Monday, November 29, 2010

Germany: Doctor disciplined for anti-Muslim sign


Germany: Doctor disciplined for anti-Muslim sign

Via EarthTimes:

A German public health agency disciplined a doctor Thursday for hanging a sign in his surgery that demanded Muslim women remove their headscarves.

The sign made headlines in September, at the same time as a bestselling book was attacking German Muslims for their alleged unwillingness to adopt German ways and learn to speak German.

A demerit notice will be attached to the doctor's name for the next five years in the German medical register, said Cornelia Kur, a spokeswoman for the agency that oversees medical practices in the Frankfurt region.


The "rules" sign in his waiting room had said head-scarves were banned, very large families were not welcome and all patients had to speak German.

He said later he never seriously meant to turn any patients away.


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