January 21, 2010



United Nations agencies and their non-governmental partners today warned of the impact of the Israeli blockade on Gaza's population and on health services, and repeated their call for an immediate opening of the border crossings.

"The continuing closure of the Gaza Strip is undermining the functioning of the health care system and putting at risk the health of 1.4 million people in Gaza," Max Gaylard, the UN Humanitarian Coordinator for the occupied Palestinian territory, said in a joint statement with the Association of International Development Agencies.

Hospitals and primary care facilities, damaged during the fighting in Gaza one year ago, have not been rebuilt because construction materials are not allowed into the territory owing to the ongoing blockade, which is now in its third year.

Operation 'Cast Lead' – the three-week military operation which Israel said it launched in response to rocket and other attacks by militants in Gaza – damaged 15 of Gaza's 27 hospitals, and 43 of its 110 primary health-care facilities were either damaged or destroyed.

Certain types of medical equipment, such as x-ray equipment and electronic devices, are very difficult to bring in, and health professionals in Gaza have been cut off from the outside world, the statement noted.

The World Health Organization (<"">WHO) pointed out that many specialized treatments, such as for complex heart surgery and certain types of cancer, are not available in Gaza and patients are therefore referred for treatment to hospitals outside Gaza.

But many patients have had their applications for exit permits denied or delayed by the Israeli authorities and have missed their appointments, with some having died while waiting for referral.

"The Government of Israel has a legal duty to guarantee the right to health for people in Gaza," declared today's statement. "The humanitarian community calls for the crossings into Gaza to be reopened."

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, in a report issued last November, stressed that the blockade of vital supplies has devastated Gaza's economy and "has also severely impaired the realization of a wide range of economic, social and cultural rights, as well as civil and political rights."

Today's statement noted that Gaza's economy is in virtual collapse with rising unemployment and poverty, which will have long-term adverse effects on the physical and mental health of the population.

In a related development, Mr. Ban has <"">appointed Filippo Grandi of Italy as the Commissioner-General of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (<"">UNRWA), effective today.

Mr. Grandi, who has been the Agency's Deputy Commissioner General since September 2005, succeeds Karen AbuZayd of the United States.

"The Secretary-General is deeply grateful to Ms. AbuZayd for her tireless and dedicated service to the Palestinian people and excellent leadership of UNRWA at an important juncture," Mr. Ban's spokesperson, Martin Nesirky, told reporters.

Mr. Ban also announced the <"">appointment of Margot B. Ellis as UNRWA's Deputy Commissioner-General. Since July 2008, Ms. Ellis has been Acting Assistant Administrator for Asia for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

UNRWA provides assistance, protection and advocacy for some 4.7 million registered Palestinian refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and the occupied Palestinian territory, including in the areas of education, health care, community support and emergency response in times of armed conflict.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

US National Endowment for Democracy Hosts Chairman Silanyo in a Conference on Somaliland in Washington D.C.

US National Endowment for Democracy Hosts Chairman Silanyo in a Conference on Somaliland in Washington D.C.

silanyo washington tourUS  National Endowment for Democracy Hosts Chairman Silanyo in a Conference on Somaliland in Washington D.C.

Somaliland Globe (Washington, 14 Jan, 2010) Mr. Ahmed Silanyo's visit to Washington has prompted a renewed interest in and a focus on Somaliland by the United States. Speaking in a conference organized by the US National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Mr. Silanyo provided an in-depth assessment on Somaliland, gleaning to the conference attendees a wide variety of aspects of Somaliland's historical, political, security and economic realities.

KULMIYE's presidential candidate appealed to the international community to lend a hand to the democratization effort that is ongoing in Somaliland, and warned against the negative consequences of denying the Somaliland people of free elections for the regional security.

The Chairman of KULMIYE party, accompanied by his Foreign Secretary, Dr. Mohamed A Omar, stressed the need for the United States and the donor communities to provide an increased development aid to Somaliland to mitigate potential radicalization of the youth in the absence any educational and or economic opportunities. He also emphasized on the need to combat the threat of terrorism and piracy in the Horn of Africa by establishing a joint front with the international community and asked the US to partner with Somaliland in dealing with this serous threat.

Interest in Somaliland has hereto forth been dormant in the US policy circles due to the lack of any meaningful advocacy by the current Somaliland government.  Mr. Silanyo's visit to the US capital seemed to have heralded a new US interest in engaging with Somaliland for the mutual interest of the two nations.

The conference was attended by officials from the US State Department, US AID, NED, former US Ambassador to Ethiopia, David Shinn, Former US Assistant Secretary of State, Hon. Princeton Lyman, friends of Somaliland, scholars that follow the affairs of the Horn of Africa and others.

Somaliland Globe

Washington DC

Muhammad Cartoonist Defiant After Attack

Muhammad Cartoonist Defiant After Attack

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
By Henryk M. Broder


Four years ago, Kurt Westergaard triggered a bitter clash of cultures with his cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad. On New Year's Day, a young Muslim from Somalia tried to kill him with a knife and an ax. Despite having to live under constant protection, the Danish cartoonist refuses to give up.


He supports himself with a cane as he stands in the hallway, staring at the demolished bathroom door. A sheet of particleboard has been nailed to the door to hold it together, but the indentations from the ax are still visible in the frame, where some of the wood was chipped off. In a few days, workers will install a steel door and an alarm system, and a pavilion will be built in the garden for the police officers assigned to protect him. Kurt Westergaard's house has to be turned into a fortress.


Last Thursday was the first time Westergaard was back in his row house in the Danish city of Aarhus since the New Year's Day attack, when a young man from Somalia broke into the house. Westergaard saw the man in the hallway, fled into the bathroom, locked the door and pressed his panic button, while the man tried to break down the door with an ax. The police quickly arrived on the scene, and it took only two shots to incapacitate the intruder.

Westergaard has returned to his house to pick up a few things he needs, so that he can continue working in the secret location where he is currently being housed. Although the names Kurt and Birgitte Westergaard are still printed on the doorbell nameplate outside, Westergaard now feels like a stranger in his own home.


His wife is cooking lunch in the kitchen: baked fish with black bread and tartar sauce. The table in the living room is set for eight: three police officers, two workmen, the Westergaards and their visitor from Germany. Whenever the doorbell rings, one of the officers from Danish state security gets up to see who it is. The Westergaards plan to return to the house full-time once the renovations are complete and things have settled down. "I refuse to hide," says Westergaard. "And it wouldn't do any good," says his wife. "Denmark is too small for that. Anyone can find anyone else here."


The Muslim World in Uproar


Westergaard was one of 12 cartoonists who published drawings of the Prophet Muhammad in the newspaper Jyllands-Posten in September 2005. A few months later, the Muslim world, inflamed by Islamists from Denmark, was in an uproar. Ambassadors in Copenhagen submitted official complaints to the Danish government, an organization of Islamic countries called for a boycott of Danish products, Libya closed its embassy, activists in Gaza City stormed the grounds of the European Union office there, and Arab League foreign ministers demanded punishment for the cartoonists. Tens of thousands of women took to the streets in the Yemeni capital San'a, the Danish Embassy in Lebanon was set on fire, Iran severed trade relations, and there were widespread protests throughout the Muslim world, in Tehran, Pakistan, Malaysia, Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka and Nigeria. The protests claimed 150 lives, including six people who died in a suicide bombing attack on the Danish Embassy in Pakistan.


The Islamic world felt insulted and provoked by the Danish cartoons. Westergaard, an atheist, had turned in what was probably the most provocative drawing, with his Muhammad wearing a turban that contained a bomb with a fuse attached to it. He was also the only one of the cartoonists who appeared in public and defended his right to freedom of expression.


He has received dozens of threatening phone calls since then. In 2008, three people were arrested and charged with plotting to kill Westergaard. But everything changed on Jan. 1, when a threat turned into a question of survival. At this point, shouldn't Westergaard be asking himself whether this symbol, this cartoon, was worth having to now share his life with three police officers assigned to protect him and his wife around the clock?


Westergaard is 74. He comes from a town in North Jutland County in northern Denmark, where his father owned a small shop. He grew up among devout Christians and, like everyone else, attended Sunday school, where he learned about the existence of God and Satan. "But God," says Westergaard, "is far away and the devil is nearby. Both are tyrants that frighten people."


'Sent on Vacation'


After finishing high school, Westergaard wanted to study art, but his parents were opposed to the idea. Instead, he ended up working as a teacher of German, English and Art Education, first at an elementary school and, after gathering 10 years of experience, at a special school for the disabled. At 50, he decided to try his luck as a cartoonist. His first cartoons appeared in a left-leaning liberal newspaper called Demokraten, which soon went out of business. He then took a job with Jyllands-Posten, where he has worked as a cartoonist for the last 25 years, producing a cartoon almost every day, usually about a current event. Throughout the years, even after the publication of the Muhammad cartoons, Westergaard had an office in the newspaper's editorial department.


Two months ago, however, Westergaard was "sent on vacation," as he says. It is unclear whether the paper was more concerned about his health or its own security. But now, says Westergaard, he doesn't want to stay at home anymore, preferring to return to his desk at Jyllands-Posten.


Jörn Mikkelsen, the editor-in-chief of Jyllands-Posten, has been working for the paper since 1994. He started out as a correspondent in Bonn, joined the senior editorial team in 2002 and has been editor-in-chief since 2008.


As Mikkelsen recalls, at some point in December 2005 the Associated Press published a four-line report from the city of Srinagar in Kashmir, where merchants in the local bazaar had staged a protest against cartoons in a Danish newspaper after Friday prayers. "We laughed about it in the editorial department, but later, as I was going home, I started having a queasy feeling. I asked myself: How did they find out about this? Who reads Jyllands-Posten in Kashmir?"


'We Have Not Regretted It'


Before the cartoons were published, the editors had a long and very serious discussion about the matter, says Mikkelsen, but no one anticipated such dramatic consequences. The incident occurred more than four years ago, and yet it seems that the matter will never be brought to an end.


"Nevertheless, we have not regretted it, because the dispute is too important. It would never even have started if the cartoons hadn't been published. We didn't hatch any terrorist plans, and we didn't attack anyone with an axe. All we did was to do our job as a media outlet. Others exploited the printing (of the cartoons) for their own ends."


Mikkelsen pauses, and then says: "On the other hand, many people lost their lives at the time."


The newspaper has reprinted the cartoons on occasion. The last time it did so was a little over a year ago, after the murder plot against Westergaard had been uncovered and the suicide bombing had been committed against the Danish Embassy in Islamabad.


"We've all become smarter," says Mikkelsen. "There is a new, heightened security situation that we cannot ignore." In an interview in his own paper, he explained the new policy to his readers, saying that Denmark is now on the terrorists' list of hot spots and that extremists in Pakistan are watching the country carefully. "It isn't just about Jyllands-Posten anymore, it's about the entire Danish nation. As a responsible newspaper, we cannot ignore this."


We have seen enough of the cartoons, says Mikkelsen, and it is time to begin a debate over Islamism and a new totalitarianism. "As a newspaper, we have now reached our limits. We want to keep the debate going, but we cannot constantly return to its point or origin."


Westergaard, for his part, feels abandoned. Since the recent attack, his anger has returned, he says, and he talks about his disappointment with the Danish intellectuals who have taken sides against him. Neither the Danish Association of Visual Artists nor the Danish PEN Center has supported him, says Westergaard, who notes that the "intellectual class" spends its time "drinking coffee and cultivating its cultural relativism."


On the other hand, he says, he has received hundreds of e-mails from "normal people." One of them even offered him a house on the Faroe Islands, noting that it would be a safe place to hide.


"It is simply absurd that you have to fear for your life in your own house and your own country, because, as a cartoonist, you have an opinion that others don't like." He says that he has also poked fun at Christianity, and once drew a cartoon of Jesus stepping down from the cross in an Armani suit. "People were upset about that, too, but it was all over after a week."


Fundamentalists Have a Long Memory


Westergaard says that he sleeps well, doesn't have bad dreams and doesn't need to take any pills. Although he now feels like a stranger in his own house, he still wants to return home. He tries to laugh about things that actually make him angry. He believes in a future, even though he cannot shake the past. He has decided to drive to the Jyllands-Posten editorial offices every day again, go to the gym every other day and sit in a café whenever he pleases. The police officers will always be with him, "for as long as I live," he says. Westergaard tries to keep his spirits up, even though he has few good reasons to be in a good mood.


Was the whole thing worth it?


He smiles. "I don't think about that. Even the Danish prime minister is guarded around the clock." He calls it a kind of Stockholm syndrome, but with positive aspects.


Then he tells the story of Danish illustrator Hans Bendix, who made fun of the Nazis in the 1930s, until the Danish Foreign Ministry asked him to stop provoking the Germans. Bendix obeyed, but that didn't prevent the Germans from occupying Denmark. He survived the occupation and became an illustrator again after the war.


Westergaard's life will never return to the way it was before Sept. 30, 2005. Fundamentalists have a long memory.


In the evening, he has his bodyguards drive him to Skanderborg to see his gallery owner, Erik Guldager, who once worked for BASF in Denmark and opened an art gallery a few years ago.


After having dinner at Guldager's house, Westergaard gets to work. He signs watercolors and prints that Guldager sends to Westergaard collectors around the world, even in Saudi Arabia. The best-selling item is the cartoon of Muhammad with the bomb in his turban, with a signed print now going for upwards of €500 ($715). The printing of 1,000 copies is already exhausted, with the exception of a few copies Guldager has bought back.


A collector recently paid a six-figure dollar amount for the original. It is kept in a bank vault in Copenhagen.


Translated from the German by Christopher Sultan

