Thursday, October 31, 2013

Look for your heart in three places

Allah (swt) revealed this powerful supplication about the Day of Resurrection, for the judgement on the eternal fate of each soul is decided by Allah (swt) on that day, rendering a pure heart necessary for entering Paradise.

Look for your heart in three places 

10/24/2013 - Social Religious - Article Ref: AK1102-4467
Number of comments: 11
By: Heina Dadabhoy

The word "heart" is one of the most commonly used motifs, metaphors, and symbols in human history. It is a term whose definition is broad enough to include the fierceness of strength and courage as well as the tenderness and vulnerability of intense emotion. Traditional science, however, has downplayed the heart as merely a monotonously contracting muscle, while the brain is touted as both the center and originator of intelligence and feeling.

In spite of this, the tendency to ascribe psychological sensitivities to that constantly beating organ continues to haunt contemporary human thought. At the language level, the word "heart" remains a strong conveyer of emotion and meaning. If human beings are discouraged, they are disheartened; if stoic, heartless; if in the best state of energy and enthusiasm, hearty.

In the face of traditional science, why does the collective psyche of humanity continue to fixate upon this same intangible concept of the heart? Perhaps it is because, to this day, the stopping of the heartbeat signifies the coming of death. It might be ascribed to the way that the heart responds so readily to emotional signals, increasing or reducing pace in direct correlation to the human psychological state. Within human consciousness, the heart's meaning extends beyond that of a muscle; within Islam, the role of the heart cannot be understated.

The heart is mentioned repeatedly in the Qur'an. One of the mentioned du`a' (supplications) of Prophet Ibrahim, `alayhi salam (peace be upon him), beseeches to Allah, subhanahu wa ta`ala (the Exalted and Glorified): "Do not forsake me on the Day of Resurrection, a day where neither money nor children will benefit except whoever meets Allah with a sound heart" (26:87-89). Allah (swt) revealed this powerful supplication about the Day of Resurrection, for the judgment on the eternal fate of each soul is decided by Allah (swt) on that day, rendering a pure heart necessary for entering Paradise.

The Arabic term for the heart, qalb, has a very specific meaning. It refers to what defines the existence of the individual: one's personal center of faith. A most illustrious and beautiful chapter of the Qur'an, Surah Yaseen, is referred to as the heart of the Qur'an. According to the Prophet Muhammad, salla Allahu `alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings be upon him), the virtues of reciting this qalb, among others, include receiving benefits of the dunya (earthly life) and the removal of the dread of the akhirah (life after death).

Furthermore, worship of Allah (swt) is divided into four categories, two of which deal with the heart: its sayings and its actions. A true Mu'min (Believer) is said to possess a pure heart that is well-informed in the total belief of Allah (swt) and complete trust in Him-a heart that is true to its Maker (swt) in both its impulses and the carrying out of those impulses. The qalb was created to hold its Creator as its highest Authority, Love, and Loyalty. If the heart is dead, then spiritual (and, eventually, physical) problems would manifest themselves in the individual.

In purifying the heart, a Believer can rest assured that the best of examples is being followed: that of Prophet Muhammad (saws), the most virtuous of the creations of Allah (swt) and the most beloved to Allah (swt). Indeed, despite his perfection in the sight of Allah (swt), the Prophet's heart (saws) was not only cleansed by Angel Jibreel (Gabriel), but was also purified by his own strategies of worship.

One of the greatest interpreters of Shari`ah (Islamic law) of the fourteenth century, Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, was greatly concerned with matters of the qalb. According to him, `Abdullah ibn Mas`ood, radi Allahu `anhu (may Allah be pleased with him), one of the closest companions of the Prophet (saws), once presented a diagnostic by which a Believer may determine the state of the qalb. He said:

"Look for your heart in three places: when listening to the Qur'an, when seeking knowledge (of Allah) and when in privacy. If you cannot find it in these places, then ask Allah (swt) to bless you with a heart, for indeed you have no heart."

A soul with no heart can not even begin to work on increasing its level of submission to its Lord-the very foundation of its purity. A vital conductor of faith must be found and awakened within every loyal slave of Allah (swt). The following exploration of `Abdullah ibn Mas`ood's (ra) mentioned places transcends the mind and body and deals with a site precious to all human beings.

Source: Alkalima - Heina Dadabhoy

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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Saudi: Arnoud van Doorn, former antagonist of Islam performs Hajj

Saudi: Arnoud van Doorn, former antagonist of Islam performs Hajj on Oct 17, 2013 

Arnoud van Doorn, former member of the Party for Freedom in Netherlands and a former antagonist of Islam, was one of the thousands who came to Saudi Arabia to perform Hajj.

Van Doorn, who until the end of 2011, was a strong supporter of Geert Wilders, the Dutch leader who created the anti-Islamic film ‘Fitna’. The film that released in 2008 hurt the sentiments of Muslims around the world and caused a lot of furor in Muslim nations.

Earlier this year, van Doorn declared in public that he had embraced Islam. In his quest to produce another anti-Islam film, he took to learning more about the religion that he strongly advocated against. He read and learned in depth the Holy Quran and Islamic teachings and later became spiritually inspired by Islam.

Van Doorn had come to Saudi Arabia earlier this year to perform Umrah. He expressed his feelings while performing Hajj; he said that his eyes were filled with tears of joy ever since he arrived in Makkah. He added that he was living the best moments of his life, reported Akhbaar24.

He said that he found in Islam what he was lacking and searching for in his previous life. He went for Hajj to ask Allah for forgiveness and to pray that Allah erases his past sins. It is his wish to live in Al-Madinah close to the Prophet’s mosque; however his family and work hinder him from fulfilling his wish.

Van Doorn is planning to produce a film that defends Islam and shows the truth.

Monday, October 14, 2013

The last sermon of Prophet Muhammad

The last sermon of Prophet Muhammad

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) delivered his last sermon (Khutbah) on the ninth of Dhul Hijjah (12th and last month of the Islamic year), 10 years after Hijrah (migration from Makkah to Madinah) in the Uranah Valley of mount Arafat. His words were quite clear and concise and were directed to the entire humanity.

After praising, and thanking Allah he said:

“O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and take these words to those who could not be present here today.
O people, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you will indeed meet your Lord, and that He will indeed reckon your deeds. Allah has forbidden you to take usury (interest), therefore all interest obligation shall henceforth be waived. Your capital, however, is yours to keep. You will neither inflict nor suffer any inequity. Allah has Judged that there shall be no interest and that all the interest due to Abbas ibn Abd Al-Muttalib (Prophet’s uncle) shall henceforth be waived…
Beware of Satan, for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things.

O people, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have rights over you. Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under Allah’s trust and with His permission. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers. And it is your right that they do not make friends with any one of whom you do not approve, as well as never to be unchaste.

O people, listen to me in earnest, worship Allah, say your five daily prayers (Salah), fast during the month of Ramadan, and give your wealth in Zakat. Perform Hajj if you can afford to.
All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except bypiety (taqwa) and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves.

Remember, one day you will appear before Allah and answer your deeds. So beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.
O people, no prophet or apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born.
Reason well, therefore, O people, and understand words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Qu'ran and my example, the Sunnah and if you follow these you will never go astray.

All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly. Be my witness, O Allah, that I have conveyed your message to your people”.
(Reference: See Al-Bukhari, Hadith 1623, 1626, 6361) Sahih of Imam Muslim also refers to this sermon in Hadith number 98. Imam al-Tirmidhi has mentioned this sermon in Hadith nos. 1628, 2046, 2085. Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal has given us the longest and perhaps the most complete version of this sermon in his Masnud, Hadith no. 19774.)

Arab News at Haj 2013

At Mount Arafat, pilgrims pray for end to divisions

At Mount Arafat, pilgrims pray for end to divisions

Muslim pilgrims pray on a rocky hill called the Mountain of Mercy, some touching a marker at its peak, on the Plain of Arafat, near the holy city of Makkah, on Monday. (AP photo/Amr Nabil)


Malaysia court rules non-Muslims can’t use ‘Allah’

No permit and fingerprinted? Security awaits you after Haj
Pilgrims stand at Arafat
Kabaa given a new Kiswa
O God, here I come answering your call

MAKKAH: About 1.5 million pilgrims flocked to Mount Arafat on Monday for the second phase of the annual Haj, seeking an end to conflicts affecting the Muslim world as they performed Dhur and Asr prayers at Namirah Mosque.
In a sermon at the mosque, Sheikh Abdulaziz bin Abdullah, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, called on Muslims to avoid divisions, chaos and sectarianism, saying, there is “no salvation or happiness for the Muslim nation without adhering to the teachings of the religion.”
“Your nation is a trust with you. You must safeguard its security, stability and resources," he said.
“You should know that you are targeted by your enemy... who wants to spread chaos among you ... It’s time to confront this,” he added, in an apparent reference to the fighting going on in Syria and the violence affecting other Muslim countries in the Arab world.
Early in the day, the pilgrims headed toward Mount Arafat from nearby Mina Valley where most of them spent the night following the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who performed the rituals 14 centuries ago.
They had moved to Mina on Sunday from the holy city of Makkah, home to the Grand Mosque, Islam’s holiest place of worship, which houses the cube-shaped Kaaba toward which all Muslims pray five times daily.
The number of pilgrims this year is about half of last year's Haj because the Saudi government slashed Haj quotas for foreign pilgrims pending completion of the multi-billion-dollar expansion work at the Grand Mosque. Once completed, the Grand Mosque would be able to accommodate around 2.2 million worshippers, double its current capacity.
Makkah Gov. Prince Khaled Al-Faisal, head of the central Haj committee, earlier said 1.38 million pilgrims had arrived from outside of the kingdom while ony 117,000 Haj permits were issued for domestic pilgrims.
He said security officers had turned back 70,000 locals and expatriates who tried to enter the Haj sites without the required permits and had arrested 38,000 others for violating Haj rules, including transporting illegal pilgrims to the holy city.
More than 138,000 vehicles used for transporting illegal pilgrims had also been impounded pending and charges are to be filed against the owners, Prince Khaled said.

Stoning of the devil
The pilgrims are to pray at Arafat until sunset, when they are due to set off for Muzdalifah for a ritual today symbolizing the stoning of the devil.
“I will pray the whole day for God to improve the situation for Muslims worldwide and an end to disputes and bloodshed in Arab countries,” 61-year-old Algerian pensioner Saeed Dherari said.
“I hope that God will grace all Muslims with security and stability,” said 75-year-old Ahmad Khader, who hails from the southern Syrian province of Daraa.
“The regime is tyrannical and I pray for God to help the oppressed people,” he said, referring to Syrian President Bashar Assad’s embattled government.
Egyptian Ahmad Ali, who is performing Haj for the first time, prayed for peace after hundreds were killed in recent months in fighting between security forces and Islamist supporters of ousted president Muhammad Mursi.
“I pray for Egypt to enjoy security and stability and for the people to reach understanding and reconciliation,” Ali told AFP.
The Haj, which officially ends on Friday, is one of the five pillars of Islam that every capable Muslim must perform at least once.

(Additional input from Agence France Presse)

How To Perform Hajj

How To Perform Hajj

There Is a Set of Rites and Rituals That a Muslim Must Perform to Fulfill the Obligation of Hajj
By Sadaf Farooqi

Hajj is one the five pillars of Islam. It is obligatory to perform Hajj at least once in a lifetime for a Muslim who can physically and financially afford the journey. For a Muslim woman, the journey ofHajj requires her to be accompanied by a male relative who is her "mahrum" (i.e. her husband, or a man she is forbidden to marry, such as her father, brother or uncle). This is not a discriminatory ruling - it is a stipulation that makes it easier for her to travel and carry heavy belongings from one place to another during the strenuous rituals of Hajj. If any Muslim has enough financial savings to allow them to easily go for Hajj, they have to hasten in fulfilling this pivotal obligation of Islam.

The meaning of the word "Hajj" is -- 'to set out to a sacred place out of devotion and seekingreward'. Every religion has always had the concept of "pilgrimage", in which followers or believers undertake a journey to a sacred geographical location that has special relevance and significance to that particular religion. The Hajj as it is today was initiated by Prophet Ibrahim [علیہ السلام], when he built the sacred house in Makkah - known as "Ka'ba" - with his son, Ismail [علیہ السلام]. Followers of the monotheistic religion founded by Ibrahim [علیہ السلام] used to perform circumambulations of the Ka'baand descended to Makkah once a year for the pilgrimage.

The following terminology will explain some of the common Islamic terms related to Hajj:

Ka'ba: the sacred house of Islam that is located at the centre of Masjid Al-Haraam in Makkah; It is empty, and kept covered with a black cloth. It specifies the direction of prayer for Muslims around the world, but it is NOT worshipped itself.

Mina: an open ground which is now known as the 'tented city' because it houses thousands of tents demarcated according to the countries of the world, where pilgrims stay. The modern tents of Mina today are airconditioned and carpeted. Makeshift bathrooms are also located near each group of tents.

Tawaaf: Seven circuits or circumambulations around the Ka'ba, starting from the Hajr Al-Aswad (black stone fixed on one of its corners) and ending with 2 units of prayer.
Sa'ee: Walking 7 times between the two mounts named Safa and Marwah that lie near the Ka'ba, within the precincts of the Masjid Al-Haram. The Sa'ee starts from Safa and ends at Marwah, where the pilgrim shaves their head (for men) or trims their hair (for women).

Umrah: Performing one tawaaf and one sa'ee.

Ihraam: A state in which the pilgrim may not wear certain things (face-veil for women, stitched clothes and booted shoes for men), or do certain actions (such as cutting hair or nails, putting on perfume in any form, having sexual relations with one's spouse, fighting, wrangling, vain talk, lying, backbiting, or slander)

Dhul Hijjah: The sacred month in which Hajj is performed; this month also has significance for Muslims around the world who are not performing Hajj, in that it has the second `Eid festival that involves sacrifice of an animal for the sake of Allah, known as `Eid Al-Adha.

Wuqoof: Standing in deep, devoted and exclusive prayer and remembrance of Allah.

Meeqat: The place which signifies the entrance into the state of Ihraam for any pilgrim. There are several meeqat's depending on the direction from which a pilgrim is arriving in Saudi Arabia for Hajj or Umrah.
Talbiyah: A vocal prayer in Arabic by which a pilgrim responds to the call/invitation towards Hajj or Umrah by saying - "I am here, O Allah, I am here. I am here, there is no associate with You, I am here. Indeed all praise and blessing are for You, and the Kingship; there is no associate with You."

Nahr: The act of worship associated with this month, in which Muslims sacrifice an animal such as a ram, sheep, camel or a cow for the pleasure of Allah, emulating the spirit of sacrifice of Ibrahim [علیہ السلام], who had succumbed to Allah's command of sacrificing his own son for Allah.

Jamrah/Jamraat: Any of the the three stone pillars near Mina, where Shaytan/Satan tried to dissuade Ibrahim [علیہ السلام] from sacrificng his son for Allah's sake, to which the latter resonded by pelting the former with pebbles to drive him away.

Ramee: Today, pilgrims repeat this action in emulation of the steadfastness of Ibrahim [علیہ السلام], by pelting the three jamraat with pebbles in the same manner - this is known as 'Ramee'. Note: the pillars have no significance except just to mark the spots where Satan approached Ibrahim [علیہ السلام]. The pillars do not signify Satan himself.

Zamzam: a miraculous water that sprung from the ground when the Prophet Ismail [علیہ السلام] rubbed his feet on it in thirst. This water springs forth to this day in an unlimitedsupply that does not wane despite the millions who have been drinking from it since centuries.

The Prophet of Islam, Muhammad [صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم], established rites and rituals of the Hajj by performing it himself. There are 3 types of Hajj:

1. Hajj Qiraan - this is reserved for the pilgrim who brings along his sacrificial animal with him on the Hajj journey. This Hajj is not performed by most pilgrims today.
2. Hajj Ifraad - this is performed only by those Muslims who reside in Saudi Arabia.
3. Hajj Tamattu' - this is the Hajj performed by majority of the Muslim pilgrims - in which they perform Umrah when they reach Makkah, then exit the state of Ihraam for the rest of their stay in or around Makkah until the 8th day of Dhul Hijjah, whence they enter ihraam again for the main fiveHajj days. The Umrah at the start of the journey is a part of this type of Hajj.

Make your intention solely the pleasure of Allah:

The Hajj is only to be performed to please Allah and fulfill its obligation due upon a Muslim. It should not be done for the sake of establishing one's piety or seeking to be known as a "Haji". Hajj will not be valid unless the intention is completely pure.

Join a group and get yourself vaccinated:

After you have registered for Hajj with a certain group in your area (all pilgrims proceed in a group, under a leader known as a mu'allim), get yourself vaccinated and submit your documents to the Hajj-group leader. The Saudi government requires each to-be pilgrim to be vaccinated for protection from certain diseases. Note: consult others who have performedHajj before you to authenticate the valdiity of the Hajj group beforehand. Many fake Hajjgroup-leaders disappear at Jeddah airport, leaving their group on its own to perform Hajjwith little knowledge or support. Beware of such scams.

Gain knowledge:

The to-be pilgrim should attend Hajj training classes, read books, meet people who have performed Hajj before, and read up material and advice on authentic websites on the Internet in order to be fully knowledgeable about the requirements of Hajj.

Put on the clothes for ihraam just before leaving for the airport:

Just before departing for Hajj from one's house, one should put on the clothes for ihraam. However, the actual state of ihraam is entered with a renewal of intention when the airplane passes over the prescribed Meeqat, at which point the pligrim starts reciting the talbiyah as an announcement of his intention to perform Hajj from that point onwards. Most Hajj flights announce the passing over the Meeqat. Some pilgrims delay putting on their ihraam clothes until right at this point, because they are self-conscious of being seen wearing two pieces of cloth, especially if they are departing from non-Muslim countries' airports. Waiting till nearing the Meeqat to put on the ihraam garments is risky, because the pilgrim might pass theMeeqat without being in ihraam, for which he will need to offer an expiation. Note: theclothing for women in ihraam is the same as usual - only wearing a stitched face-veil is forbidden. She may cover her face by the end of her headscarf if she so wishes.

Perform Umrah as soon as you reach Makkah:

The pilgrim should hasten to perform Umrah when they arrive at Jeddah airport in Saudi Arabia. It is a drive of an hour or so from Jeddah to Makkah.

Exit the state of ihraam and live in or around Makkah until the Days of Hajj:

After the Umrah is done, the pilgrim can change his clothes back to normal, stitched clothing, and live in Makkah or it's weherabouts until the 8th of Dhul Hijjah. Most pilgrims spend this time in devotion and worship, offering salah in congregation in the Masjid Al-Haram, and performing supererogatory tawaaf daily.

Tip: conserve physical energy for Hajj, do not fast or perform too many tawaaf's of theKa'ba. Performing any further Umrah's before Hajj is also not part of the Prophet's [صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم] sunnah.

On 8th Dhul Hijjah, enter the state of ihraam, and leave Makkah for Mina (pictured):

This morning signifies the official start of theHajj. Groups depart for Mina after Fajr prayer, in buses or on foot, reciting the talbiyah all the way to their tent in Mina. Do not wander off outside your tent to explore Mina, as many pilgrims get hopelessly lost in the complicated maze of similar tents on this day when they make this mistake; some even miss their Hajjrites because they keep wandering in Mina day in and day out.

Perform all four salah's of the day inside your tent, in congregation. Abstain from idle talk, gossip, chatting or useless conversation. Spend the day holding Hajj talks in your tent, helping others, counselling or educating others, or remembering Allah. Food is usually provided by the group, but is also available in shops. Always proceed to the bathroom with your group-mates, because on the first day in Mina, there is a high chance of getting lost.

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On 9th Dhul Hijjah, leave for Arafat:

After Fajr prayer the next day, depart for the plain of Arafat. At Arafat, you should preferrably stay inside your tent, offer Dhuhrand Asr salah in joint form behind the imam or on your own (if you miss the congregation for a valid reason, such as arriving late due to crowding on the roads), have lunch, and then do sincere Wuqoof until sunset, abstaining from conversation or other useless activities.

Note: This day is the MOST important day of Hajj. If the pilgrim asks Allah for forgiveness on this day till sunset, all his previous sins are completely wiped out. The most important act of worship of 9th Dhul Hijjah is the Wuqoof of Arafat - exclusive prayer, remembrance and repentance towards Allah during the time from Dhuhr to Maghrib (sunset). It is sad how pilgrims waste their time in Arafat in idle talk, gossip, listening to music, smoking or wandering around doing nothing. They should be reminded of the importance of repentance during the last few hours before sunset in Arafat. Moreover, they should not hasten to leave, pushing and shoving others out of their way. The Prophet Muhammad [صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم] urged pilgrims to depart with calmness.

If a pilgrim does not make it to Arafat before sunset on 9th Dhul Hijjah, for whatever reason, their Hajj stands null and void, and they'll have to repeat it in order to fulfill its obligation.

After sunset, proceed calmly towards the plain of Muzdalifah to spend the night:

Board your buses or proceed on foot to Muzdalifah to spend the night. Take along your sleeping bags and a bottle of water to do Wudu/ablution for salah, as there is hardly any water available in Muzdalifah.

After arriving in Muzdalifah, pray Maghrib and Isha salah shortened and combined, then pick a few dozen pebbles in a bag for the Ramee to be done in Mina later. Try to sleep a bit until Fajr. Engaging in worship during this night is not the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad [صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم]. PrayFajr prayer, then depart for Mina before sunrise.

Important note: Make sure you are within the boundaries of Arafat and Muzdalifah within their required time period! There are high boards indicating the limits of both these grounds, so make sure you have entered the ground within the prescribed time. Some pilgrims stay in the valley of Namirah, which is adjacent to Arafat, unknowingly, and have their Hajj thus invalidated.

The morning of 10th Dhul Hijjah: Go back to Mina, perform Ramee of the largestjamrah, Jamrah Al-`Aqabah, with the pebbles collected in Muzdalifah:

After praying Fajr in Muzdalifah, go back to Mina in your bus or on foot. Take special care of the sick, weak and elderly, as by now they are extremely tired, especially if they have been on foot, with sleeping bags, food and other belongings in tow. Many pilgrims lose their way or their group-leader on their way back to Mina.

Help others, be kind, and always, always abstain from shouting, pushing, shoving, fighting and wrangling, as these actions are forbidden ("haraam") in the state of ihraam.

After arriving in Mina, deposit your belongings in your tent, have something to eat, rest a bit if needed (most pilgrims do need it by now), then proceed on foot towards the largestjamrah to perform Ramee. Say "Allahu Akbar" before throwing each of the seven pebbles (collected in Muzdalifah) at the pillar.

Do not throw anything else at the pillar. Remove yourself from the crowd as soon as you are done. The weak, women and elderly may have someone else do their Ramee on their behalf if they are too tired to perform it themselves.

Slaughter your sacrificial animal (Nahr), shave your head (Halaq -- recommended for men only) or trim it short (Qasr), and exit the state of ihraam:

In the past, when the number of pilgrims was not so high, the slaughter was done manually. Nowadays, the slaughter is pre-arranged by the group leader, and it is not done by the pilgrims themselves. Rather, it is done on their behalf by others, and the meat is distributed to the poor. Pilgrims nowadays do not get to eat their own slaughtered animal's meat, which is a sunnah of Prophet Muhammad [صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم].

After Ramee, when the pilgrims are notified via phone that their animal has been slaughtered, they shave their heads, change their clothes (exiting the state of ihraam; now, all restrictions are lifted except that of intercourse with spouse), and set off to Makkah for Tawaaf Ifaadah, the next major milestone of Hajj after the Wuqoof of Arafat.

Go to Makkah from Mina to perform Tawaaf Ifaadah, followed by Sa'ee; then return to Mina to spend the night:

This tawaaf and Sa'ee constitute one of the most important rites of Hajj; it can not be substituted or compensated for if it is missed by a pilgrim. In the past few years, it has become exceedingly difficult for pilgrims to perform this tawaaf on the 10th of Dhul Hijjah, because of the sheer magnitude of the total number of pilgrims performing Hajj every year. Arafat, Mina, and Muzdalifah are open grounds where there is ample space to harbor the entire pilgrim population at one time, but the Masjid Al-Haraam is not large enough to allow all the pilgrims to perform this tawaaf on the same day. Therefore, if you can not perform this tawaaf on the 10th of Dhul Hijjah, you may perform it on the 11th or the 12th.

11th Dhul Hijjah: spend the day in Mina, and do Ramee of the three jamraat during the time between Dhuhr prayer and sunset:

Spend the day in Mina, going to perform Rameeof all the three Jamraat any time between Dhuhrand sunset. Tawaaf Ifadaah can also be performed on the 11th, if someone was unable to perform it on the 10th, which is a common occurence nowadays, due to the high number of pilgrims and the ensuing problems of transport and crowding.

12th Dhul Hijjah: If you want to leave Mina to go to Makkah, do so before sunset; otherwise stay in Mina for another night:

Majority of the pilgrims try to leave Mina as soon as they can on this day, after doing Rameeat the sun's decline at midday. This has been the cause of several deaths due to the pushing and shoving involved in the hurry to be done with Ramee, as most pilgrims bring all their belongings near the Jamraat before midday, intending to leave Mina with them as soon as possible. As a result, when millions rush to perform Ramee like this at the same time, a stampede can occur, with people getting trampled and killed as a result (this happened in Hajj 2004). Pilgrims should therefore, not show haste, and willingly stay in Mina another night.

Perform Ramee of the three jamraat any time between Dhuhr and sunset. Do not show haste in doing Ramee as soon as its time starts. Delegate your Ramee to a young man in your family if the crowds are too strong; this can be done by women, or by those who are sick, weak or old. Because of the high incidence of stampedes and fatalities during Ramee in the past few years, some scholars have allowed pilgrims to perform Ramee even after sunset on the 11th and 12th of Dhul Hijjah.

The 12th of Dhul Hijjah is also the last day that a pilgrim can fulfill the obligation of Tawaaf Ifaadah, before sunset. Spend the night in Mina, and relish this as your last time there, until and unless you perform Hajj again.

13th Dhul Hijjah: perform Ramee, then leave Mina to go back to Makkah:

Hajj rites are officially over once you perform Ramee of the three jamraat on the 13th. Depart to Makkah, from where you can leave to go back to your own country, after performing Tawaaf Wada (the farewell tawaaf) before leaving Makkah for the last time.

The spirit of Hajj:
Many people wonder why Hajj involves so many unusual rites and restrictions, or what could be the wisdom behind doing all this physically challenging travelling and rituals. Any one who has performedHajj will testify to the fact that the foremost lesson taught by it, is patience in the obedience of Allah, because only someone who is doing the Hajj solely for Allah's pleasure can persevere in performing one strenuous rite after another, without complaining or questioning its wisdom.

Secondly, when so many Muslims from diverse cultural and financial backgrounds throng the same places, sleeping on roads and dusty grounds under the sky with no more than two pieces of cloth on their bodies, eating cheap food, sharing the same bottle of water for ablution, helping each other out in answering the calls of nature (you'll be surprised how many times this happens during Hajj!), and sharing their medicines with other pilgrims who fall sick on the journey, teaches the Muslims selfless compassion and mercy for others, making this journey the most memorable one of their lifetime. You might never see or meet that considerate pilgrim again, who helped you reach your tent, or who safely got you through the crowds, but you will always appreciate their kindness and pray for them for the rest of your life. That is the true essence and wisdom behind the Hajj - the human bonding and selflessness that knows no prejudice or cultural boundaries!

Haj Ministry sets compensation for victims of fake campaigns

Haj Ministry sets compensation for victims of fake campaigns

Haj Minister Bandar Hajjar



Malaysia court rules non-Muslims can’t use ‘Allah’

O God, here I come answering your call
No permit and fingerprinted? Security awaits you after Haj
115 crushed to death in India stampede
Attacks across Iraq kill at least 42

Haj Minister Bandar Hajjar announced that the ministry is looking into the issue of providing compensation to pilgrims who fell victim of fraudulent Haj campaigns.
In an interview with a local daily, the minister said that last year, the compensation varied from 15 percent to 60 percent of the pilgrim’s contract value.
The minister reiterated that the decision to limit the number of domestic and foreign pilgrims this year was “exceptional and temporary,” with a view to safeguarding the safety of pilgrims. “We advised each country to limit the number of pilgrims they send to the Kingdom at the rate of one pilgrim per one thousand of their population. We also said that countries that witnessed political unrest would be given their quota in full,” he said.
“I would like to say that the state does not levy any fees on pilgrims and Umrah visitors. All the services provided by the government agencies are free. Actually the Kingdom pays billions of riyals every year for projects in Makkah and Madinah that are aimed at providing the best services and safety and security to the pilgrims,” he added.
“I would like to affirm that no important decisions are taken without consulting all parties concerned, both within the ministry and others. This is to done to assess the impact of the decision on those who will be affected by it. For this purpose, we have set up a ‘coordination council’ comprising representatives from businesses and companies operating for the service of domestic pilgrims to ensure best services”, he said.
He said the ministry had also launched an electronic system for transporting pilgrims for their final departure from King Abd Al Aziz Airport in Jeddah and Prince Muhammad ibn Abd Al Aziz Airport in Madinah. “No bus will be allowed to leave the housing units till it is ensured there is an available flight that is in line with the pilgrims’ arrival time at the airport,” he said.
When asked about the estimated number of foreign and domestic pilgrims, he said: “We expect around 1.4 million pilgrims from abroad, and we estimate the number of domestic pilgrims to be in the vicinity of 105,000.”
Speaking about the Haj train, he said: “During the first six hours, the train was able to transport about half a million pilgrims. The very existence of the train made it possible to stop using a large number of buses. Because of the train, we stopped using more than 30,000 buses that used to move around in the holy areas.”

No permit and fingerprinted? Security awaits you after Haj

No permit and fingerprinted? Security awaits you after Haj

Dangerous risk: Undocumented pilgrims pitch their “Made in China” plastic tents at any open space in Mina on Sunday. (AN photo by Abdullah Mohsen)



Malaysia court rules non-Muslims can’t use ‘Allah’

O God, here I come answering your call
Haj Ministry sets compensation for victims of fake campaigns
115 crushed to death in India stampede
Attacks across Iraq kill at least 42

The campaign against undocumented pilgrims entered its second phase on Sunday with the authorities placing high-tech fingerprinting machines inside white-colored vans.
The clearly-marked vehicles, widely referred to as mobile fingerprinting units, have been parked at strategic locations inside the tent city.
“We will conduct random checks on pilgrims without permits,” said an official manning one of the units. “Now that they are here, we will not stop them from continuing the rituals.”
Officials will only require undocumented pilgrims to register their fingerprints. “We have been told to be nice to them and to respect their feelings,” he said. “However, since the law has to take its course, action will be taken against them once the pilgrimage is over.”
The government, through a Cabinet decision, has announced that it will deport those who are found at the holy sites without legal permits. Expatriates found guilty of violating the rules will not be allowed to re-enter the Kingdom for 10 years after deportation. Saudis violating the pilgrimage rules are to be fined heavily and jailed.
Despite the strict measures, many pilgrims without permits made their way into Mina on Sunday. Each one had a different story as to how they entered the tent city.
“I paid SR600 to a private Saudi limousine driver near the SAPTCO bus stop in Jeddah to bring me into Mina,” said Ashraf, an Indian expatriate. “He asked me if I had the permit, and I said no. He said he would charge me SR700. I negotiated with him and brought it down to SR600. When I got into his car, there were already four pilgrims inside, two Pakistanis, one Bangladeshi and a Yemeni. Like me, they did not have permits and all of them agreed to pay the driver SR600 each.”
The regular share-a-cab fare from Jeddah to Makkah is SR10 or SR20 maximum.
Half way through the 85-km journey, Ashraf said the driver advised them to get off before the main Shumaisi checkpoint on the Jeddah-Makkah Expressway. “This is the only way to avoid being arrested,” he said. “We got off and started walking with our belongings until we reached a certain distance beyond the checkpoint. There, the driver was waiting for us.”
When told about the harsh punishment that awaits him if he were to be caught, Ashraf, who refused to give his second name, said: “I had taken a vow to come here for Haj this year. I spent all my money getting my iqama (work permit) transferred two months ago. There was no way I could have afforded the high amount to procure a legal Haj permit. It is exorbitant.”
Ashraf said he would go nowhere near the mobile fingerprinting units. “I will try my best to keep away from those vehicles,” he said.
Ashraf was not alone. There are hundreds like him who made it into the tent city. If he were to be caught by one of those security officials manning the mobile fingerprinting units, then it will be a different story.
Meanwhile, he busied himself in reciting verses from the Holy Qur’an. “We are now in the protection of Allah,” he said, with a smile.

O God, here I come answering your call

O God, here I come answering your call

SUBLIME: Pilgrims offer prayer at the historic Masjid Al-Qaif in Mina on Sunday. (AN photo by Khidr Al-Zahrani)


Malaysia court rules non-Muslims can’t use ‘Allah’

No permit and fingerprinted? Security awaits you after Haj
Haj Ministry sets compensation for victims of fake campaigns
115 crushed to death in India stampede
Attacks across Iraq kill at least 42

Nearly 2 million pilgrims arrived in Mina on Sunday as part of the first phase of Haj 2013.
What was a ghost town until Saturday evening was teeming with hundreds of thousands of pilgrims, men and women, young and old. They were reciting “Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik” (O God, here I am answering your call) and verses from the Holy Qur’an.
Interior Minister Prince Mohammed bin Naif said the number of pilgrims from outside the country totaled 1.37 million, down 21 percent from last year’s 1.75 million. Around 1.29 million of them had flown to the Kingdom from 188 countries, he said.

The reduced number of pilgrims is due to the massive expansion projects in Makkah and government’s aggressive campaign to bar undocumented pilgrims from undertaking the pilgrimage.
Makkah Gov. Prince Khaled Al-Faisal said that over 70,000 violators who tried to infiltrate the holy sites were turned away. Security forces seized more than 138,000 vehicles.
“The international media has gotten it wrong when it attributed the lesser number of pilgrims to the so-called coronavirus fear,” said Mufreh Al-Ghamdi, a volunteer at a Haj establishment. “The health minister has made it very clear that there has not been a single case of coronavirus among pilgrims.”

Many pilgrims walked the 12-km distance from Makkah to Mina to avoid being caught up in traffic. Helicopters flew overhead and security forces kept a close watch on any untoward activity.
Water sprinklers placed on pedestrian walkways helped keep the intense heat at bay. Once inside the tent city, the pilgrims focused on prayers and the Qur’an recitation.
The weather was extremely hot in the morning, forcing many pilgrims to take frequent breaks along the routes to their camps. As the evening wore on, a mild breeze blew across the valley, cooling the temperatures. Many pilgrims tried to catch some sleep after a tiring journey from Jeddah, Makkah, Madinah and Dammam.
The center of activity in Mina was the historic Masjid Al-Qaif. Most pilgrims deposited their luggage in their tents, and headed straight to the mosque, which was full. Pilgrims praying Dohr, Asr and Maghreb in the huge mosque was a sight to behold.
Soon after the prayers many pilgrims were seen exchanging salutations and greetings with complete strangers. 

“I am delighted beyond words,” said Rawan Mustafa, an Egyptian pilgrim. “It is only when you come here for the Haj do you realize that you are part of such a huge community of Muslims.”
“Syria is suffering and that means that the Arabs and the Muslims are also suffering,” Abdel-Karim Ahmed was quoted as saying by the AP. “I will beseech Allah to lift the suffering of the Syrian people and stop the bloodshed.”
Saeed Al-Dabbagh, from Palestine, said: “It is such a beautiful feeling to walk in the footsteps of our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) in this holy land. I am praying for peace.”
Yasin Kanchwala, from Surat, India, was equally ecstatic. “These beautiful white tents reflect peace and purity,” he said.
Saudi Arabia has deployed more than 100,000 troops to ensure the safety of the pilgrims. Security forces are monitoring the holy sites with 4,200 high-tech cameras, some of which can cover a distance of 60 km.
On Monday, the pilgrims will head to the nearby plains of Arafat in what is widely described as the climax of Haj.

At Arafat, Grand Mufti Abdulaziz Al-Asheikh will address the congregation from Masjid Al-Nimira. With the Muslim world in massive churning, the message from the topmost scholar will be heard with utmost attention, inside and outside the holy land.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Hellfire is abode of the arrogant people

Hellfire is abode of the arrogant people

Do not walk proudly on the earth. You can neither tear the earth apart nor can you rival the mountains in height. (Qur’an 17: 37)



The last sermon of Prophet Muhammad

The Swiss who wanted minarets banned embraced Truth
Vital rituals in stages during Haj
Saudis embroider Islamic calligraphy
The call of Ibrahim that is still reverberating

Arrogance is the most insidious disease of the heart and their effects are reflected in the behavior and conduct of the sick person preventing them from entering Paradise. In the authentic Hadith reported by Imams Muslim and At-Tirmidhi, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “One will not enter Paradise, if one has an atom’s weight of arrogance in his/her heart.”
According to this Hadith, arrogance is one of the major sins because it prevents a person from entering Paradise on the Day of Judgment. It is also clear that arrogance is from the diseases of the heart, as also the degree of arrogance varies. The heart can be filled with arrogance, or can have only an atom’s weight of arrogance.
Several verses and authentic Hadiths were revealed censuring arrogance and elucidating its danger.
First, what is arrogance? The Prophet (peace be upon him) defined it in an authentic Hadith reported by Imams Muslim and At-Tirmidhi, “One will not enter Paradise, if one has an atom’s weight of arrogance in his/her heart.” A man asked, “One may love his clothes to look good and his shoes to look good” The Prophet replied, “Allah is beautiful and loves beauty, arrogance is rejecting Truth and looking down on people.”
The different degrees and types of arrogance: The most evil kind of arrogance is rejection of Truth. In this context, many verses were revealed to censure arrogance and the arrogant people. On the Day of Judgment, it will be said to the arrogant people: “Enter the gates of Hell to abide therein, and (indeed) what an evil abode of the arrogant!” (Qur’an, 40:76)
Hellfire is abode of the arrogant people. This is emphasized in the Hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him) that is reported by Imam Muslim, “Paradise and Hellfire argued. Hellfire said: Inside me are the merciless and the arrogant people … and Allah has judged between them:… You (Hellfire) are my torture, with you I torture whom I will….”
Allah Almighty turns the arrogant people away from being guided with his signs. He, the Almighty, says “I shall turn away from My Ayah (verses of the Qur’an) those who behave arrogantly on the earth, in a wrongful manner.” (Qur’an, 7:146)
The most severe arrogance is being arrogant against Allah and rejecting submission and worshipping Him. Allah Almighty says, “Verily! Those who disdain My worship (because of arrogance), they will surely enter Hell in humiliation!” (Qur’an, 40:60)
From arrogance is being arrogant against the messengers and rejecting their message and not following them just because they are humans. This is the case of many non-believers about whom Allah Almighty says, “They said: ‘Shall we believe in two men like ourselves.” (Qur’an, 23:47) and “They said to their messengers: “You are no more than human beings like us.” (Qur’an, 14:10)
The tribe of Quraish also said, when it rejected and looked down on the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) because he was an orphan and poor, as Allah Almighty said, “And they say: ‘Why is not this Qur’an sent down to some great man of the two towns (Makkah and Taif)’.” (Qur’an, 43:31)
While describing the real situation of the disbelievers, Allah Almighty says: “And they belied them (those Ayat) wrongfully and arrogantly, though their ownselves were convinced thereof (i.e. those Ayahs are from Allah).” (Qur’an, 27:14)
From the examples of arrogance against the Prophet (peace be upon him) reported by Imam Muslim that a man who came and ate in the presence of the Prophet (peace be upon him) with his left hand, so the Prophet (peace be upon him) said to him, “Eat with your right hand.” The man said, “I cannot.” The Prophet (peace be upon him) then supplicated to Allah against this man, “May Allah, make you unable to use your right hand.” “Nothing prevented him from doing so (eating with his right hand) except his arrogance, so he forever could not lift his right hand to his mouth.”
Allah Almighty explicated for us that arrogance is an exclusive attribute of Himself. In a Qudsi Hadith reported by Imam Muslim that Allah Almighty says, “Dignity is my lower garment, and arrogance is my covering. If anyone competes with Me in either of these two, surely I torture him.” Allah Almighty says, “And do not turn your face away from men with arrogance, nor walk in insolence through the earth. Verily, Allah does not like each arrogant boaster.” (Qur’an, 31:18)
Allah does not like the one who is conceited and arrogant. The Prophet (peace be upon him) says what was reported by Imams Bukhari and Muslim, “While a man was showing off his garment, he looked proudly to himself, all of a sudden, Allah immediately crumbled the earth underneath him, and he is still dropping with struggle through it till the Day of Judgment.”
Allah Almighty will not look with mercy, on the Day of Judgment, at the one who lengthened his clothes out of arrogance. The Prophet (peace be upon him) says reported by Imams Bukhari, Muslim, and other, “Whosoever drags his clothes out of arrogance, Allah will not look at him on the Day of Judgment.” Abu Bakr said: “O Messenger of Allah, my garment slips (slightly off his waist) to the ground but I lift it!?” The Prophet replied, “You are not among those who do it out of arrogance.”
After we have heard all these verses and Hadiths about the dangers of arrogance and how bad the consequences are, we should be cautioned and get away from it and from its effects and its characteristics. So we teach ourselves to follow the truth when we know it, and humble ourselves in front of others. Imam Muslim reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “....And no one has humbled himself for the sake of Allah, but Allah has elevated him.”
The Prophet (peace be upon him) is the best example of humility in his life. Imams Bukhari and Muslim reported that “The prophet used to pass by children and give Salaam to them (greet them).” Imam Bukhari reported that, “A female slave from Madinah use to take the Prophet’s sleeve and take him wherever she wants.” Imam Bukhari also reported, “That the Prophet used to be at the service of his family.”

- Courtesy of

Vital rituals in stages during Haj

Vital rituals in stages during Haj

The last sermon of Prophet Muhammad

The Swiss who wanted minarets banned embraced Truth
Saudis embroider Islamic calligraphy
The call of Ibrahim that is still reverberating
How the Prophet brought about positive change

This article presents a summarized version of the steps involved in Haj. More information regarding the details and specifics (such as duas, etc.) are available at:

THE rites of Haj were laid down by Allah Almighty to mark historic events in the life of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him), which show his absolute and total submission to the Will of Allah

The building of Kaaba
With the help of his son Ismaeel (Ishmael), Ibrahim (peace be upon him) built the House of Allah on the ground where the Kaaba stands to this day. The Archangel Jibreel brought from Paradise a stone, known as the Black Stone (Al-Hajar Al-Aswad), which was set into one corner of the Kaaba.
In the Holy Qur’an, the Kaaba is described as follows: “The first House (of worship) appointed for men was that at Bakka (Makkah) full of blessing and of guidance. For all kinds of beings.” (Al-e-Imran, 3: 96)
There are three ways of performing Haj:
Haj Al-Tamattu
Haj Al-Ifrad
Haj Al-Qiran
The stages of Haj Al-Tamattu and the rituals that must be performed are as follows:

Ihram is distinctive garb of the male pilgrim worn during Haj or Umrah. It consists of two pieces of white un-sewn and plain cloth. One of the pieces is wrapped around the midriff to cover his body from just above his navel to his ankles, and the other is draped around his shoulders to cover the upper body. The pilgrim should wear a pair of stitched or unstitched sandals or shoes which do not cover the ankles. The head should not be covered, and no other clothing should be used. For ladies, their ordinary and unpretentious clothes of everyday wear which fulfill the Islamic conditions of public dress, regardless of the color, constitute their Ihram. Their hands and face should be uncovered in Ihram but heads should be covered.

Things to be avoided during Ihram
A Muhrim (someone who is in state of Ihram) must avoid the following acts: Cutting hair, shaving any parts of the body, clipping nails, putting perfumes or colognes, killing or hunting animals, sexual intercourse, making marriage proposals, or marriage contracts. He should be focused solely on the Haj.

Entering Masjid Al-Haram
The pilgrim should enter the Holy Sanctuary (Al Masjid Al Haram), preferably right foot first through the Bab as-Salam gate, reciting the Talbiyah: Labbayk, Allahumma Labbayk. Labbayk, La Shareeka laka labbayk. InnAl-hamda wan-ni’mata laka wAl-mulk La shareeka lak.’
The above means: ‘Here I am O Allah, (in response to Your call), here I am. Here I am, You have no partner, here I am. Verily all praise, grace and sovereignty belong to You. You have no partner.’ He should then say: “In the name of Allah, may peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah. O Allah, forgive me my sins and open to me the doors of Your mercy. I seek refuge in Allah the Almighty and in His Eminent Face and in His Eternal Dominion over the accursed Satan.”
After this, the pilgrim moves forward to prepare for the circumambulation of the Kaaba (Tawaf).
To prepare for the Tawaf, he must ensure ablutions have been performed. He should pass the upper garment of the Ihram (the rida) under the right arm and over the left shoulder, thus leaving the right shoulder bare. This procedure is called iddtibaa.
When he reaches the Black Stone (Al-Hajar Al-Aswad), he has arrived at the starting point for the circumambulation (Tawaf), and he may cease reciting the Talbiyah.

Niyyah (Intention)
The pilgrim next stands facing the Kaaba, with the Black Stone to his right and performs the Niyyah (i.e. express his intention to start the performance of Umrah).

Performing the Welcome Tawaf and Sa’ie
Tawaf is the devotional act of circumambulating (i.e. walking around) the Kaaba while reciting prayers and supplications. One complete circuit around the Kaaba constitutes a shawt and seven shawt complete one Tawaf. During Tawaf (circumambulating), the pilgrim cannot enter inside the Kaaba nor stop anywhere around it.

Sa’ie between Safa and Marwah
After expressing Niyyah for Sa’I the pilgrim performs the act of running between the hills of Safa and Marwah during the Umrah.
Safa: A small knoll (i.e., hillock) approximately 200 yards from the Kaaba inside the Masjid Al-Haram.
Marwa: A small knoll located approximately one hundred and fifty yards from the Kaaba.

Ihram for Haj Al-Tamattu
If one performs Haj Al-Tamattu, he completes the Umrah and ends the Ihram. The pilgrim then re-enters the state of Ihram for Haj from his location in Makkah.

8th of Dhul-Hijjah
This day the pilgrim bathes himself, puts on the white clothing of Ihram and verbally declares the intention to perform Haj and recites Talbiyah. The same prohibitions of Ihram are applicable once again.

Going to Mina from Makkah
Mina is a desert location approximately three miles from Makkah where several Haj rites are performed. The Pilgrim goes to Mina on 8th of Dhul-Hijjah. He stays in Mina for one day from after dawn prayer (Fajr) on 8th of Dhul-Hijjah till after dawn prayer (Fajr) on 9th Dhul-Hijjah. He performs five prayers, starting with the noon (Zuhr) prayer and ending with dawn (Fajr) prayer on the day of Arafat. The pilgrim also collects some of the seventy small pebbles that are needed later for the “stoning” ceremony (Ramy).

9th of Dhul-Hijjah
Going to Arafat from Mina
This is the Day of Arafat. The pilgrim stays in Arafat from after dawn until after sunset on 9th Dhul-Hijjah.
After performing the dawn (Fajr) prayer at Mina, the pilgrim leaves for Arafat on the morning of the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah. In Arafat, as much time as possible is devoted to prayers, repentance for sins, and in seeking the forgiveness of Allah.
From noon onwards, Wuquf should be performed at Arafat. This is the most holy of times when the pilgrim stands alone with Allah.
Facing the Qibla in the Holy City of Makkah, hands should be raised and prayers offered to Allah with all one’s heart, even in one’s own language, for the forgiveness of sins.
When the sun has set, the pilgrim should leave Arafat for Muzdalifah.

9th-10th of Dhul-Hijjah
Going to Muzdalifah from Arafat
The pilgrim stays in Muzdalifah from after sunset on 9th of Dhul-Hijjah until after the dawn prayer (Fajr) on 10th of Dhul-Hijjah.
The stay in Muzdalifah is under the open sky. The evening prayer (Maghrib) is offered followed by an overnight stay.
While at Muzdalifah, the pebbles needed for the “stoning” ceremony (Ramy) should be gathered. Some pebbles may have been collected in Mina but one should ensure having enough by picking up as many as required from the foot of the hills at Muzdalifah. Seventy pebbles in total are needed. At dawn, after offering Fajr (the dawn prayer), before the sun has risen, the pilgrim sets off for Mina.

10th of Dhul-Hijjah
Proceeding to Mina from Muzdalifah
The next stage is proceeding to Mina for the stoning (Ramy) of Jamarat ul Kubra; the stoning is performed according to pre-determined schedules. The stoning is followed by the sacrifice and the shaving/cutting of hair (Halq/Taqseer). After the stoning of the devil, a Sacrifice of an animal such as a lamb is required.
The pilgrim then leaves the state of Ihram, by shaving his head (or, if a woman, by clipping her hair). The prohibitions imposed by Ihram are now removed, except for sexual relations. (Husband and wife may not enjoy conjugal relations until after Tawaf Al-Ifadha – the circumambulation of the Kaaba, central to the Haj rites.) The next stage is proceeding to the al Masjid al Haram in Makkah to perform Tawaf Al-Ifadha.

10th of Dhul-Hijjah
Tawaf Al-Ifadha in Makkah
The pilgrim returns to the Holy City of Makkah to perform Tawaf Al-Ifadha on 10th of Dhul-Hijjah.

Tawaf Al-Ifadha is an essential element of Haj
The pilgrim circumambulates the Kaaba seven times and then offers prayers (rakaat) behind Maqam Ibrahim; performs Sa’ie between Safa and Marwah and drinks water from the Well of Zamzam. The Haj Tawaf (Tawaf Al-Ifadha) having been completed, the state of Ihram is completely ended and all restrictions are lifted including those relating to sexual relations with one’s spouse.

11th-13th of Dhul-Hijjah
Returning to Mina from Makkah
The pilgrim stays in Mina for up to three days for the stoning of the three pillars representing Satan (Ramy of the three Jamarat).
The three pillars will be stoned in a set order, performing Ramy Al-Uula, Ramy Al-Wusta and Ramy Al-Kubra. The pilgrim then may return to al Masjid al Haram to perform the Farewell Tawaf after Ramy on 12th of Dhul-Hijjah, or he may stay till 13th of Dhul-Hijjah, performing Ramy for the third time, before returning to al Masjid al Haram for the Farewell Tawaf.
The act of stoning the devil (satan) commemorates the three attempts the devil made to tempt the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him). The Prophet rejected all three of the devil’s attempts, stoning him and driving him away. The three stone pillars mark the places where the failed temptations took place and the act of stoning commemorates the Prophet Ibrahim’s constant obedience to Allah and the vanquishing of the devil.

Farewell Tawaf in the Holy City of Makkah
The Farewell Tawaf (circumambulation) marks the end of one’s Haj. Sa’ie does not form part of the Farewell Tawaf.

Departing for home
The Haj is now completed and the pilgrim can leave the Holy City of Makkah promptly for his next destination.
(Haj Al-Tamattu has an extra stage after performing the Welcome Tawaf and Sa’ie i.e. the third step Ihram for Haj Al-Tamattu, which is not included in Haj Al-Ifrad and Haj Al-Qiran.)

The Swiss who wanted minarets banned embraced Truth

The Swiss who wanted minarets banned embraced Truth


The last sermon of Prophet Muhammad

Vital rituals in stages during Haj
Saudis embroider Islamic calligraphy
The call of Ibrahim that is still reverberating
How the Prophet brought about positive change

The Swiss politician Daniel Streich, who rose to fame as a result of his opposition to mosques in his homeland, Switzerland, has now embraced the faith he reviled.
Daniel Streich was a member of the Swiss People's Party in Switzerland. A well-known politician, Streich led the calls for a ban on minarets across Switzerland. He was active in building anti-Muslim sentiments throughout Switzerland.
This sustained campaign led to him being given a high-ranking position in the Swiss Army.
Daniel Streich, born in Bulle, Canton of Fribourg, is a Swiss military instructor, community council member and a former member of Swiss People’s Party (SVP).
Streich left the SVP over the campaign for the national ban on the construction of new minarets.
Streich was founding member and president of the Gruyères section of the party from 2003 to 2007. A devout Catholic, he however found Truth when he studied Qur’an, and followed conversion to Islam in 2005. The man who once reviled Islam, and studied Qur’an with the aim to malign it explained the reason for his conversion saying that this newly discovered religion offered him "logical answers to important life questions."
He resigned from his presidency in June 2007 citing his discomfort with certain "extremist" positions of the party, especially the campaign to ban nationwide construction of new minarets.
While Streich in 2007 stated that he had "many Muslim friends" he did not make public his personal conversion to Islam until early November 2009, when he left the Swiss People's Party in protest against their campaign for the impending referendum of Nov, 29, 2009. He then participated in setting up the Conservative Democratic Party cantonal section.
Steich's case was reported by the most read daily newspaper in Switzerland, 20 Minuten on Nov. 23, during the week preceding the referendum and the story was picked up by the tabloid newspaper Blick on the following day.
Streich was an important member of the Swiss People's Party (SVP). His importance could be estimated from his influence on party's policy making, in which he always had a prominent role.
His movement against minarets was aimed at gaining political attention and interest. Streich won the slot of military instructor in the Swiss Army due to his popularity. He was also committed to his party (SVP) and stood as a local politician in the commune of Bulle.
Streich attempted to understand the Qur'an and Islamic teachings in order to argue against Muslims on tenets of their faith. In the course of his efforts, the ex-Christian began to agree with and acknowledge the proclamations of the Qur'an.
Born in a Christian family, Streich had a comprehensive study of Islam merely to malign and confront, but later his Islamic teachings had a deep impact on him.
Eventually he de-linked himself from political activities and he embraced Islam. Streich has termed the SVP activities against the Muslims as satanic.
He says that he used to read the Bible and often went to chapel, but now he recites the Holy Qur’an and offers his prayers five times a day.
He further says that he cancelled his party membership and made public his conversion. Streich says that he has found the truth of life in Islam, which he could not find in Christianity.
"Islam offers me logical answers to important life questions, which, in the end, I never found in Christianity," says Streich. He is now a committed Muslim, who attends the mosque, recites the Qur'an and prays five times a day.
According to figures from the Union of Islamic Organizations and Communities, some 3,000 to 5,000 Italians have recently converted to Islam from Catholicism. Recently the question of ban on minarets was put to voting in Switzerland, wherein the Swiss nationals gave the issue a legal status.
As per voting results 42.5 per cent people voted in favor of the minarets and 57.5 per cent supported the ban, while the Muslim population in Switzerland is only 6 per cent.
The most wondrous thing in this regard, therefore, is the support of 42.5 per cent of population for only six percent Muslims. The analysts claim that ban on minarets and Islamic rituals has attracted the people toward Islam. Streich has now focused his intentions on participating in the building of the new Conservative Democratic Party in the canton of Freiburg.
Freich's new movement is in contrast to his previous one and he aims to promote religious tolerance and peaceful cooperative living, in spite of the fact that ban on mosques minarets has gained a legal status.
He is vehemently opposed to the Minaret ban and is hoping to establish Switzerland's fifth mosque and the most beautiful in Europe.
Meanwhile the SVP have raised concerns over Streich’s position as military commander in the army following his conversion citing him as a security risk.
SVP National Council member Alfred Heer cited the Fort Hood shooting spree as an example.

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female celeberties who converted to Islam