Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sexual Grooming and Pakistani Youths

Sexual Grooming and Pakistani Youths

Jack Straw, the justice secretary in the former British government,
sparked controversy when he accused young men of Pakistani origin in
Britain as regarding vulnerable native girls as "easy meat" for sexual
abuse. The Blackburn MP and one of the Labor Party's most prominent
figures challenged the Pakistani community in the United Kingdom to
tackle a problem that has resulted in "Pakistani heritage men thinking
it is OK to target native girls in this way".

Mr. Straw made his remarks after two Asian men were jailed
indefinitely in Nottingham for a series of rapes and sexual attacks on
vulnerable girls they had picked up on the streets.

Jack Straw seems to have a campaign to demonise and stereotype
Muslims. If he was honestly tackling a problem he would have done it
in a different way.

Why it is a surprise that white woman are easier to get into bed than
a Pakistani women and not to mention we are in the UK which happens to
be a mainly white population.

I believe he concerned about the number of white female converts to
Islam because some of them see the real Islam through a Pakistani

A nursery worker had been arrested for sexually abusing children aged
2-3 at a nursery. Sick, but Jack Straw does not say that there is a
large number of paedo's still around, or that the church is full of
paedo priests. Why the hypocrisy?

The latest year, for which we have data, Lancashire police arrested
627 people for sexual offences. 0.3% of these were Pakistanis. That's
two people. 85.5% were white British. In Lancashire, there are
1,296,900 white Brits and 45,000 Pakistanis. This means that 4.163 per
10,000 white Brits were arrested for a sex crime, compared to 0.44

If you look at my religion sex outside marriage, drink and drugs are
all a sin and are forbidden. Also the third biggest sin in Islam is
adultery, which these men also committed. They aren't very good
Muslims are they? The actions they committed are all against Islam and
the punishment under Sharia would be........I think you all know!!!

A major newspaper investigation linked some British Pakistani youths
with the sexual exploitation of underage native girls in towns across
North and Midland. Some of them are convicted of grooming underage
native girls for sex because they think that these girls have fewer
morals and are less valuable than Muslim girls. Now decent Pakistani
men will be looked at as potential child abusers but last year 80% of
child abusers were native Brits.

These Pakistani youths are British born and educated in state schools
with non-Muslim monolingual teachers. They are the product of western
education system which makes a man stupid, selfish and corrupt. They
have been mis-educated and de-educated and they do not know where they
belong. They suffer from identity crises. They speak English in local
accents. They are unable to speak, read and write Urdu language. They
find themselves cut off from their cultural roots and are unable to
enjoy the beauty of their literature and poetry. Such individuals are
fully assimilated into British culture. What do you expect from such
individuals? Instead of sending them to prison, they should be
included in New Year Honour List. In the past a Muslim girl was
awarded MBE for running way from her parents. Now there are round
about 6000 runaway Muslim girls in the custody of LAs. They should
also be included in the Honour List. Thanks to the British education

Most teenage girls, but especially the girls who hang around the
streets have no roots, low self esteem etc and so is easy prey for any
group - any group - who cares to seduce them. Lots of "KID's" around
12 to 14 start partying! (Drinking, doing drugs & having sex). This
was happening in the 60s & 70s, so I am sure it's worse now. The big
issue is where the PARENTS are. British parents already lost the
battle to have any control over their children.

Britain's so brilliant Education Ministry had embarked on teaching sex
to 5 year olds from last year. Britain already has health and social
services, including counseling for children who are sexually active.
One initiative has distributed contraceptives to girls as young as 11.
Tony Blair said it is the right thing to do- handing free
contraceptives to British girls. The Institute for Public Policy
Research found that a major reason for Britain's thug generation was
the collapse of British family life. Evidence also showed that British
adults are afraid to control their drunk, high, fornicating and
violent teens. The adults also lagged behind their European peers in
confronting their teenagers about "antisocial" behavior.

The native Brits have double standards and are hypocrites; they don't
mention the fact that the majority of men who go to countries in East
Asia looking for under aged sex are natives European men.

This is sickening. It's no wonder Great Britain is in such a bad
shape. Ten years old British girls are haveing babies out of wedlock.
They are not allowed to get married but are allowed to have babies.
Teenage pregnancy rate in Great Britain is the highest in Western
Europe. It is a civilised country and Yemen is a backward country
because it allowes young girls to get married.

Indiscipline, incivility, binge drinking, drug addiction, gun and
knife crimes, teenage pregnancies and abortion are part and parcel of
British schooling. These are the reasons why majority of Muslim
parents would like to send their children to Muslim schools with
Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods.
Only less than 5% attend Muslim schools and more than 95% keep on
attending state and church schools to be mis-educated and de-educated
by non-Muslim monolingual teachers.

There are hundreds of state and church schools where Muslim children
are in majority. In my opinion, all such schools may be opted out as
Muslim Academies. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a
teacher in a Muslim school.

London School of Islamics
Iftikhar Ahmad

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


New York, Mar 22 2011 1:10PM
With Israeli-Palestinian negotiations remaining at a standstill and
violence increasing on the ground, a senior United Nations official
today called for urgent action to break the current impasse in the
search for Middle East peace.

"We urge the parties to demonstrate leadership and rise to the
challenge of making a historic peace," Assistant Secretary-General for
Political Affairs Oscar Fernandez-Taranco told a meeting of the
Security Council.

The past month has been marked by an increase in violence and tensions
on the ground, while efforts to restart the Israeli-Palestinian
negotiations "have not produced visible results," he said.

"A decisive effort must now be made by the international community and
the Quartet to bring the parties back to negotiating the final status
issues towards implementing the two-State solution," he added,
referring to the diplomatic grouping consisting of the UN, European
Union, Russia and the United States which seeks to have two States –
Israel and Palestine – living side by side in peace and security
within recognized borders.

Talks between the two sides have been stalled since late September
following Israel's refusal to extend a 10-month freeze on settlement
activity in the occupied Palestinian territory. That decision prompted
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to withdraw from direct talks with
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which had only resumed a
few weeks earlier after a two-year hiatus.

Mr. Fernandez-Taranco said that the recent surge in violence,
including the 11 March murder of five members of an Israeli family
living in a West Bank settlement as well as the increased violence and
tensions in and around Gaza, must not be allowed to further undermine
the possibility of finding a way towards an agreement on final status
issues, or undermine the state-building achievements thus far.

"The wider region has continued to witness dramatic developments,
which add to the importance of redoubling efforts to break the
deadlock as progress towards peace and meeting the legitimate
aspirations of the Palestinian people to statehood could be an
important stabilizing force in the Middle East," he stated.

Turning to the situation in Gaza, Mr. Fernandez-Taranco said all
parties must exercise restraint, as he condemned last weekend's firing
of missiles and mortars towards Israeli civilian areas, and noted the
air strikes and incursions carried out by Israel that killed three
Palestinian civilians and two militants.

The situation of the 1.5 million Palestinian residents of Gaza also
remained a concern, he added, noting that current imports into the
territory represent only about one third of the weekly average prior
to the imposition of the Israeli blockade in June 2007.

The latest UN assessment of the humanitarian impact of the blockade
says that the measures announced by Israel last June to ease the
blockade has not resulted in a significant improvement in people's

Because of the ongoing restrictions on the import of building
materials, only a small minority of the needed housing units could be
constructed, it adds. High unemployment levels and strong demand for
construction materials have left thousands of people with no
alternative but to risk their lives working in tunnels or in
access-restricted areas near the perimeter fence surrounding Gaza.

UN official: Israel engaging in ethnic cleansing

UN official: Israel engaging in ethnic cleansing

Investigator Richard Falk says settlement expansion, consequent evicting of Palestinians 'intolerable'


Israel's expansion of Jewish "settlements" in east Jerusalem and eviction of Palestinians from their homes there is a form of ethnic cleansing, a United Nations investigator said on Monday.


US academic Richard Falk was speaking to the UN Human Rights Council as it prepared to pass resolutions condemning Israeli behaviour on territory it has occupied since 1967.


The "continued pattern of settlement expansion in East Jerusalem combined with the forcible eviction of long-residing Palestinians are creating an intolerable situation" in the part of the city previously controlled by Jordan, he said.


This situation "can only be described in its cumulative impact as a form of ethnic cleansing," Falk declared.


Israel declines to deal with Falk or even allow him into the country, accusing him of bias against the Jewish state.


In a linked discussion on Israeli policies towards lands it seized in the 1967 Middle East War, Israeli and Palestinian delegates clashed over the recent murders of members of a Jewish settler family on the West Bank.


Israel's ambassador Aharon Leshno Yaar called on Palestinian leaders to condemn the March 11 murders of three children, including a baby, and their parents "without caveats or hedging" in Arabic to their own people.


Almost as shocking as the killings, "in the days following the massacre many Palestinians took to the streets celebrating the deaths of this family," Leshno Yaar said.


But Palestinian envoy Ibrahim Kraishi said the killings had already been condemned by the Palestinian Authority as "an act of terrorism" that was not part of his people's culture. "Rather, it is the culture of the occupying power," he added.

 In his speech, Falk said he would like the Human Rights Council to ask the International Court of Justice to look at Israeli behaviour in the occupied territories.


This should focus on whether the prolonged occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem had elements of "colonialism, apartheid and ethnic cleansing inconsistent with international humanitarian law," the investigator declared.,7340,L-4045623,00.html

Saturday, March 19, 2011

She is afraid that her marriage may not be successful because she got to know him before marriage

She is afraid that her marriage may not be successful because she got to know him before marriage
I read on your website in several places something that made me want to ask about love before marriage. I am a woman who is married to a religiously committed young man, and praise be to Allah he prays and fasts and does his duties in the best manner as he is supposed to. Praise be to Allah, I fear Allah a great deal and I have a strong desire to draw closer and closer to Him. But I got to know this person before marriage, although nothing happened in this relationship to be ashamed of, but he is from one city and I am from another city, and he came to get to know me more and more. But I read that if one likes another person before marriage or sits with him, Allah will not bless them in their relationship, and I am very scared. How can I expiate for my sin? Please note that when I sat with him it was in public places.
I hope that you can help me so that Allah will make my marriage to this person successful, because I fear Allah above everything else.

Praise be to Allaah.

What is meant by the love that is forbidden before marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman that includes haraam things such as looking, touching, shaking hands, being alone together, romantic words, the woman softening her voice, and so on. There is no doubt that this is haraam because what it involves is haraam. 

For information on the prohibition on the things mentioned above, see the answer to question no. 103044

Love may occur without a person choosing that and without doing any haraam things, such as if a woman hears of a man who is of good character and starts liking him. She is not to be blamed for this so long as it is not followed by anything haraam. 

If a man wants to propose to a woman, it is permissible for him to look at her and to meet her in the presence of her mahram. 

No matter what the nature of the love and relationship before marriage, if a person committed any wrong action in that case, then he has to seek forgiveness and repent, for Allah forgives sin, accepts repentance and erases bad deeds. 

If we assume that you overstepped the mark with regard to saying something inappropriate or shaking hands and the like, then all you have to do is ask for forgiveness. Allah has blessed you with marriage to a righteous young man, so praise Allah, may He be exalted, and think positively of Him, and hope for the goodness, blessing and success that He may bestow. 

No one can be certain that the one who falls in love before marriage will not be blessed in his marriage. This is a matter of the unseen that no one knows except Allah. The most that can be said is that haraam love may be a cause of the marriage not being blessed, because a person may be deprived of provision because of a sin that he committed, as the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "…a man may be deprived of provision by a sin that he commits." Narrated by Ibn Maajah (4022) and classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh Ibn Maajah. 

But if a person repents and turns to Allah, there is the hope that he will be successful with Allah's help, and that his bad deeds will be turned into good deeds. 

So have faith in Allah, may He be exalted, and put your fears aside; seek the forgiveness of Allah from all sins, minor and major, and you will be fine, praise be to Allah. 

And Allah knows best

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Oneness of Allaah (Tawheed)

The Oneness of Allaah (Tawheed)

to the extent that he directed those matters towards it.

The Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: " Whoever says La ilaha illah Allaah sincerely will enter Paradise." (Reported by Bazzar and declared authentic by Al-Albani in Sahih AI-Jami)

The sincere person is the one who understands, acts according to its requirements, invites others to it, and gives it precedence over all other issues, because it is the concise formula of Tawheed (Islamic Monotheism) for which human beings are created.

Therefore La ilaha illah Allaah will benefit the one who says it if he conforms to its meaning in his life, and doesn't nullify' it by associating partners with Allaah, such as supplicating to the dead or calling upon the living who are absent The Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said (This was reported by Baihaqi, declared authentic by Al-Albani in Ahadith Sahiha #l932)

The statement of "I testify that Muhammad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) is the Messenger of Allaah," means, "None has the right to be followed after Allaah's Book (The Qur'an), but Allaah's Messenger," Allaah said: "And whatsoever the Messenger gives you, take it, and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain from it". (al Qur'an 59:7)

In conclusion, it is from the understanding of Tawheed [Islamic Monotheism] that will enter a person into Paradise and confirms that Islam is the only Monotheistic Religion and way of life acceptable to the Creator.

Allaah, The Exalted said: " Say you (0 Muhammad ): "This is my way, I invite unto Allaah (i.e. to the Oneness of Allaah - Islamic Monotheism) (with sure knowledge), and whosoever follows me (also must invite others to Allaah (i.e. to the Oneness of Allaah - Islamic Monotheism) with sure knowledge. And Glorified and Exalted is Allaah (above all they associate as partners with Him), and I am not of the polytheists. " (Al Qur'an 12:108)

Ibn Abbas (a companion of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam.)) narrated: When Allaah's Messenger sent Mu'adh to Yemen, he said, "You will come upon the people of the book (Christians and Jews), let your first act be to call them to testify' that - There is nothing worthy of worship in truth but Allaah". (Bukhari #1389)

All the prophets of Allaah including; Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the tribes, Jesus, and Muhammad (alayhim asalaam), all invited the people to the same thing. To worship The One God without any partners, son or associates. In order to understand why we must worship Allaah (The One True God), we must first accept the Oneness of the Lordship of Allaah i.e.

Tawheed ar-Rububiyyah. This means to believe that there is only One Lord for everything that exists, its Creator, Organizer, Originator, Planner, Sustainer, Authority, Giver of Security, etc. and this is Allaah (One God) The belief in the Lordship of One God cannot be separated by the act of worshipping the One God i.e.

Tawheed al-Uluhiyyah. This means to believe that none has right to be worshipped (e.g. praying, invoking, asking for help from the unseen,

And this was the call of all of the Prophets and Messengers. The third and final category of Tawheed is known as Tawhed al Asma wa Sifat which is to single Allaah out with His Beautiful Names an Lofty Attributes. So Allaah is the Bestower of Mercy and The Most High and only He has and therefore deserves to be called by these names. La ilaha illah Allaah (None Has the Right in Truth to be worshipped except Allaah) is the foundation of Tawheed (Islamic Monotheism) and Islam. It is a complete system of life, through which, all forms of worship (of Allaah) are realized. That happens when a Muslim submits himself to Allaah, and calls upon Him alone, and refers all issues (of right and wrong ) to His Law, to the exclusion of all other systems of law

The word ilah (i.e. God), means the One who is obeyed and not defied, out of one's sense of awe and reverence, love, fear, and hope, placing one's trust in Him, asking Him and supplicating to Him alone. Whoever directs any of these matters (which are the rights of Allaah) to a created being, has detracted from the sincerity of his statement La ilaha illah Allaah and he has worshipped that created being 

Friday, March 11, 2011

Saudi braces for protests amid sweeping Arab unrest

Saudi braces for protests amid sweeping Arab unrest

By Omar Hasan (AFP) – 1 hour ago

RIYADH — Oil kingpin Saudi Arabia braced Friday for protests calling for political and economic reforms a day after police shot and wounded three protesters in the eastern province.

Online activists using the Facebook and Twitter have called for a "Day of Rage" and a "Saudi March 11 revolution" demanding fully elected parliament and ruler in this Islamic conservative monarchy where the Shura (consultative) Council is fully appointed.

Security was strongly beefed up in the capital Riyadh in the early hours of Friday.

Dozens of police cars filled the strategic Olaya commercial centre in the Riyadh, which was hit by a blinding dust storm overnight, where the protesters are supposed to congregate.

Police patrols stood guard on the sides of the main roads of King Fahad and Olaya main street where security forces set up a checkpoint and were checking the identities of motorists.

The activists are also demanding an independent judiciary, the abolition of the secret service police, the release of all political prisoners and guarantees of freedom of expression, according to the activists website.

On the economic front, they are demanding a fixed minimum wage of 10,000 riyals ($2,667) and finding jobs for Saudis in a country where the unemployment rate is 10.5 percent and soars to around 30 percent in the 20-29 age group, according to official figures.

On his return from surgery in the United States last month, King Abdullah had decreed massive benefits to Saudis estimated at more than $30 billion, which included housing services and unemployment benefits.

The activists have urged Saudis to demonstrate in large numbers soon after the Muslim Friday prayers around 1000 GMT in most of Saudi cities including Riyadh, Jeddah in the west and Dammam in the oil-rich east.

The Gulf Civil Society Forum, a liberal pan-Gulf group, expected a low turnout because the call came from London-based Saudi dissidents who do not have a large following in the kingdom.

Other Facebook youth activists have called for nationwide protests on March 20.

Saudi security forces shot and wounded three Shiite protesters in Al-Qateef in the eastern province on Thursday while dispersing a protest calling for the release of nine Shiite prisoners who have been in jail for 14 years without trial, a witness told AFP.

Following the incident, the United States said it would closely monitor unrest in Saudi Arabia, the world's biggest oil exporter, and restated its support for universal values.

The Saudi interior ministry had earlier issued a stern reminder that any demonstration was illegal and warned activists that the security forces had been authorised to crack down on any protests.

The kingdom's top clerics have also condemned as un-Islamic calls for demonstrations and petitions saying "reform and advice do not take place through demonstrations and methods that fan sedition."

Political parties are banned in Saudi Arabia, which controls a quarter of the world's oil reserves.

Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal said on Monday the kingdom "completely rejects any intervention in its internal affairs," and warned it will "chop off the fingers," of those trying to meddle in Saudi affairs.

"Dialogue is the best way for citizens to gain their rights," he said.

Rights groups Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have called on Riyadh for a relaxation of the protest ban, insisting it was "obliged under international law to allow peaceful protests to take place."

Traders were anxiously watching developments in the kingdom, but US experts have said that Riyadh seems unlikely to catch the contagion of Arab revolutions sweeping other parts of the Middle East.

Benchmark crude prices dipped below the $102 level in Asian trade Friday after easing off two-year highs.

New York's main contract, light sweet crude for April delivery, fell 97 cents to $101.73 per barrel in the afternoon.

Brent North Sea crude for April dipped 39 cents to $115.04.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011


New York, Mar 8 2011 12:10PM
The United Nations refugee agency today voiced alarm at increasing
accounts of violence and discrimination in Libya against sub-Saharan
Africans in both the rebel-held east and the Government-controlled
west, including the reported rape of a 12-year-old girl.

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) "reiterates its call on
all parties to recognize the vulnerability of both refugees and
migrants from sub-Saharan Africa and to take measures to ensure their
protection," spokesman Adrian Edwards told a
<"">news briefing in Geneva.

Yesterday Sudanese refugees arriving from eastern Libya at the
Egyptian border told UNHCR that armed Libyans were going door to door,
forcing sub-Saharan Africans to leave. "In one instance a 12-year-old
Sudanese girl was said to have been raped," Mr. Edwards said.

"They reported that many people had their documents confiscated or
destroyed. We heard similar accounts from a group of Chadians who fled
Benghazi, Al Bayda and Brega in the past few days."

The number of people who have fled the violence since the start of
mass protests against Muammar Al-Qadhafi three weeks ago has passed
212,000, including 112,000 in Tunisia, more than half of them Tunisian
and Egyptians migrants; 98,000 in Egypt, over two thirds of them
Egyptian; and 2,000 in Niger, mainly Niger nationals.

UNHCR has also heard from the Algerian Government that more than 4,000
people have arrived in Algeria by air, land and sea, including
evacuations from Tunisia and Egypt.

UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres is in Tunisia today
to meet with officials and visit the border area, where he will meet
with local community members who have offered aid, shelter and
solidarity to the tens of thousands of migrants and refugees.

Another group that has been facing particular hardship are Bangladeshi
migrants, with some 3,500 stranded at the Egyptian border, many of
whom have been waiting for up to 10 days for onward transport. They
are becoming "increasingly agitated," Mr. Edwards said, and one
Bangladeshi man died over the weekend after a fight over food

Many are sleeping outside in the bitter cold as available shelter is
filled to capacity. Over 14,000 meals were distributed to people
stranded at the border yesterday, where overall some 5,000 people are
awaiting onwards transport.

At both the Egyptian and Tunisian borders, most of those awaiting
evacuation are Bangladeshi single men. There is a critical shortage at
present of long-haul flights to Bangladesh, other Asian countries and
sub-Saharan Africa, Mr. Edwards said, noting that UNHCR and the
inter-governmental International Organization for Migration (IOM) are
using cash contributions to charter planes and several donor countries
have offered long-haul flights.

"Nevertheless, with an estimated 40 to 50 flights needed to repatriate
all the migrants, further support will be needed to ensure that
everyone is transported home," he added.

At the Tunisian border with Libya, the number of arrivals has dropped
considerably, compared to a week ago, with 2,485 people arriving
yesterday, coinciding with intensified fighting in western Libya that
has reduced mobility. Recent arrivals describe numerous military road
blocks along the route, with the majority reporting that they are
searched for mobile phones, memory cards and simcards," Mr. Edwards

UNHCR's tented transit camp in Choucha, close to the border, currently
holds 15,000 people, 311 of them with protection concerns, including
Somalis and Eritreans.

Meanwhile, a convoy of trucks from the UN World Food Programme (WFP)
entered Libya last night and is due to arrive in the eastern city of
Benghazi today with 70 metric tons of high-energy, fortified date
bars, the first delivery of UN food aid to enter the country.

WFP is mobilizing food for the hungry as part of a $39.2 million
operation to feed more than 1 million people in Libya, Egypt and
Tunisia over a three-month period. Preparations are under way for
delivery of another 70 metric tons of the locally-produced date bars,
and 150 metric tons of wheat flour, taken from the stocks of WFP
operations in Egypt.

A shipment of 1,182 metric tons of wheat flour which turned back from
Benghazi on Thursday amid security concerns, set sail for Libya again

Some 80 metric tons of WFP high energy biscuits, airlifted to the
Tunisian border last week, are now being distributed as part of the
food rations for new arrivals there.