The sun rises in the morning with beams of love, and freedom for a beautiful World. But we, human beings make it a hard place to live in. By imposing hate, jealousy, slavery, exploitation, and greed. Our culture of corruption makes our World a frightening place to live in. Anger starts and ends with doom and gloom. Travels you through the dark tunnels of worries and woes. Plunges you into the ocean of annihilation.Then smile, why are you frowning? What is the use of crying? A moment is the chemistry of life.
A moment of hate, or a moment of passion. A moment of fear, or a moment of love. A moment of disappointment, or a moment of cheering. A moment of despair, or a moment of hope. A moment you wait with good expectations can be a moment of defiance, or a moment of delight. As an octogenarian who has seen neither the light of democracy, nor has breathed the breeze of democracy since his birthday.I am zero and getting increasingly cynical about politics in general. Particularly the new version of Merehanism of Mr. Riyalle does not restore my optimism.
That is why I believe much that there are only two ways to slide easily through life, during this dark rule of Mr. Riyalle. Either to believe everything, or to doubt everything. But neither way suits my ultimate choice. Even though both ways saves you from serious thinking. Because thinking has become a disease. Mr. Tolly said in his book of spiritual enlightenment. The mind is a superb instrument if used rightly. But if used wrongly, however, it becomes a very destructive element. Just as dogs love to eat bones, the mind loves to get it's teeth into problems. That is why it does crossword puzzles; and builds further atomic bombs for destruction. That is why the remains or the left over of the old vampire Siyad Bare often finds the off button of the mind. Don't get irritated or disappointed by what you hear through the dirty mouths of Mr. Riyalle's henchmen lobbyists.Just ignore their belching or burp. Otherwise you catch yourself laughing as you would laugh at the antics of a child. Just go through the realism of no mind and relax. For the record, Haber Jeclo clan members must be expelled out of Hargeisa. Hargeisa must keep their kids out of the streets; and stop throwing stones. Herse Haji Hassan the X Vice Chairman of the Election Committee, is a proved terrorist. A fanatic is a person who always talks about the same subject and never changes his mind.This scenario never happened even the days of Siyad Bare. What a crying shame in the eyes of the civilized World! I need a little space to think. I don't know who is me yet. A hole needs filling in my wisdom tooth. A functioning Government is addressing it's citizens in that barbaric approach. I can bet with my last penny that they can't understand the gravity and the backlash of this suicidal message they are broadcasting. Above that, showering our school children with bullets and keeping them behind bars.Treating our sweet hearts of boys and girls like herds of sheep that are held in their stockyard.
Never mind, that is the perception of Mr. Riyalle as a Government of integrity and his ethics of good governing. He that is down fears no fall, and no man is truly married until he understands every word his wife is not saying. Ironically, education is the soul of Mr. Riyalle's cabinet. They want to teach us three methods of learning wisdom.First by reflection, which is the noblest. Secondly by imitation, which is the easiest. Thirdly by experience, which is the bitterest. We always expect more mud to be flung; more dirt laundry to be aired; more smears to be heard; and more trash talk. Give a clown your finger and he will take all your hand. Peeling more flesh from our bones. The tongue weighs almost nothing but few can hold it. Give me the hammer; a fly is running on my nose.
The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is that, one comes from a strong will. But the other is from strong won't. The actual full name of the Movie, "Gone with the wind". Luck is a loser's excuse for a winner's position. Mr. Riyalle, your elevator to success is out of order. You have to use the stairs, one step at a time by tip toeing. Fraud and cunning are the weapons of the weak. Mr. Riyalle, If you are a cock, crow; if you are a hen, lay eggs. Don't ever try to buy us with our own money. Dear reader, just ignore their belching when they are tickling your throat. Because if you get angry, you are punishing yourself for another's sin. Because we learn ethics not for school, but for life. There are only two good men in our camp.One dead, and the other unborn. Mr. Riyalle is a cruel hunter; and the Somalilanders are his hunting game.
Mr. Riyalle, you are sweeping our hearts with forks and knives. You have taken the love of our hearts and you put water in our veins. But tomorrow is another day. A selfish name is always alone. Ah! To born again as little kid with skinned knees that are easier to heal than broken hearts. Mr. Riyalle, no matter how you change your fashion; a ruffled temper will never be in style. You often changes but gets better seldom. Lying is the first step to the prison gates. So goes the leader, so goes the nation.Under majority rule, heads are counted; under your minority rule, heads are cracked. Take your time for now, and tomorrow is another day.
The unemployment rate is one hundred percent; prices of local consumption commodities are skyrocketing; inflation is on the climax; poverty and disease are covering the whole nation. Yet he is fooling around as usual and giving us a false smile. Having a short arm for giving, and a long arm for getting. Show me a liar, and I will show you a thief. A lie will give blossom but no fruit. Mr. Riyalle, it is too late to be shy. Your opera has no audience. Fame one day, zero the other. Drive your armored scary vehicles to keep low our tone of agony. But your road to love is too bumpy. Somalilanders, memory is the watchman of the brain.
If you give your milk to the cat, you must drink water out of the sink. God see us as we can be, but loves us as we are.A handful l bunch of greedy freaks and loyal concubines of the old vampire with mosquito noise are wheezing on my ears. With all dirty talk and no walk. Hip and Miss approach. Trying to shine white a dark night. Winston Churchill once said, you can see much further in the future; if you look back in the past. Mr. Riyalle, the Author of stillness, corruption, and greed. We know that every word comes from your mouth rings with fear and threat. Our contemporary Spiritual Leader and Teacher, Mr. Riyalle, masters and imports a profound message that is leading us into the eternal life of pain and depression.
According to the communiqué released recently by the African Watch. Your old – death zone detention camp at Mandhera holds detainees of under-aged teens. That is a symbol of your injustices and a dim view of your Statue of Liberty at Berbera.It is surely a suicidal policy to put teenagers in Orange Jump Suits and Shackles; while at the same time flying to the free World looking for International Recognition. Asking alms for the love of God.
It is sad but true. Our Commander of the Police Force, Mr. Geele Haad Qoye said, age is not a factor in the Criminal Panel Code of Mr. Riyalle. It is not the story hat counts, it is how you tell it. Mr. Riyalle, your henchmen always stumble over the truth and then pick up themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened. In the Land of Skunks (XOOR) he who has half a nose is king. We can't hand our tomorrow to Mr. Riyalle. God is our refuge.
Mr. Riyalle is swimming in an ocean of human blood. Sheikh Adan Siera is my only authentic religious clergyman, and a veteran SNM fighter. Not those money maniac businessmen who preaches only wealthy people; and always pleases those in power. HE is the only sheikh that delivers humanitarian services free of charge. Sheikh Adan, we appreciate your healthy Islamism.The Orange Revolution turned into ash and dust. We have earned enough gray hair to look ugly. We had enough years of each side of mother and father in that ditch of shame. Mr. Riyalle, your crooked smile is saying many things. If we are talking to someone, your Police must know what we are saying. Justices is for sale in your showrooms of human spare parts.
Everybody that is going to be hired must go through your scrutiny screen. That is a proof of your busy schedule. You are a typical that Aristocrat Black Panther in the Animal Kingdom. But remember, that Somalilanders are birds that have no respect for borders; and your Police State has no a place in our bedrooms. White is either brain or beauty; black is neither. If your mind still making too much noise to determine who you are. Who cares! Keep your answer format for ever. I am apologizing to the hungry masses on behalf of you; for saying "I will open my mouth and you count my teeth".
Installing every year new artificial teeth for grinding more faster. But you have to remember. The more penny you gain, the more increase in your BP( blood pressure).You are an opaque screen of alien concepts that have images, labels, and logo that blocks all our relationship with the outside World. If we follow your false conviction of never; We will die alone with disrespect and disgrace. We must defy and oppose all your dirty sex of fertility underground with a barren woman from Addis Ababa, or Mogadishu. Mr. Riyalle, never try to change a woman's heart by intimidation. Stop snitching time and fooling around. You can fool nobody except yourself. Character is doing right when nobody is looking.
The blood is not dry yet, and the bruises are not healed.In 1968 when the Americans decided to withdraw their troops from Vietnam. There was a secret mission to assassinate all high ranking Government Officials, business men, intellectual elites, and politicians being suspected with anti American slogans. Mr. Riyalle and his top aides, like the Mad Cow Cashier of our revenue and the bulldog, our own Prince Naïf, are promoting the same agenda. They must either run our kitchen soup; otherwise, everything must fall apart. They want to dictate our destiny with their dirty hands for ever. They are there only to receive fat pay checks and nothing else.
Every fool like me can do that. This week there is no any crises. Because your schedule is already full. A dog looks up at the humans; a cat looks down on people. But a pig will look at a human in the eyes and assume that it is equal. Ants always follow fats. Mr. Riyalle, to have foot prints on the sands of time, you must have plenty of sand.It is not the pace of life that concerns us, it is the sudden stop at the end. What used to be merely an itch, is now an allergy. There is a thin line between love and hate. Malice drinks its own poison, and a man is of little use when his wife is a widow. The simplest toy which even the youngest child can operate, is called a grandparent. Mr. Riyalle, a fool wanders but a wise man travels. Enjoy your shopping trips since all the newspapers and the media are short staffed nowadays. Because all the chief editors either in good mood or merely scared. Music is the poor man's Parnassus. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
Guess what! In the chilly nights of the winter. When the kids of my deceased hero sitting around the fire with unshaved heads and empty stomach. Asking their devastated helpless mother. " Mother, why daddy is not around anymore and what was the cause he died for? Her reply is nothing but to break tears running across her cheeks which she does not want the kids to see. Blinking her eyes and looking up at the sky as a protest to Almighty God. What a confusing legacy life can play! Amazing indeed how money and power blinds and corrupts people. Mr. Riyalle, please take a deep breath of oxygen to refresh your mind and memorize your circumstances on the day the late president Egal nominated you as his vice president.Mr. Riyalle is saying, " I am not a follower but I am a leader with the same mentality. Quitting smoking is easy and I have done it many times.
No one wants advice except corroboration. With all the deduction from pay-check, my take home pay barely survives, or covers my cosmetics. That is why I have many professional salesmen in my corridor. Everything is for sale. The natural resources, the ports, the sea fish, the national anthem, and the flag. I am a partner in every commodity. Man! I need some quick cash for buy the moon as well as the stars.Mr. Riyalle, the wise man travels but a fool wanders around.Thank you for being totally uglyYusuf DeyrEmail:
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