Saturday, January 15, 2011

In order not to lose the blessing of faith (iman), one must be thankful for it

Serving Islam and Human Rights

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Saturday, January 15, 2011


People of wisdom state:

In order not to lose the blessing of faith (iman), one must be thankful for it. Thankfulness for it is expressed in two ways:

1. The first way is to love Muslims, who have attained this blessing, very much for the sake of Allah and not to love non-Muslims for His sake again, which is called hubb-i fillah and bughd-i fillah. As a matter of fact, the last verse of Surah al-Mujadilah states that Believers must love one another very much so as to give thanks for the blessing of faith and that they must not love disbelievers even if they may be their own parents, siblings, or children.

2. The second way is to work in order to convey this correct faith and true Islamic knowledge to Allahu ta’ala’s other servants, which is called amr-i ma’ruf andnahy-i munkar. The easiest, the most suitable, and the most risk-free form of it is to give someone a book [teaching Islam].

We must strive to transmit the trust [the Islamic religion], which came to us, to the subsequent generations for the sake of Allah. Otherwise, when Allahu ta’ala says in the Hereafter, “O My servant, My hundreds of thousands of servants sacrificed themselves so that you might be saved. They sacrificed their lives, blood, and wealth at the gates of castles, in front of ramparts, on the field of battle, in short, everywhere. Well, what did you do on your part?” how will we reply it? The greater a blessing is, the greater the responsibility it brings. We must not go to the Presence of our Lord with others’ rights on us. It is one of the human rights to be fulfilled, so we must endeavor to teach our religion to the people who listen to what we say.

If we do not do our jobs properly, we will be regarded as having committed a transgression against others’ rights as well. We are not freed from others’ rights only by obeying working hours at our jobs. If we come to our work in time but busy ourselves with other things there, we are considered to have neglected our work. Instead, we must work in such a way that we should become fully deserving of the salaries we receive. He who does not care about his work is a thief. If he eats haram, this haram becomes poison for him. A body that is nourished by what is haram is deserving of burning in the Fire. Whoever does not work in such a way as to truly deserve his salary, his accounting will be very severe. Everybody will give an account to Allahu ta’ala, not to his boss. The real owner of every work and every service is not the boss. Rather, the owner of all things is Allahu ta’ala.

Every effort should be made so that Allahu ta’ala’s one more servant may be rescued from burning in the Fire. To that end, we should ask these questions to ourselves every day and every hour: What have I done today for Allah? What contribution have I made today to the services rendered to spread Islam? Hadrat ‘Umar used to ask himself every day, “O ‘Umar, what have you done today for Allah?” There are many things we do for our nafses, but what have we done for Allah? This is the primary matter that we must focus our minds on. As a matter of fact, our Master the Prophet said:

“On the Day of Judgment, no one will be released from the reckoning until he answers the four questions:

1) From where and how did he earn his wealth? What did he spend it on?

2) How did he practice his knowledge?

3) How did he spend his life?

4) Where did he tire and exhaust his body?”


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