Monday, November 30, 2009

Ballanqaadyadii Madaxweyne Rayaale Ee Gobolka Awdal Oo Ku Dambeeyey “Beeni Raad Ma Leh Beelalow Run Mooday” Reer Awdal oo Kalsoonidii Kala Noqday Dahir Rayale iyo Xisbiga UDUB! Aragtidii Reer Awdal ahaan aanu ugu codaynay Madaxweyne Rayaale doorashad

Ballanqaadyadii Madaxweyne Rayaale Ee Gobolka Awdal Oo Ku Dambeeyey "Beeni Raad Ma Leh Beelalow Run Mooday"

Reer Awdal oo Kalsoonidii Kala Noqday Dahir Rayale iyo Xisbiga UDUB!

Aragtidii Reer Awdal ahaan aanu ugu codaynay Madaxweyne Rayaale doorashadii hore ee Madaxweyne-nimada dalka ee 2003-dii, waxay ahayd mid ku salaysan Reer Awdalnimo, sababtoo ah innagoo u malaynayney ama ku qanacsanayn Madaxweyne Rayaale oo ka soo jeeda Gobolka Awdal inuu ka rumayn doono ballanqaadyadiisii uu ku sababeeyey "Dheri qofka ugu dhow ayaa laf kala baxa" iyo "fiqi ma eexdo bahdiina ma mooga", ee uu kaga ololaynayey Gobolka Awdal.
Maantase aragtida dadweynaha Gobolka Awdal wey ka gedisan tahay siddii ay ahayd todoba sano horteed, sababtoo ah kalsoonidoodii ayey kala noqdeen Madaxweyne Rayaale iyo Xisbigiisa UDUB, isla markaana waxay u digo-rogteen dhinaca xisbiga Kulmiye ee isbedel doonka ah, kadib markii Madaxweyne Rayaale uu ku fashilmay ballanqaadyadii uu uga dhawaajiyey Gobolka Awdal xilligii doorashadii hore ee 2003-dii, isla markaana ballanqaadyadaasi ay noqdeen "Beeni Raad Ma Leh Beelalow Run Mooday".

Taasina waa mid maanta meesha ka saaraysa fikradii loo malaynayey Madaxweyne Rayaale inuu kalsooni ka haysto Gobolka Awdal ee uu ka soo jeedo.
Hase ahaatee, Reer Awdal Dhawdhawdu Uma Dhacsanee weli waxa jira qaybo tiro yar oo ay ka mid yihiin rag waa-weyn oo aad loo yaqaano oo siyaabo khaldan oo dhallaanka iyo caruurtuba ay garan karaan wax looga dhaadhiciyey oo ilaa hadda aan ka quusan taageerida Madaxweyne Rayaale iyo Xisbigiisa UDUB. Kuwaasina waxay iskugu jiraan qaybo aaminsan doorasho inayna dalka ka dhacayn, isla markaana Madaxweyne Rayaale aanu ka dhaadhacayn weligii kursiga Madaxtinimada Somaliland siddii Somaliland ay tahay boqortooyo oo kale, iyo qaybo kale oo rumaysan iyaguna haddii doorasho dalka ay ka dhacdo Madaxweyne Rayaale inuu kor iyo hoosba ku guulaysan doono.
Si kastaba ha ahaatee, inkastoo nin meeli u cadahay meeli ay ka madowdahay, hadana qolyaha rumaysan doorasho inayna dalka ka dhacayn waxaan leeyahay doorashadu dalka wey ka dhici doontaa mana jiro maanta shakigii hore looga qabay, sababtoo ah xaskii ay ku jirtay ee Madaxweyne Rayaale uu keliddii iska lahaa go'aanka qabashadeeda, waa laga soo saaray oo hareeraha ayaa maanta laga wada joogaa, Beesha Caalamkuna Heshiiskii lixda qodob ka koobnaa ee ay ku dhexdhexaadisay saddexda Xisbi Qaran darif ayey ka saxeexeen, meel dambe oo hadeed Madaxweyne Rayaale kelidii uu kula gabadaana ma hadhin. Sidaas daraadeed, doorashadu wey dhacaysaa Ilaahey Idankii.

Kuwa kale ee iyaguna aaminsan Madaxweyne Rayaale inuu ku guulaysan doono doorashada soo socota, waxaan leehay fikradaasi maaha maanta mid macquul ah, sababtoo ah doorashadii hore ee 2003-dii Madaxweyne Rayaale isagoo maradiisu cadayd, isla markaana diiwaankiisu uu nadiif ahaa wuxuu kaga hormaray Xisbiga Kulmiye tiro aad u yar oo sideetan cod oo keliya ahayd, kadib markii weliba Guurtida Somaliland ay wax dhaqdhaqaajisay, farahana ay la soo gashay natiijadii codbixinta doorashadaas.
Balse, maanta oo Madaxweyne Rayaale todoba sano soo hayey xilka Madaxtinimada dalka, oo iska dhaaf hal tallaabo oo hore uu uga sii dhaqaajiyo halkii xilka loogu dhiibaye, hadana si aanu kursiga uga dhaadhicin awgeed loogu taagwaayey inuu dalka ka qabto doorasho xor iyo xalaal ah, taasina ay dalka ka abuurtay murankii siyaasiga ahaa ee khatarta gelin gaadhay Qaranimada iyo Nabedgelyada Somaliland ee naf iyo maalba loo soo huray, isla markaana Somaliland ay u xuubsiiban gaadhay meel bahalo galeen ah sida Somaliya oo kale, miyey macquul noqon kartaa Madaxweyne Rayaale inuu mar kale ku guuleysan karo doorashada Madaxtinimada dalka ee soo socota? Jawaabtu waa maya.

Prof.  Adan Diiriye Dixood
Boorama, Gobolka, Awdal.


The United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency
(<>IAEA) today called on Iran to immediately
suspend the construction of a recently-disclosed uranium enrichment
facility, and cooperate more fully to resolve all outstanding issues
related to its nuclear programme.

In a <>resolution
adopted today in Vienna by the Agency's Board of Governors, the IAEA
also urged Iran to clarify the purpose of the enrichment plant at Qom.
UN inspectors visited the plant late last month after Iran disclosed
its existence in September.

In addition, the IAEA "calls on Iran to confirm, as requested by the
Agency, that Iran has not taken a decision to construct, or authorize
construction of, any other nuclear facility which has as yet not been
declared to the Agency."

The resolution comes a day after the Agency's ou
tgoing Director General, Mohamed ElBaradei,
the 35-member policymaking body that the IAEA had reached a "dead end"
with Iran, noting that there had been no movement in over a year in
resolving outstanding issues related to its nuclear programme.

While Iran has stated that its nuclear programme is for peaceful
purposes, some countries contend it is driven by military ambitions.

The Agency today urged Iran to engage with it on the resolution of all
outstanding issues concerning the country's nuclear programme and to
cooperate fully in terms of providing access and information requested
by the IAEA.


    Let us cite some of the innumerable evidences showing that
Muhammad ('alaihi 's-salam) is the Most Superior (Sayyid al-Anbiya')
of prophets ('alaihimu 's-salawatu wa 't-taslimat).

    On the Day of Judgement all prophets will shelter in the shade of
his banner. Allahu ta'ala commanded all prophets ('alaihimu 's-salam)
that, if they would remain alive till the time of Muhammad ('alaihi
's-salam), who, among creatures, was His Darling Elect, they should
believe him and be his assistant. Also, all prophets ordered their
ummas [1] the same in their last requests.

    Muhammad ('alaihi 's-salam) was the Khatam al-anbiya' (the Last
Prophet), that is, no prophet will succeed him. His blessed soul was
created before all prophets. The status of nubuwwa was given first to
him. Nubuwwa (prophecy) was completed with his honouring the world.
Towards the end of the world, during the time of Hadrat [2] al-Mahdi,
'Isa (alaihi 's-salam) will descend from the sky to Damascus and join
Muhammad's ('alaihi 's-salam) umma and preach Islam on the earth.
[1] Umma (al-Muhammadiyya): the Muslim umma; followers of Muhammad
('alaihi 's-salam).
[2] Hadrat: title of respect used before the names of great people
like and Islamic scholars.

The best advisor is the one which leads you to Mawla (Allahu ta'ala).
Abdussalam bin Mashish al-Hasani "Rahmatullahi alaih"

'One should carefully choose whom to love, and share the love accordingly'

'What is important is whom you are with, not who you are.'

'Kalam-i kibar, kibar-i kalamast.'
(The words of the superiors are the superior words.)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Somaliland Journalists Held at Addis Ababa Airport

Somaliland Journalists Held at Addis Ababa Airport

Somaliland Journalists Held at Addis Ababa Airport thumbnail

HARGEISA, 28 November 2009 (Somalilandpress) – Six Somaliland journalists are held at Addis Ababa Airport in Ethiopia for the third day. The journalists were on their way to Nairobi to attend a workshop for journalists held by a Dutch organization.

The group was told that their visas were rejected by the Kenyan authorities. "We were told by the workshop organizers to go to Uganda and come to Kenya by road" Said Mr. Abdiqani, one of the journalists. At Kampala's Entebe airport the Ugandan administration held the journalists and rejected to give permission to enter the country. They deported the group back to Addis Ababa and handed over their passports to the Ethiopian Immigration office who are currently dealing with the issue.

One of the six Journalists is the Somalilandpress reporter, Mr. Abdiqani Bainah. Others are from hadhwanaag news, Ogaal newspaper, Hargeisa Cable Tv, Space Channel TV and Oodweyne news website.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

I threatened to resign over Iraq, says UN ambassador

I threatened to resign over Iraq, says UN ambassador
Sir Jeremy Greenstock tells inquiry he doubted the legitimacy of invasion
By Andrew Grice, Political editor The Independent
The Iraq war was of "questionable legitimacy" because Tony Blair failed to secure public or United Nations support for military action, Britain's former ambassador to the UN said yesterday.
Sir Jeremy Greenstock told the Iraq war inquiry that the 2003 invasion was not illegal under international law but revealed that he threatened to resign in 2002 if Britain supported it without securing at least one security council resolution.
Sir Jeremy, who played a pivotal role in the failed attempt to win a further UN mandate to directly authorise military action, said he was kept completely in the dark about Mr Blair's agreement to use military force and claimed that American politicians were "decidedly unhelpful" during his efforts to secure international support. The move was vetoed by France and Russia, leading critics to claim the subsequent invasion was illegal.
Criticising the Bush administration's approach, he said: "We began to see that there was not much energy being expended in Washington on outreach, consultation and good relationships. Even before I heard of any serious action being taken to prepare for a possible attack on Iraq, I was coming to the conclusion that the United States was missing an opportunity in general global terms."
The former ambassador disclosed that he was not asked for his opinion as the then Prime Minister formulated his controversial Iraq policy. It was not until George Bush and Mr Blair met at the US President's ranch in Crawford, Texas, in April 2002 that he realised the UK was being drawn into quite a different debate. "That discussion was not totally visible to me," he said. "I was not being politically naive but I was not being politically informed either."
Sir Jeremy believed existing UN resolutions provided "sufficient legal cover" for future action but only if Iraq was found to be in breach of its disarmament obligations. He said there were different opinions and that a "final and conclusive" verdict was never likely to be made.
But he added: "If you do something internationally that the majority of UN member states think is wrong, illegitimate or politically unjustifiable, you are taking a risk in my view.
"I regarded our participation in the military action against Iraq in March 2003 as legal but of questionable legitimacy in that it did not have the democratically observable backing of a great majority of member states or even perhaps of a majority of people inside the UK.
"There was a failure to establish legitimacy although I think we successfully established legality in the UN ... to the degree, at least, that we were never challenged in the UN or International Court of Justice for those actions."
Sir Jeremy believed war might possibly have been averted if UN weapons inspectors had been given more time in Iraq. If military action had been delayed for about six months, there would have been a better chance of securing UN support.
"It seemed to me that the option of invading Iraq in, say, October 2003 deserved much greater consideration," he said. "But the momentum for earlier action in the United States was much too strong for us to counter."
He still felt that Saddam Hussein had been concealing some illegal materials or programmes: "I still believe there is something there but it is a question of what that something is."
Although Iraq's representative at the UN told him in September 2002 that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction (WMD), Britain was not in a position to ascertain whether this was true.
He said the "whole saga", in terms of UK policy, was driven by the belief that Iraq had WMD and any talk from the United States of other motivations for war, such as regime change, were "unhelpful". UK policy was solely focused on disarming Iraq, he insisted. The failure to secure another UN resolution had been damaging in terms of public perceptions of the reasons for going to war.
"What we were left with by the failure of diplomacy was the US set of reasons for going to war with Iraq, not the British ones," he said.
Iraq invasion: What we've learnt
The very first 'drumbeats' of war
The idea of toppling Saddam Hussein was floated in Washington even before the attacks of September 11, 2001. "We were aware of those drumbeats from Washington," said Sir William Patey, the former head of the Foreign Office's Middle East section. But he said London refused to become involved in the discussions: "Our policy was to stay away from that end of the spectrum." After the 9/11 atrocities, Sir William asked officials to draw up options for dealing with Iraq. The list included the possibility of regime change but Britain dismissed the idea.
British backing for US
Tony Blair's government decided in 2002 it would be "a complete waste of time" to resist American plans to invade Iraq, according to Sir Christopher Meyer, who was British ambassador to Washington at the time. Equally it was "taken for granted" in the White House that Britain would join the US in its military action. He suggested Mr Blair could have "signed in blood" Britain's support during a visit to George Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas, in April 2002.
Saddam's weapons
The Foreign Office received intelligence 10 days before the March 2003 invasion that Iraq's chemical and biological weapons may have "remained disassembled", former senior official Sir William Ehrman revealed. There were also repeated warnings to ministers that the intelligence coming from Iraq was "sporadic and patchy". A suggestion that aluminium tubes, which can be used in nuclear weapons, had been found in Iraq was included at the last moment in the September 2002 dossier making the case for war after comments made by Dick Cheney, the former US vice-president, on television.
The war's legality
Sir William Patey said officials dismissed the idea of an invasion in 2001 because it had "no basis in law".
Sir Jeremy Greenstock, Britain's ambassador to the United Nations in 2003, said he believed the military action to be legal under international law. But he thought it would have had "questionable legitimacy" as it lacked majority backing within the UN – and among British voters. Sir Jeremy warned the Foreign Office he was ready to resign unless there was at least one fresh Security Council resolution justifying military action.
The aftermath
Sir Christopher Meyer said he warned Mr Blair of the need for more clarity on post-war planning as President Bush's aides were simply assuming it would be "all right on the night".
By Nigel Morris

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thousands of American Muslims Travel to Saudi for Hajj

Thousands of American Muslims Travel to Saudi for Hajj

One of a Muslim's duties, according to the five pillars of Islam, is to make a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca at least once during his or her lifetime. An estimated three million Muslims have traveled to Mecca to perform the Hajj.

Mohamed Elshinnawi | Washington26 November 2009

The pilgrims circle the Kaaba, considered by Muslims the house of God, inside the Grand mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia (file photo)
The pilgrims circle the Kaaba, considered by Muslims the house of God, inside the Grand mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia (file photo)One of a Muslim's duties, according to the five pillars of Islam, is to make a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca at least once during his or her lifetime. An estimated three million Muslims have traveled to Mecca to perform the Hajj. This year, 12,000 American Muslims are performing this particular pillar of Islam.

Millions of Muslims, including thousands from the US, are making the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, called the Hajj.   

American Muslims start their journey by chanting their commitment to the pilgrimage.

"We say, 'here I am Allah, here I am Allah, at your service.' So whatever Allah wants us to do, is what we want to do and we want to use this as a way to commit ourselves to Allah the rest of the year and the rest of our lives as well," Safi Khan, a Pakistani American, explains.

His wife Samira is a medical technician. She says, for her, pilgrimage is a way to move closer to God.  "It is very uplifting spiritually to see all the people from different backgrounds getting together focusing on one thing, that is to worship one God," she said.

During the Hajj, the pilgrims will circle the Kaaba, considered by Muslims the house of God. Muslims believe that God ordered the Prophet Abraham to build a house of worship on this site.  

Baqir Imrani is a high school teacher performing the Hajj for the fifth time.  This year he is praying for a universal cause.

"My prayer is: world peace for every one especially the Muslims, because they seem to suffer the most now," he said. "So hopefully we will wake up and take the right steps to bring peace in our own lands and contribute to bring the world peace." 
The journey requires elaborate preparation as well as documents, a good amount of money and vaccinations. 

Saudi authorities say that because the Hajj is a religious event, they are not banning anyone because of the H1N1 flu. But they have urged countries to follow precautions, such as age restrictions and vaccinations. 

Adel El Farmawani is a travel agent for Muslim pilgrims in the U.S.  He says some pilgrims will stay in double rooms, others in rooms that accommodate four.   

"The average cost for the five star Hajj program is about eight thousand dollars and the four star program is about 5,000," he said.

Sheikh Irfan Kabeer Eldin is the group's religious leader. He instructs the pilgrims on how to perform the Hajj. "I give talks to tell them how to do each step of the Hajj," he said.

As they board the plane, the pilgrims continue to chant. When they approach their destination, the airport at Jeddah, the women will be wearing white dresses and head covers, while the men will be wearing two pieces of unsewn white cloth to reflect human equality and unity before God.

After the pilgrimage, American Muslims will join Muslims around the world in Eid Al Adha, the four day feast celebrating the end of the Hajj. 

Thousands of American Muslims Travel to Saudi for Hajj

Thousands of American Muslims Travel to Saudi for Hajj

One of a Muslim's duties, according to the five pillars of Islam, is to make a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca at least once during his or her lifetime. An estimated three million Muslims have traveled to Mecca to perform the Hajj.

The pilgrims circle the Kaaba, considered by Muslims the house of God, inside the Grand mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia (file photo)

The pilgrims circle the Kaaba, considered by Muslims the house of God, inside the Grand mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia (file photo)One of a Muslim's duties, according to the five pillars of Islam, is to make a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca at least once during his or her lifetime. An estimated three million Muslims have traveled to Mecca to perform the Hajj. This year, 12,000 American Muslims are performing this particular pillar of Islam.  

Millions of Muslims, including thousands from the US, are making the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, called the Hajj.   

American Muslims start their journey by chanting their commitment to the pilgrimage.

"We say, 'here I am Allah, here I am Allah, at your service.' So whatever Allah wants us to do, is what we want to do and we want to use this as a way to commit ourselves to Allah the rest of the year and the rest of our lives as well," Safi Khan, a Pakistani American, explains.

His wife Samira is a medical technician. She says, for her, pilgrimage is a way to move closer to God.  "It is very uplifting spiritually to see all the people from different backgrounds getting together focusing on one thing, that is to worship one God," she said.

During the Hajj, the pilgrims will circle the Kaaba, considered by Muslims the house of God. Muslims believe that God ordered the Prophet Abraham to build a house of worship on this site.  

Baqir Imrani is a high school teacher performing the Hajj for the fifth time.  This year he is praying for a universal cause.

"My prayer is: world peace for every one especially the Muslims, because they seem to suffer the most now," he said. "So hopefully we will wake up and take the right steps to bring peace in our own lands and contribute to bring the world peace." 
The journey requires elaborate preparation as well as documents, a good amount of money and vaccinations. 

Saudi authorities say that because the Hajj is a religious event, they are not banning anyone because of the H1N1 flu. But they have urged countries to follow precautions, such as age restrictions and vaccinations. 

Adel El Farmawani is a travel agent for Muslim pilgrims in the U.S.  He says some pilgrims will stay in double rooms, others in rooms that accommodate four.   

"The average cost for the five star Hajj program is about eight thousand dollars and the four star program is about 5,000," he said.

Sheikh Irfan Kabeer Eldin is the group's religious leader. He instructs the pilgrims on how to perform the Hajj. "I give talks to tell them how to do each step of the Hajj," he said.

As they board the plane, the pilgrims continue to chant. When they approach their destination, the airport at Jeddah, the women will be wearing white dresses and head covers, while the men will be wearing two pieces of unsewn white cloth to reflect human equality and unity before God.

After the pilgrimage, American Muslims will join Muslims around the world in Eid Al Adha, the four day feast celebrating the end of the Hajj. 

Ku xusuuso Shiikh Maxamed-Rashaad Alle ha u naxariistee daruustan...

10:43 - 1 year ago 
ShMaxamed Rashaad, Gabdhaha Wanaagsan, ... GabdhahaShMaxamed Rashaad ...
05:39 - 1 year ago 
ShMaxamed Rashaad, Gabdhaha Wanaagsan, ...Gabdhaha Wanaagsan Good Girls ...
02:22 - 1 year ago 
ShMaxamed Rashaad, Gabdhaha Wanaagsan, ...Gabdhaha Wanaagsan Good Girls ...
06:12 - 5 months ago 
ShMaxamed Rashaad, Gabdhaha Wanaagsan, ...Gabdhaha Wanaagsan Good Girls ...
10:46 - 5 months ago 
ShMaxamed Rashaad, Gabdhaha Wanaagsan, ...Gabdhaha Wanaagsan Good Girls ...
02:38 - 2 years ago 
waxay ummada maanta u baahantahay haday rabto in ay hormarto ...soomaaliya somalia geedi muxaadaro shmaxamed rashaad ...
10:13 - 5 months ago 
ShMaxamed Rashaad, Gabdhaha Wanaagsan, ...Gabdhaha Wanaagsan Good Girls ...
01:26 - 5 months ago 
ShMaxamed Rashaad, Gabdhaha Wanaagsan, ...Gabdhaha Wanaagsan Good Girls ...

Posted By Samotalis to SAMOTALIS at 11/26/2009 07:11:00 PM

Ku xusuuso Shiikh Maxamed-Rashaad Alle ha u naxariistee daruustan videoga ah


1 Dabaal Dega Sannadka Cusub MP3

Abu Bakar Sidiiq 1

2 Xilka Saaran Ardayga MP3 Abu Bbakar Sidiiq  2 MP3
3 Cilmigu waa dariiqa jannada MP3 Cumar Binu Cabdicasiis MP3
4 Qofka ka jeesta hanuunka MP3 Cabdillaahi_Binu_Cabaas MP3
5 Shareecada iyo Qaanuunka MP3 Cabdillaahi_Binu_Mascuud MP3
6 Qiimaha aduunka MP3 Cismaan_Binu_Cafaan MP3
7 Islaamka iyo xoriyada Saxaafada MP3 Mucaad_Binu_Jabal MP3
8 Bishaarooyinka xiliyada dhibta MP3 Subeer_Binu_Cawaam MP3
9 Midnimada_ummada MP3 Siiradii Rasuulka CSW Sh.Mustafe  X. Ismaaciil
10 liibaanta MP3 Casharkii 1aad MP3
11 Akhlaaqda_qofka_muslimka_ah MP3 Casharkii 2aad MP3
12 Hamiga Qofka Muslimka ah MP3 Casharkii 3aad MP3
13 Awoodaha_alle_ina_siiyay_ee_aynu_dayacnay MP3 Casharkii 4aad MP3
14 Sifada Daaciga MP3 Casharkii 5aad MP3
15 Casharo_laga_faa'iidaysanayo_hijrada rasuulka MP3 Casharkii 6aad MP3
16 Hubsashada_warka MP3 Casharkii 7aad MP3
17 Diinta iyo siyaasada MP3 Casharkii 8aad MP3
18 Fahanka siyaasada sharciga ah MP3 Casharkii 9aad MP3
19 Duulaankii isbahaysiga MP3 Casharkii 10aad MP3
20 Sabarka Fitanka MP3 Casharkii 11aad MP3
Halkan ka eeg in ka badan 84 muxaadaro oo Sh.Mustafe ah


Casharkii 12aad MP3

Sh.Maxamed Sh.Cumar Dirir

MP3 Casharkii 13aad MP3
1 Wanaag Faris iyo Xumaan Reebid iyo Jawaabo ku saabsan khaladaadka ciida MP3

Casharkii 14aad



Wax ka sheega dadka Muslimiinta


Casharkii 15aad





Casharkii 16aad





Casharkii 17aad





Casharkii 18aad





Casharkii 19aad





Casharkii 20aad



Gaalo Isku Eekaysiinta


Casharkii 21aad





Casharkii 22aad





Casharkii 23aad





Casharkii 24aad





Casharkii 25aad





Casharkii 26aad



Sabaha_keena_ridada (Gaalnimada)


Casharkii 28aad





Casharkii 29aad