Saturday, October 18, 2008

Haweeney tujineysa salaadda jimcaha

Amina Wadud oo tujinaysa jameeco sanadkii 2005 BBC Somali

Ururka Islaamka ee Britian oo ku casuumay qof dumar ah oo muslimka Mareykanka ah inay tujiso salaadda Jimacaha ee maanta ee ka dhacaysa magaalada Oxford ee waddankan Britian.
Tallaabadan ayaa mid keeni doonta carro xoog leh oo ay ka soo horjeestaan qaar ka mid ah muslimka waddankan.
Warbixinta Haweeneyda
Professor Amina Wadud oo cilmiga Islaamka ka dhigta jaamicadda Virginia Commonwealth University, ayaa dhalisay buuq weyn markii laba sano ka hor ay sidan oo kale Imam u noqotay oo ay tujisay dad badan magaalada New York.
Masaajidyo dhawr ah ayaa diiday in xilligaasi oo ahayd 2005 ay haweeneydaasi salaad jameeco ah ku tujiso halkaasi, iyadoo markii danbe loo wareejiyay dhisme goob kaniisad oo ku taala magaalada New York.
Qaar badan oo ka mid ah muslimiinta caalamka ayaa cambaareeyay tallaabadaasi oo ay ku tilmaameen wax ka soo horjeeda sharciga Islaamka.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sorrowful condition of the unbelieversCommentary by Sayyid Qutb

In the name of God, the Lord of Grace, the Ever Merciful

Around their necks We have put chains, reaching up to their chins, so that their heads are forced up. And We have set a barrier before them and a barrier behind them, and We enshrouded them in veils so that they cannot see. It is all the same to them whether you warn them or you do not warn them: they will not believe. You can truly warn only such a one as follows this reminder and who stand in awe of the Lord of Grace although He is beyond the reach of human perception. To such, then, give the happy news of God’s forthcoming forgiveness and a generous reward. It is We who will bring the dead back to life. We record whatever (deeds) they send ahead, as well as the traces they leave behind. We keep an account of all things in a clear record. Cite for them, as a case in point, the people of a township to which messengers came. (Ya Sin: 36: 8-13)

At this point, the surah draws an image of their psychological condition, and we see them with chains around their necks, barriers separating them from divine guidance, and with a cover over their eyes depriving them of the ability to see: “Around their necks We have put chains, reaching up to their chins, so that their heads are forced up. And We have set a barrier before them and a barrier behind them, and We enshrouded them in veils so that they cannot see.” Their hands are fastened with chains to their necks, placed under their chins, which has the effect of lifting up their heads such that they cannot see what is in front of them. Moreover, there are walls and barriers both in front of and behind them, which means that even if they were released from these chains, they still could not see through the barriers. Furthermore, the covers placed over their eyes makes it even more impossible for them to see.

Although this image is fierce and sharp, we actually do encounter people of this ilk. When you see them overlooking the plain truth that is in front of them, you feel as if there is a wall separating them from it. Although their hands are not chained and nor are their heads forced up, you nonetheless feel that their souls and minds are turned away from the truth, unable to see guidance. It is as if there are barriers preventing them from approaching it. Such were the people who turned deaf ears to the Qur’an and who received it with irrational denial as it put before them its argument and proof.

This is when the Qur’an is itself a irrefutable proof.
“It is all the same to them whether you warn them or you do not warn them: they will not believe.” Their case is settled. God knows that faith will not penetrate their hearts. No warning will ever benefit a heart that has steeled itself against divine guidance, and barracked its approach. Warnings do not create hearts; it only alerts a heart that is alive, ready to receive guidance: “You can truly warn only such a one as follows this reminder and who stands in awe of the Lord of Grace although He is beyond the reach of human perception. To such, then, give the happy news of God’s forthcoming forgiveness and a generous reward.”

Most probably, the ‘reminder’ in this instance refers to the Qur’an. A person who follows the Qur’an and fears God despite not seeing Him is the one who benefits by the warning. It is as if the warning has been given to such people only and the Prophet (peace be upon him) directed it to them alone, even though he addressed it to all people. Since the others are prevented from receiving the warning, it looks as if it is given only to those who follow the Qur’an and fear God. Such people deserve to be given good news. Hence the Prophet is told to give them ‘the happy news of God’s forthcoming forgiveness and a generous reward.’ They need the forgiveness of any sin they commit providing they do not persist in doing it, and they deserve the generous reward for fearing God and following what He has revealed. These two aspects go hand in hand: When a person truly fears God, he or she is certain to follow His guidance and implement the system He has laid down.

At this point, the truth of resurrection is emphasized, together with the reckoning that ignores nothing: “It is We who will bring the dead back to life. We record whatever (deeds) they send ahead, as well as the traces they leave behind. We keep an account of all things in a clear record.” Bringing the dead back to life has always been an issue fraught with argument, of which we will see several types in this surah. They are warned here that whatever they do and whatever effects their deeds cause are written down, and nothing is forgotten. It is God Almighty who brings the dead back to life, records their actions and reckons everything. All this, then, is done in the perfect way that fits anything done by God. As for the ‘clear record’ and similar descriptions such as ‘the imperishable tablet’, these are most probably references to God’s perfect knowledge that transcends time and place.
Having presented the issues of revelation and resurrection in the form of a factual statement, the surah now presents them again in narrative form so as to touch hearts with a story about the fate of those who persist in denying the truth: “Cite for them, as a case in point, the people of a township to which messengers came.”

The Qur’an does not mention which township this was or who were its people. Different reports suggest different towns and cities, but there is no real benefit in trying to establish its identity. The fact that the Qur’an neither identifies it nor mentions its location does not detract from the import of the story. It is a city to which God sent two messengers, just as He sent Moses and his brother Aaron to Pharaoh and his nobles. The people of the city rejected their message, accusing them of lying. God supported His two messengers with a third, confirming that they were truly His messengers. All three of them again presented their message, saying to the people: “We are messengers who have been sent to you.”

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Netherlands: Interest in imam training

The Dutch imam and Islam courses are going well. Currently about 150 students are taking the course in one of three institutions. The number of students three years after the courses were started is therefore similar to those of the various courses for Christian pastoral care, according to data from the ministry of integration Friday.

The course can be taken at the Free University, the University of Leiden and at the InHolland College. The course forms a basis for graduate to continue on their studies within the Islamic community for the position of imam. Graduates can also get work as a Muslim spiritual chaplain, as spiritual attendant in prisons, hospitals and in the military, as social workers, teachers or policy assistant. Source: Telegraaf (Dutch)

Witches could get posthumous pardon for execution

Campaigners are seeking a posthumous pardon for the men and women who were executed as British witches centuries ago.
They have collected a set of eight grave "miscarriages of justice" with which they hope to persuade Justice Secretary Jack Straw on the issue.
More than 400 people were put to death in England for alleged witchcraft, and over 2,000 were executed in Scotland, before the 1735 Witchcraft Act put an end to the trials, they said.
Their bid to obtain justice for the victims follows an official pardon granted earlier this year by the Swiss Government to Anna Goeldi, beheaded in 1782 and regarded as the last person executed as a witch in Europe.
The family behind Angels, the Hallowe'en costume supplier, came up with the idea for the petition and turned to historian Dr John Callow to collect some of the victims' stories.

Dr Callow, editor of Witchcraft and Magic in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Europe, said it was now time to recognise the witch trials as "most dangerous and tragic" fabrications.
"Today we are well aware that these individuals were neither capable of harmful magic nor in league with the devil," he said.
"At the time, poverty was endemic - charity was breaking down and aggressive begging, accompanied by threats or curses, was common.
"Crops failed, butter failed to churn or cattle sickened and the blame was often settled on witches.
"Against such a background, judiciaries across the British Isles were compelled to act.
"The results were perjury and delusion on a grand scale, resulting in nothing less than legalised murder."
Notorious cases mentioned in the petition include that of Agnes Sampson, executed in East Lothian, Scotland, in 1591.
Considered a healer, she acted as midwife to the community of Nether Keith but, following a near shipwreck involving King James VI of Scotland, became one of many Scottish women accused of witchcraft.

Although she initially resisted torture, even before James VI at Holyrood House, she finally confessed and was burned at the stake.
In another case, 80-year-old clergyman John Lowes was forced to conduct his own funeral service before he was hanged in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, in 1645.
The octogenarian was seen as too attached to the Catholic religion in a strongly Reformed area and was forced to walk for days and nights by the witch hunter Matthew Hopkins until confessing.
Emma Angel, head of Angels Fancy Dress, said: "We decided to launch this initiative because we feel that it is time that sinister associations held by a minority of people about witches and Hallowe'en were tackled head-on.
"We were gobsmacked to discover that though the law was changed hundreds of years ago and society had moved on, the victims were never officially pardoned.
"The Swiss have led the way on this one, and I really hope that we can encourage our government to follow suit."

he campaign aims to make people realise that witches never really existed, and the fears of the past - such as criticism of Hallowe'en as a sinister celebration of the occult - deserve no place in the present.
The petition, officially launched tomorrow, will be presented to the Ministry of Justice and its Scottish counterpart on Hallowe'en.
It can be seen at

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

He has been given money to help him get married – should he accept it?

One of my relatives sent me a large amount of money on the occasion of my marriage, with the intention of helping me. Should I accept it or is it better to be proud and be content with what I have?.

Praise be to Allaah.
There is nothing wrong with accepting it if you were not hoping for it, and reciprocating in a suitable manner or making du’aa’ for him, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever does you a favour, then respond in kind, and if you cannot find anything to give him, then make du’aa’ for him (and keep doing so) until you think that you have done enough.”
Narrated by Abu Dawood and al-Nasaa’i.
And Allaah is the Source of strength.
Al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah li’l-Buhooth al-‘Ilmiyyah wa’l-Ifta, 16/171

IslamQA© 1997-2008 : 81.55

Her brother is in jail and her paternal uncles are in another country. Who can be her wali

I am a revert but with Muslim family in other countries (i.e. my paternal uncles). My father is deceased which is why my brother and I were raised no Muslim. My brother is also a revert now but is in jail. I live with my mom and she is unmarried and is Christian. Her father (a nonmuslim) is the only mahram I have in this country besides my brother who is in jail. In this situation, who is my wali? Would it be the imam at the masjid I attend, or would it be one of my paternal uncles? Or is it still my brother?.

Praise be to Allaah.
We praise Allaah for having guided you to Islam, and we ask Him to increase you in faith, knowledge, steadfastness and guidance.

The woman’s wali is her father, then his father (i.e., her grandfather), then her son, then his son (i.e., her grandson) [this applies if she has sons], then her full brother, then her half-brother through her father only, then the sons of her full brother, then the sons of her half-brother through her father, then her paternal uncles, then their sons, then the father’s paternal uncles, then the ruler. Al-Mughni (9/355).

The grandfather who has the right of guardianship is the grandfather on the father’s side. The mother’s father cannot be a wali. Based on this, your wali is your Muslim brother; the fact that he is in jail does not prevent him from being a wali. It is possible to contact him and visit him, and at that time he can delegate someone to do the marriage contract for you on his behalf. If that is not possible, then your wali is your paternal uncle, and it does not matter that he is in another country. He can delegate someone to do the marriage contract for you, or the marriage contract can be done by modern means such as the telephone and internet.
See also the answer to question no. 2201 and 105531.
We ask Allaah to bless you with a righteous husband and righteous offspring.
And Allaah knows best.

Home Secretary forced into 'humiliating retreat' over detention plans

Emergency legislation to bring the 42-day limit into force will lie on file, Smith said
Plans to hold terror suspects for up to 42 days without charge were dramatically abandoned last night after the proposals were overwhelmingly defeated in the House of Lords.

In an emergency statement to MPs last night, Jacqui Smith announced a major U-turn, confirming she would pull the hugely contentious plans out of the Counter Terrorism Bill.
She backtracked on a key plank of Gordon Brown's legislative programme after peers inflicted a crushing defeat on the Government, voting by 309 to 118 – a majority of 191 – to reject any attempt to increase the current 28-day limit on detention.

The defeat was one of the largest in the Lords since Labour came to power, as ministers, including the former Labour Lord Chancellors Lord Irvine and Lord Falconer, rebelled to throw out the detention powers. Ms Smith said an emergency bill reintroducing the 42-day limit would be kept on file in case of a national crisis. Amid rowdy scenes she condemned Conservatives and Liberal Democrats for voting against the measure. But opposition MPs rounded on the Government, for executing a humiliating U-turn. Ms Smith said: "Those who have voted against these measures both in this House and in the other place are predominately from the two opposition parties. They should take responsibility for the defeat of this sensible and proportionate measure.

But Chris Huhne, the Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesman, retorted: "Whatever the Home Secretary says, this was a crushing defeat for the Government. It did not just lose the vote in the Lords, it lost the argument and is undergoing a humiliating retreat."
Dominic Grieve, the shadow Home Secretary, attacked legislation "put forward in such a way that smacks of mere political posturing and gimmicks."
Shami Chakrabarti, director of the pressure group Liberty, added: "Liberty has been overwhelmed by public and parliamentary support for our campaign against this divisive measure. If this or any other future government tried again... we will be waiting."

The Home Office climbdown came amid warnings that a defeat in the Upper House would merely open the way to a humiliating fresh rebellion in the House of Commons on the issue.
MPs and campaigners said the Bill would run into fierce opposition if ministers attempted to defy the Lords and tried to reintroduce the 42-day plan in the Commons. The planned extension of detention was carried in the Commons by a majority of just nine votes despite a rebellion by 36 Labour MPs after Democratic Unionist and Ulster Unionist MPs swung behind MPs.
But privately, ministers have been warned that wafer-thin majority had been cut still further, with the loss of Labour MPs in Glasgow East and Glenrothes and the departure from the Commons of the London Mayor Boris Johnson, who did not vote in June's division.
Lord Dear, the former West Midlands chief constable and crossbench peer, led calls to remove 42 days from the Bill, condemning the move as "a shabby charade" designed to look tough on terrorism. He said: "There is almost universal opposition to what the Government proposes.

It almost beggars belief that any administration could embark on such a course."
Lord Falkoner, the former Labour Lord Chancellor, said it was "fanciful" to argue that the plans would aid the fight against terrorism. Baroness Pauline Neville-Jones, the shadow Security Minister, said extending detention without charge was "unnecessary, undesirable and unworkable". Lord Thomas of Gresford, the Liberal Democrat frontbencher, condemned plans to give MPs a vote to trigger the extended detention powers as a "farce". He said: "That's not just unconstitutional, it's contemptible." But Lord Carlisle, the Liberal Democrat peer and the Government's independent reviewer of anti-terror law, insisted the change was needed to help police disrupt terrorist plots.

He said: "The authorities in this country have been fantastically successful in the disruptions that they have performed. I believe that, putting it at its lowest, many hundreds of lives have been saved by the authorities."
Lord Tebbit, the former Conservative cabinet minister seriously injured in the IRA bomb attack on the Grand Hotel in Brighton, said the Tories would "rue the day" if they helped defeat the 42-day plan.
He told peers: "How exactly would they go about coming back to Parliament and asking Parliament to grant those powers?"

By Ben Russell
The Independent

Monday, October 13, 2008

Rubicon Exotic Fruit Juice Drinks - mango, passionfruit, lychee, guava, guanabana, coconut water, orange, rose syrup, pineapple & coconut, tropical fruit How Halal they are? What portion of Alcohol make it not Halal?

After Ramadan :Maintaining Good Deeds After Ramadan

By Sheikh `Abdullah Ibn Jibreen
Here are ten means of keeping on doing good deeds after Ramadan:

1. Seek Allah's support, beseeching Him Almighty to guide you to the right path and help you remain steadfast in faith. Allah Almighty has praised the supplication of those who are of sound understanding when they have said: [Our Lord! Cause not our hearts to stray after Thou hast guided us, and bestow upon us mercy from Thy Presence. Lo! Thou, only Thou art the Bestower.] (Aal `Imran: 8)
2. Be keen on being in the company of the righteous and attending dhikr meetings such as religious lectures or visiting a righteous friend to make dhikr (remembrance of Allah) together.
3. Acquire knowledge about the biographies of the Prophet's Companions (may Allah be pleased with them all) and the righteous believers by reading books and listening to tapes. This will stimulate you to keep firm in faith and follow in their footsteps.
4. Listen to tapes that deal with religious admonitions and righteous speeches.
5. Be keen on observing the obligatory acts of worship.
6. Keep on offering supererogatory acts of worship; do what you are most inclined to and can do regularly, even if it is little. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "…the best deeds to Allah are the incessant ones, even though they may be few."
7. Start learning Allah's Book by heart. Recite what you have learned during Prayer and keep reciting the Qur'an as much as you can.
8. Perform dhikr a lot and ask Almighty Allah for forgiveness. This may seem a tiny good act, yet observing it regularly increases faith and strengthens the heart.
9. Keep away from every thing that may cause your heart to divert from the right path such as bad people, indecent television programs, pornographic pictures, and love songs.
10. Last, but not least in importance, truly repent to Almighty Allah and be keen on not deviating from the right path again. Allah Almighty rejoices when His bondman returns to Him Most High in true repentance.
Dear brother, do not be one of those who do not pay heed to Allah Most High except in Ramadan. The righteous predecessors said about them, “Woe to those people who do not become mindful of Almighty Allah but in Ramadan!”
May Allah help you be steadfast in the right path until you reach the following Ramadan in best health and condition.

Friday, October 10, 2008

SAMOTALIS: AP Asks: What If All Obama-McCain Polls Are Wrong -- Because of Racial Factor?

Ruling on democracy and elections and participating in that system

What is the ruling on democracy and taking a leadership role in parliment or other levels of the democratical government? What is the ruling regarding voting for someone in democracy? How was the islamic state organized, and governed in the classical times?.

Praise be to Allaah.
Democracy is a man-made system, meaning rule by the people for the people. Thus it is contrary to Islam, because rule is for Allaah, the Most High, the Almighty, and it is not permissible to give legislative rights to any human being, no matter who he is.
It says in Mawsoo’at al-Adyaan wa’l-Madhaahib al-Mu’aasirah (2/1066, 1067):
Undoubtedly the democratic system is one of the modern forms of shirk, in terms of obedience and following, or legislation, as it denies the sovereignty of the Creator and His absolute right to issue laws, and ascribes that right to human beings. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“You do not worship besides Him but only names which you have named (forged) — you and your fathers — for which Allaah has sent down no authority. The command (or the judgement) is for none but Allaah. He has commanded that you worship none but Him (i.e. His Monotheism); that is the (true) straight religion, but most men know not”
[Yoosuf 12:40]
“The decision is only for Allaah”
[al-An’aam 6:57]
End quote.
This has been discussed in detail in the answer to question no. 98134.

The one who understands the true nature of the democratic system and the ruling thereon, then he nominates himself or someone else (for election) is approving of this system, and is working with it, is in grave danger, because the democratic system is contrary to Islam and approving of it and participating in it are actions that imply apostasy and being beyond the pale of Islam.
But as for the one who nominates himself or nominates others in this system in order to join the parliament and enjoin good and forbid evil, and establish proof against them, and reduce its evil and corruption as much as he can, so that people of corruption and disbelievers in Allaah will not have free rein to spread mischief in the land and spoil people’s worldly interests and religious commitment, this is a matter that is subject to ijtihaad, according to the interests that it is hoped will be served by that.
Some scholars are even of the view that getting involved in these elections is obligatory.

Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked about the ruling on elections, and he replied: I think that elections are obligatory; we should appoint the one who we think is good, because if the good people abstain, who will take their place? Evil people will take their place, or neutral people in whom there is neither good nor evil, but they follow everyone who makes noise. So we have no choice but to choose those who we think are fit.
If someone were to say: We chose someone but most of the parliament are not like that, We say: It does not matter. If Allaah blesses this one person and enables him to speak the truth in this parliament, he will undoubtedly have an effect. But what we need is to be sincere towards Allaah and the problem is that we rely too much on physical means and we do not listen to what Allaah says. So nominate the one who you think is good, and put your trust in Allaah. End quote.
From Liqaa’aat al-Baab al-Maftooh, no. 210

The scholars of the Standing Committee for Issuing Fatwas were asked:
Is it permissible to vote in elections and nominate people for them? Please note that our country is ruled according to something other than that which Allaah revealed?

They replied:
It is not permissible for a Muslim to nominate himself in the hope that he can become part of a system which rules according to something other than that which Allaah has revealed and operates according to something other than the sharee’ah of Islam. It is not permissible for a Muslim to vote for him or for anyone else who will work in that government, unless the one who nominates himself or those who vote for him hope that by getting involved in that they will be able to change the system to one that operates according to the sharee’ah of Islam, and they are using this as a means to overcome the system of government, provided that the one who nominates himself will not accept any position after being elected except one that does not go against Islamic sharee’ah. End quote.

Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz, Shaykh ‘Abd al-Razzaaq ‘Afeefi, Shaykh ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Ghadyaan, Shaykh ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Qa’ood.
Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah (23/406, 407

They were also asked:
As you know, here in Algeria we have what are called legislative elections. There are parties which call for Islamic rule, and there are others that do not want Islamic rule. What is the ruling on one who votes for something other than Islamic rule even though he prays?

They replied:
The Muslims in a country that is not governed according to Islamic sharee’ah should do their utmost and strive as much as they can to bring about rule according to Islamic sharee’ah, and they should unite in helping the party which is known will rule in accordance with Islamic sharee’ah. As for supporting one who calls for non-implementation of Islamic sharee’ah, that is not permissible, rather it may lead a person to kufr, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“And so judge (you O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) among them by what Allaah has revealed and follow not their vain desires, but beware of them lest they turn you (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) far away from some of that which Allaah has sent down to you. And if they turn away, then know that Allaah’s Will is to punish them for some sins of theirs. And truly, most of men are Faasiqoon (rebellious and disobedient to Allaah).
50. Do they then seek the judgement of (the days of) Ignorance? And who is better in judgement than Allaah for a people who have firm Faith”
[al-Maa'idah 5:49-50].
Hence when Allaah stated that those who do not rule in accordance with Islamic sharee’ah are guilty of kufr, He warned against helping them or taking them as allies or close friends, and He commanded the believers to fear Him if they were truly believers. He says (interpretation of the meaning):
“O you who believe! Take not as Awliyaa’ (protectors and helpers) those who take your religion as a mockery and fun from among those who received the Scripture (Jews and Christians) before you, and nor from among the disbelievers; and fear Allaah if you indeed are true believers”
[al-Maa’idah 5:57]

And Allaah is the Source of strength. May Allaah send blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions. End quote.
Standing Committee for Academic Research and Issuing Fatwas
Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz, Shaykh ‘Abd al-Razzaaq ‘Afeefi, Shaykh ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Ghadyaan
Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah (1/373).
Islam Q&A

Monday, October 6, 2008

Howard Gordon Withdraws Endorsement of “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West”

Howard Gordon Withdraws Endorsement of “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West”
by Sheila Musaji

According to a press release from the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Gordon, who is the executive producer of Fox’s drama “24”, released a statement in which he said:

“After being contacted by a number of people whose opinions I respect and after reviewing Obsession with their criticisms and concerns in mind, I have asked the film makers to remove my endorsement from the Obsession website and from any future promotional materials. While I remain committed to the film’s essential message—that the hate-mongering promoted by radical Islamism presents a real threat to western values of tolerance and pluralism—I also appreciate that the goal of co-existence and tolerance is not being served by films like Obsession.”
It seems that many individuals and organizations are re-thinking their involvement with this project. Just days after CAIR asked the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and the Internaal Revenue Service (IRS) to investigate the distribution of the DVDs and whether it was intended to influence the election, the Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET) said that they were backing out of “the Obsession project”.

Dr. Khaleel Mohammed, a Muslim interviewee for “Obsession,” now calls the production a ”vile piece of propaganda.” In a statement sent to the website, Dr. Mohammed said: “Sadly, it would seem that I have allowed myself to be used.” And, in a follow up statement responded to those criticizing his statement.
Resources for Responding to “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War With the West” DVD Mass Distribution to 28 million Americans. Who is behind Relentless, Obsession and The Third Jihad? for a background on those responsible for the production, mass distribution, and promotion of the film. In-Depth Summary & Analysis of “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War on the West” for a point by point discussion of the film. What You Can Do to respond to Obsession.

Sheila Musaji
Posted Oct 5, 2008
SAMOTALIS: North Dakota woman sentenced for stalking Muslim

Qaradawi Denies Being Pressured Into Criticizing Shia Muslims

Gulf media are reporting that global Muslim Brotherhood leader Youssef Qaradawi has criticized statements attributed to an Iranian colleague that he had been pressured by "extremists" into making comments critical about Shia Muslims. According to one [1] report:

DOHA-BASED Islamic scholar Sheikh Yousuf al-Qaradawi has dismissed as "untrue" allegations made by an Iranian news agency that he had succumbed to "pressures by extremists" in voicing concern over the Shia expansion in Sunni-dominated countries. Sheikh Qaradawi, chairman of the International Union for Muslim Scholars (IUMS), said in a statement,which was made available to Gulf Times, that he was surprised by the claims that he is not seeking the unity of the Muslim world. "I have always been against extremists everywhere. In all my sermons, books and studies I was always calling on Muslims to seek a moderate line and be united irrespective of the school of thought they embrace. As long as a Muslim is witnessing that there is No God but Allah and Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah, then he is a Muslim," he said.
An earlier post reported on the comments on Qaradawi by Iranian scholar Ayatollah Mohamed Ali Taskhiri who is a member of the International Union of Muslim Scholars headed by Qaradawi.

The report went on to cited Qaradawi's positions on Shia Muslims:
About his statement that Shias are "heretics", Qaradawi said that he condemned several heresies in the Shia practices including the way they mark the anniversary of the martyrdom of grandson of Prophet Muhammad as well as the infallibility of the imams. "All the Sunni scholars condemn such heresies. But they are not making them non-Muslims anyway," he said. However, Qaradawi reiterated that Sunni Muslims should wake up to what he called "Shia bids to invade the Sunni communities" saying that it is his duty to raise alarm about such threat. "I remember when I was on a visit to Iran that I told some Shia clerics, including Ayatollah Mohamed al-Taskhiri, that the Shia efforts to convert a number of Sunni Muslims to embrace the Shia school of thought would only lead to divisions and sedition among Muslims," he said.
The report also cites Qaradawi's statements reaffirming his support for Iran and Iranian-backed Hezbollah:

Qaradawi also dismissed as "untrue" the claim that he played down the importance of the "victory" achieved by Hezbollah against Israel in the July 2006 war because the Lebanese party was following the Shia school of thought. He said he had been in support of Iran's right to possess nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. "In my Friday sermon, I even called upon Muslims around the world to defend Iran if it was attacked by the US. I did that because Iran is an integral part of the Muslim world and it is our duty to defend it against any foreign aggression," he added.

October 5, 2008By Global MB

Panicked Consultants Fuel Islamic Terror Expansion Throughout Africa – the Kipkorir Ricochet

For the non native speakers, ricochet is a military term that defines
the firing of guns or howitzers, usually with small charges, at an
elevation of only a few degrees, so as to cause the balls or shells to
bound or skip along the ground


I find good reason to use the term for an otherwise idiotic article
written by an ignorant and uneducated Kenyan lawyer who runs a shadowy
firm deeply connected with (if not created by) the darkest side of the
Kenyan establishment and the paramilitary, the Kipkorir Mafia.

For those who are not experts in the Military Art, I find the
Wikipedia entry quite illuminative of the reason I use the term;
"Ricochets are a common danger of shooting because after bouncing off
an object the bullet that ricochets poses an 'unpredictable' and
serious danger to bystanders, animals, objects, or even the person who
fired the shot" (

Mr. Donald Kipkorir - Gideon Moi´s Fraudulent Trustee

Simply put, Mr. Donald Kipkorir (known to have "looted Kenya" and then
betrayed his boss, Gideon Moi, after having first cashed what was
thought of as sufficient for his seemingly respectful firm -,
in an article compiled to help re-invent the African History and
Politics, suggests what would mathematically trigger the rise of an
Islamic Republic of Eastern Africa.

In his farfetched innuendo, the ignorant Kalenjin lawyer reveals the
volatility and the fallacy of parts of the Kenyan establishment that
have been tele-guided from other continents with respect to their next

You may not be familiar with the Kalenjin people, who - Nilo-Saharan
of origin - inhabit part of Kenya
(, having migrated there
from Ancient Ethiopia (today´s Sudan).

Being exposed to eventual reprisals from the part of a reputed as
vindictive leader, like Gideon Moi, if he happens to consider you as a
fraudulent trustee, means that you´ve got to find some strong backing.
This is what Mr. Donald Kipkorir did, and he even threatens his former
boss with ´revelations´….

The loathed bosses of Mr. Donald Kipkorir

Would you like to find out who stands behind the authoring lawyer, Mr.
Donald Kipkorir?

It´s not difficult; just search whose interests he defends.

In his article, the Kalenjin lawyer expresses his care for the lost
swag, the captured (off the coast of Somalia) ship which was carrying
33 T-72 tanks, rocket-propelled grenades and anti-aircraft guns for
the Kenyan army – which certainly does not need these weapons.

These are the strong backers of the lawless lawyer whose text – judged
by specialists of International Law – is tantamount to the Law of the
Jungle, and totally dishonoring of and defamatory for a human being.

You may consider the Kalenjin origin of the author as relevant of the
jungle, but this is sheer western supremacism and racism; the Kalenjin
are highly civilized and have kept among their religious traditions
some of the most authentic Hamitic, Ancient Egyptian beliefs, namely
the cult of Isis. As in the case of every nation, there are good
Kalenjin and bad Kalenjin; in fact, Mr. Donald Kipkorir is the shame
of the Kalenjin.

Not only is he the shame of the Nilo-Saharan nation, but he risks
becoming the responsible for their forced Islamization.

As his bosses, the formidable and reviled Kikuyu generals of the
pathetic Kenyan army, have been maddened because of the easy
achievement of the Eyl Somali pirates, they ordered him to write in
support of the illegal interests of the Kenyan militarists who will
use the 33 T-72 tanks and the rocket-propelled grenades in the next
face off with the Luos, the Somalis and the Oromos of Kenya.

Kenya is an English Colonial Fabrication

In fact, Kenya is not a nation, is not a state, and is not a society;
it is an English colonial fabrication geared to destroy the Muslim
community and political tradition in the East Coast of Africa. Large
parts of Kenya, including the coast, are inhabited by Muslims,
similarly with the Tanganyika coast and Zanzibar. All these Muslim
populations have been ruled for many long centuries by various local
rulers who exercised their power under the auspices of the Ottoman
Sultan (and to lesser extent the Shah of Iran) and interacted
peacefully with the Somalis, the Yemenites, and the Indians.

The evil colonial borderlines have been established according to an
English – French plan that was set up in order to make of the Eastern
African Muslim majority a minority residing within irrelevant and
fabricated realms like Tanzania and Kenya. Disconnected from the
Somalis, the East African Muslims became a minority in each fake
colonial state, and were deliberately marginalized. The other African
nations, who were forced to be part of these fake states, had been in
harmonious terms with the coastal Muslims who for more than a
millennium did not express any concern to islamize the African
inlanders, as most of them worshipped God through monotheistic
concepts. The conflicts started when all the different components were
forced by the monstrous colonial elites of England and France to live
within a state that they never conceived or needed.

The present article is not a point by point refutation of the
fallacious suggestions of the bribed and lawless lawyer of the Kikuyu
Kenyan paramilitary. It only consists in a revelation of the
prevailing panic among Mr. Donald Kipkorir´s backers and the
elucidation of their despair.

Their panic and despair are highlighted by Mr. Donald Kipkorir´s
proposals that Kenya and Abyssinia (fallaciously re-baptized
´Ethiopia´) invade and divide Somalia.

Of course, generically speaking, anyone understands the scheme of two
countries attacking and dividing a third; the typical case is Poland,
attacked and divided among Prussia, Russia and Austria in the late
18th century. But by then, there was no International Law, practically

Donald Kipkorir: Utterly Gross

Today, it is utterly gross for a supposed lawyer to suggest something
so directly opposite to the quintessence of the International Law.
However, this is the least one can say about the panicked, fraudulent
(ask Gideon Moi) and lawless Mr. Donald Kipkorir.

His suggestion comes at a moment the Abyssinian army admitted its
defeat in Somalia and are about to abandon the Horn of Africa country,
in an effort to better implement the racist Amhara and Tigray
Monophysitic tyranny over the outright majority of the wretched and
starving country (consisted of Amhara and Tigray Muslims, and Oromos,
Ogadenis, Sidamas, Afars, Agaws, Kambaatas, Shekachos, Kaffas,
Hadiyas, Gedeos, Wolayitas, Anuak, Shinasha, Berta and Gumuz who all
total 82% of the country´s total population).

In fact, the Somalia expedition, combined with the ongoing Ogaden
revolution, is about to bring the world´s most loathed and most
bestial tyranny to total collapse.

The World´s Most Venerated Heroes of the 3rd Millennium

As if the Abyssinia lesson from Somalia were not enough, the panicked,
fraudulent (ask Gideon Moi – always!) and lawless Mr. Donald Kipkorir
suggests that the militarily impotent Kenya attempts to ….. invade the
Somali south, which is the area of the world´s most venerated heroes
of the 3rd millennium, the noble and brave Somali Liberation and
Re-unification fighters, who already liberated Kismayu.

Does Mr. Donald Kipkorir expect to recuperate the 33 T-72 tanks, the
rocket-propelled grenades and the anti-aircraft guns ordered by his

Too comical a question! Why? Ask the Eyl Somali pirates!

Does Mr. Donald Kipkorir expect his bosses´ tanks to … fly over Somalia?

This would be the only prerequisite for a Kenyan victory in the Somali South…..

In fact, what Mr. Donald Kipkorir suggests, if materialized (which
would be paranoid to attempt and impossible to achieve), would result
in a dramatic increase of Muslim population in both, collapsing
Abyssinia and ailing Kenya.

This increase of the Muslim population in both Kenya and Abyssinia
(immediate consequence of Mr. Donald Kipkorir´s suggestions´
materialization) is not a mere matter of figures but an affair of
radicalized and armed populations.

Islamic Republic of Eastern Africa

When the extremely well armed Somalis of the South will be "part of
Kenya" (assuming always on the basis of the suggested bunkum), their
fight for liberation of Somalia will be transformed into a struggle
for the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Eastern Africa that
will encompass Sudan, Eritrea, Abyssinia, Djibouti, Somalia, Kenya and
Tanzania, as it will be coordinated with the struggle of the Eastern
and Northern Somalis (who would be annexed by Abyssinia - on the basis
of the suggested bunkum), the Oromos, the Ogadenis, the Afars, the
Amhara and Tigray Muslims, the Hadiyas, and all the Muslims of the

Such the radicalization will be that, assuming that the suggestions of
Mr. Donald Kipkorir are materialized, it would be a matter of less
than 2 years for the Islamic Republic of Eastern Africa to rise.

As many suspect a plan for the rise of an Islamist regime to rise in
the Middle East and confront Israel before 2012, Mr. Donald Kipkorir´s
suggestions may simply reveal the plan´s provision for the southern
wing of the Islamist empire.

In a world where Kenya would be a mere memory…..

The historical and political refutation of Mr. Donald Kipkorir´s
flawed and erroneous arguments will be the subject of a separate
article. Here, I re-publish the lawless Kenyan lawyer´s proposals on
how to help the Islamic Republic of Eastern Africa become a reality.

Kenya and Ethiopia should dismember Somalia and divide it between themselves

By Donald Kipkorir

Supporting the Southern Sudan government is in our long-term strategic
interest and we should not shy from it. The truth of the matter is
that as a Western ally, Kenya is an existential enemy of Arab
countries, Sudan included. Annexing Somalia is thus in our strategic
interest and we must do it now as the financial meltdown continues to
take away the attention of the world. — Donald Kipkorir

Why Kenya and Ethiopia ought to annex and divide Somalia

Last month, Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch, the world´s foremost
investment banks, went bankrupt and we witnessed the financial chaos
in the western capitals.

In the fog of international headlines on finding a financial bail-out
in Washington, a rag-tag army of 50 semi-naked men on rickety boats
captured a ship carrying 33 T-72 tanks, rocket-propelled grenades and
anti-aircraft guns off the coast of Somalia.

The capture of mv Faina and the stalemated talks amid the surrounding
American and Russian warships made me think that maybe this is the
time to find a final solution to the Somali problem.

Since 1960, the country has been a lawless state that is a haven for
terrorists and pirates. The pirates have told us the destination of
the captured weaponry causing tension and panic in Washington, Nairobi
and Khartoum.

If it is true that the final consignee was the government of Southern
Sudan, as they allege, I will be on the same page with the Kibaki
government for the first time.

I am a fervent supporter of a strategic foreign policy even if it
attracts us enemies of such malevolent and despotic regimes as that of

Supporting the Southern Sudan government is in our long-term strategic
interest and we should not shy from it. The truth of the matter is
that as a Western ally, Kenya is an existential enemy of Arab
countries, Sudan included.

Annexing Somalia is thus in our strategic interest and we must do it
now as the financial meltdown continues to take away the attention of
the world.

Somalia as a state exists only in world maps. It is a classic case of
a failed state. It is a state dismembered into as many independent
units as there are sub-clans. Its 90-strong cabinet is emblematic of
the actual number of units.

The Horn of Africa country has no functioning government. The
so-called transitional federal government, led by Abdullahi Yusuf
Ahmed, is confined to a shell-shocked presidential compound.

There is no standing or even sitting army or judicial systems. By all
accounts, Somalia is a black hole in international law. Together with
Afghanistan and Pakistan they are known as the training grounds and
refuge for international terrorism.

Kenya has been a victim of such terrorism, leading to near-destruction
of its tourism industry. We cannot afford another such attack. We have
the potential to develop our tourism to compete with, if not outpace,
Egypt and South Africa. But we cannot do so if Somalia continues to be
a non-state.

Somalia neighbours Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti. Of these, it is only
Ethiopia and Kenya that have strategic interest in Somalia. Djibouti
is a primitive entrepot that can´t even supply water to its 600,000
people, who are forced to drink that imported from France or Coca
Cola. Therefore, Djibouti is out in the quest for the final solution
to the Somali puzzle.

Kenya and Ethiopia must and ought to dismember Somalia and divide it
between themselves along the 4 degrees latitude, each taking all the
land below and above the line.

The division will make both countries extend their territories by
roughly 300,000sq km and additional populations of about five million.

Once Kenya and Ethiopia have sent their combined army to Somalia and
declared the annexation, we will present to the world a fait accompli.

In 1845, America annexed Texas from Mexico and forced the Texan
legislature to pass a specific legislation stating that it accepted
the annexation. The annexation has stood to date and, for good
measure, President George W. Bush is a proud American Texan.

For Kenya and Ethiopia, having the Somali legislature to endorse the
annexation will be cake-walk. At any given time, most, if not all,
Somali legislators are in Nairobi.

We will have them convene in one of our hotels and to pass the
appropriate statutes dividing their country.

When the allied forces liberated Germany from Fuhrer Adolf Hitler,
they sent the bill to Berlin.

Our cost of annexing Somalia will be settled by Mogadishu. Somalia is
known to have huge deposits of oil, natural gas, uranium and iron ore.
Immediately after the annexation, we will invite our strategic foreign
friends (not China please) to come and exploit the resources for us.

Kenyans ought to know that although Somalia is a failed state, its
positive statistics are impressive. Without a structured economy, its
gross national income per capita is US$600 (Sh40,000), when ours is
$550 (Sh36,800). Of its universities that operate without budgets and
with armed militia guarding them, three are in Africa´s top 100.

International law forbids the use of force by states against the
territorial integrity and political independence of others. Somalia
doesn´t have either.

But the law also recognises irreversible processes like the extinction
of states such as in the USSR, emergence of new states from former
USSR and Yugoslavia, and annexations like that of Texas. International
order hates reversing completed processes, more so if the world is a
better place.

If we do not annex Somalia and now, we will be a victim of its failed
status and pulled down by it. We will not be able to achieve our
strategic foreign policy in the region, or attain the Vision 2030

The time to annex and dismember Somalia is now; Washington and Moscow
will be grateful.

About The Author: Donald Kipkorir — Mr. Kipkorir is a lawyer and
partner at the law firm of Kipkorir, Titoo & Kiara, based in Nairobi,
Kenya. Kipkorir, Titoo & Kiara was established in 1996 and currently
has 8 lawyers and 2 consultants as well as a capable team of paralegal
and support staff.

The Chronicle, World Sentinel, and our affiliates
have over 3,000 contributors, over 100,000 articles, and over 8
million visitors annually.

The American Chronicle and its affiliates have no responsibility for
the views, opinions and information communicated here.
The contributor(s) and news providers are fully responsible for their content.
In addition, the views and opinions expressed here are not necessarily
those of the American Chronicle or its affiliates.

Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis
October 05, 2008

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Somaliland Bleeding Deeply In Heart

The sun rises in the morning with beams of love, and freedom for a beautiful World. But we, human beings make it a hard place to live in. By imposing hate, jealousy, slavery, exploitation, and greed. Our culture of corruption makes our World a frightening place to live in. Anger starts and ends with doom and gloom. Travels you through the dark tunnels of worries and woes. Plunges you into the ocean of annihilation.Then smile, why are you frowning? What is the use of crying? A moment is the chemistry of life.

A moment of hate, or a moment of passion. A moment of fear, or a moment of love. A moment of disappointment, or a moment of cheering. A moment of despair, or a moment of hope. A moment you wait with good expectations can be a moment of defiance, or a moment of delight. As an octogenarian who has seen neither the light of democracy, nor has breathed the breeze of democracy since his birthday.I am zero and getting increasingly cynical about politics in general. Particularly the new version of Merehanism of Mr. Riyalle does not restore my optimism.

That is why I believe much that there are only two ways to slide easily through life, during this dark rule of Mr. Riyalle. Either to believe everything, or to doubt everything. But neither way suits my ultimate choice. Even though both ways saves you from serious thinking. Because thinking has become a disease. Mr. Tolly said in his book of spiritual enlightenment. The mind is a superb instrument if used rightly. But if used wrongly, however, it becomes a very destructive element. Just as dogs love to eat bones, the mind loves to get it's teeth into problems. That is why it does crossword puzzles; and builds further atomic bombs for destruction. That is why the remains or the left over of the old vampire Siyad Bare often finds the off button of the mind. Don't get irritated or disappointed by what you hear through the dirty mouths of Mr. Riyalle's henchmen lobbyists.Just ignore their belching or burp. Otherwise you catch yourself laughing as you would laugh at the antics of a child. Just go through the realism of no mind and relax. For the record, Haber Jeclo clan members must be expelled out of Hargeisa. Hargeisa must keep their kids out of the streets; and stop throwing stones. Herse Haji Hassan the X Vice Chairman of the Election Committee, is a proved terrorist. A fanatic is a person who always talks about the same subject and never changes his mind.This scenario never happened even the days of Siyad Bare. What a crying shame in the eyes of the civilized World! I need a little space to think. I don't know who is me yet. A hole needs filling in my wisdom tooth. A functioning Government is addressing it's citizens in that barbaric approach. I can bet with my last penny that they can't understand the gravity and the backlash of this suicidal message they are broadcasting. Above that, showering our school children with bullets and keeping them behind bars.Treating our sweet hearts of boys and girls like herds of sheep that are held in their stockyard.

Never mind, that is the perception of Mr. Riyalle as a Government of integrity and his ethics of good governing. He that is down fears no fall, and no man is truly married until he understands every word his wife is not saying. Ironically, education is the soul of Mr. Riyalle's cabinet. They want to teach us three methods of learning wisdom.First by reflection, which is the noblest. Secondly by imitation, which is the easiest. Thirdly by experience, which is the bitterest. We always expect more mud to be flung; more dirt laundry to be aired; more smears to be heard; and more trash talk. Give a clown your finger and he will take all your hand. Peeling more flesh from our bones. The tongue weighs almost nothing but few can hold it. Give me the hammer; a fly is running on my nose.

The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is that, one comes from a strong will. But the other is from strong won't. The actual full name of the Movie, "Gone with the wind". Luck is a loser's excuse for a winner's position. Mr. Riyalle, your elevator to success is out of order. You have to use the stairs, one step at a time by tip toeing. Fraud and cunning are the weapons of the weak. Mr. Riyalle, If you are a cock, crow; if you are a hen, lay eggs. Don't ever try to buy us with our own money. Dear reader, just ignore their belching when they are tickling your throat. Because if you get angry, you are punishing yourself for another's sin. Because we learn ethics not for school, but for life. There are only two good men in our camp.One dead, and the other unborn. Mr. Riyalle is a cruel hunter; and the Somalilanders are his hunting game.

Mr. Riyalle, you are sweeping our hearts with forks and knives. You have taken the love of our hearts and you put water in our veins. But tomorrow is another day. A selfish name is always alone. Ah! To born again as little kid with skinned knees that are easier to heal than broken hearts. Mr. Riyalle, no matter how you change your fashion; a ruffled temper will never be in style. You often changes but gets better seldom. Lying is the first step to the prison gates. So goes the leader, so goes the nation.Under majority rule, heads are counted; under your minority rule, heads are cracked. Take your time for now, and tomorrow is another day.

The unemployment rate is one hundred percent; prices of local consumption commodities are skyrocketing; inflation is on the climax; poverty and disease are covering the whole nation. Yet he is fooling around as usual and giving us a false smile. Having a short arm for giving, and a long arm for getting. Show me a liar, and I will show you a thief. A lie will give blossom but no fruit. Mr. Riyalle, it is too late to be shy. Your opera has no audience. Fame one day, zero the other. Drive your armored scary vehicles to keep low our tone of agony. But your road to love is too bumpy. Somalilanders, memory is the watchman of the brain.

If you give your milk to the cat, you must drink water out of the sink. God see us as we can be, but loves us as we are.A handful l bunch of greedy freaks and loyal concubines of the old vampire with mosquito noise are wheezing on my ears. With all dirty talk and no walk. Hip and Miss approach. Trying to shine white a dark night. Winston Churchill once said, you can see much further in the future; if you look back in the past. Mr. Riyalle, the Author of stillness, corruption, and greed. We know that every word comes from your mouth rings with fear and threat. Our contemporary Spiritual Leader and Teacher, Mr. Riyalle, masters and imports a profound message that is leading us into the eternal life of pain and depression.

According to the communiqué released recently by the African Watch. Your old – death zone detention camp at Mandhera holds detainees of under-aged teens. That is a symbol of your injustices and a dim view of your Statue of Liberty at Berbera.It is surely a suicidal policy to put teenagers in Orange Jump Suits and Shackles; while at the same time flying to the free World looking for International Recognition. Asking alms for the love of God.

It is sad but true. Our Commander of the Police Force, Mr. Geele Haad Qoye said, age is not a factor in the Criminal Panel Code of Mr. Riyalle. It is not the story hat counts, it is how you tell it. Mr. Riyalle, your henchmen always stumble over the truth and then pick up themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened. In the Land of Skunks (XOOR) he who has half a nose is king. We can't hand our tomorrow to Mr. Riyalle. God is our refuge.

Mr. Riyalle is swimming in an ocean of human blood. Sheikh Adan Siera is my only authentic religious clergyman, and a veteran SNM fighter. Not those money maniac businessmen who preaches only wealthy people; and always pleases those in power. HE is the only sheikh that delivers humanitarian services free of charge. Sheikh Adan, we appreciate your healthy Islamism.The Orange Revolution turned into ash and dust. We have earned enough gray hair to look ugly. We had enough years of each side of mother and father in that ditch of shame. Mr. Riyalle, your crooked smile is saying many things. If we are talking to someone, your Police must know what we are saying. Justices is for sale in your showrooms of human spare parts.

Everybody that is going to be hired must go through your scrutiny screen. That is a proof of your busy schedule. You are a typical that Aristocrat Black Panther in the Animal Kingdom. But remember, that Somalilanders are birds that have no respect for borders; and your Police State has no a place in our bedrooms. White is either brain or beauty; black is neither. If your mind still making too much noise to determine who you are. Who cares! Keep your answer format for ever. I am apologizing to the hungry masses on behalf of you; for saying "I will open my mouth and you count my teeth".

Installing every year new artificial teeth for grinding more faster. But you have to remember. The more penny you gain, the more increase in your BP( blood pressure).You are an opaque screen of alien concepts that have images, labels, and logo that blocks all our relationship with the outside World. If we follow your false conviction of never; We will die alone with disrespect and disgrace. We must defy and oppose all your dirty sex of fertility underground with a barren woman from Addis Ababa, or Mogadishu. Mr. Riyalle, never try to change a woman's heart by intimidation. Stop snitching time and fooling around. You can fool nobody except yourself. Character is doing right when nobody is looking.

The blood is not dry yet, and the bruises are not healed.In 1968 when the Americans decided to withdraw their troops from Vietnam. There was a secret mission to assassinate all high ranking Government Officials, business men, intellectual elites, and politicians being suspected with anti American slogans. Mr. Riyalle and his top aides, like the Mad Cow Cashier of our revenue and the bulldog, our own Prince Naïf, are promoting the same agenda. They must either run our kitchen soup; otherwise, everything must fall apart. They want to dictate our destiny with their dirty hands for ever. They are there only to receive fat pay checks and nothing else.

Every fool like me can do that. This week there is no any crises. Because your schedule is already full. A dog looks up at the humans; a cat looks down on people. But a pig will look at a human in the eyes and assume that it is equal. Ants always follow fats. Mr. Riyalle, to have foot prints on the sands of time, you must have plenty of sand.It is not the pace of life that concerns us, it is the sudden stop at the end. What used to be merely an itch, is now an allergy. There is a thin line between love and hate. Malice drinks its own poison, and a man is of little use when his wife is a widow. The simplest toy which even the youngest child can operate, is called a grandparent. Mr. Riyalle, a fool wanders but a wise man travels. Enjoy your shopping trips since all the newspapers and the media are short staffed nowadays. Because all the chief editors either in good mood or merely scared. Music is the poor man's Parnassus. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

Guess what! In the chilly nights of the winter. When the kids of my deceased hero sitting around the fire with unshaved heads and empty stomach. Asking their devastated helpless mother. " Mother, why daddy is not around anymore and what was the cause he died for? Her reply is nothing but to break tears running across her cheeks which she does not want the kids to see. Blinking her eyes and looking up at the sky as a protest to Almighty God. What a confusing legacy life can play! Amazing indeed how money and power blinds and corrupts people. Mr. Riyalle, please take a deep breath of oxygen to refresh your mind and memorize your circumstances on the day the late president Egal nominated you as his vice president.Mr. Riyalle is saying, " I am not a follower but I am a leader with the same mentality. Quitting smoking is easy and I have done it many times.

No one wants advice except corroboration. With all the deduction from pay-check, my take home pay barely survives, or covers my cosmetics. That is why I have many professional salesmen in my corridor. Everything is for sale. The natural resources, the ports, the sea fish, the national anthem, and the flag. I am a partner in every commodity. Man! I need some quick cash for buy the moon as well as the stars.Mr. Riyalle, the wise man travels but a fool wanders around.Thank you for being totally uglyYusuf DeyrEmail: