Jack Straw, the justice secretary in the former British government,
sparked controversy when he accused young men of Pakistani origin in
Britain as regarding vulnerable native girls as "easy meat" for sexual
abuse. The Blackburn MP and one of the Labor Party's most prominent
figures challenged the Pakistani community in the United Kingdom to
tackle a problem that has resulted in "Pakistani heritage men thinking
it is OK to target native girls in this way".
Mr. Straw made his remarks after two Asian men were jailed
indefinitely in Nottingham for a series of rapes and sexual attacks on
vulnerable girls they had picked up on the streets.
Jack Straw seems to have a campaign to demonise and stereotype
Muslims. If he was honestly tackling a problem he would have done it
in a different way.
Why it is a surprise that white woman are easier to get into bed than
a Pakistani women and not to mention we are in the UK which happens to
be a mainly white population.
I believe he concerned about the number of white female converts to
Islam because some of them see the real Islam through a Pakistani
A nursery worker had been arrested for sexually abusing children aged
2-3 at a nursery. Sick, but Jack Straw does not say that there is a
large number of paedo's still around, or that the church is full of
paedo priests. Why the hypocrisy?
The latest year, for which we have data, Lancashire police arrested
627 people for sexual offences. 0.3% of these were Pakistanis. That's
two people. 85.5% were white British. In Lancashire, there are
1,296,900 white Brits and 45,000 Pakistanis. This means that 4.163 per
10,000 white Brits were arrested for a sex crime, compared to 0.44
If you look at my religion sex outside marriage, drink and drugs are
all a sin and are forbidden. Also the third biggest sin in Islam is
adultery, which these men also committed. They aren't very good
Muslims are they? The actions they committed are all against Islam and
the punishment under Sharia would be........I think you all know!!!
A major newspaper investigation linked some British Pakistani youths
with the sexual exploitation of underage native girls in towns across
North and Midland. Some of them are convicted of grooming underage
native girls for sex because they think that these girls have fewer
morals and are less valuable than Muslim girls. Now decent Pakistani
men will be looked at as potential child abusers but last year 80% of
child abusers were native Brits.
These Pakistani youths are British born and educated in state schools
with non-Muslim monolingual teachers. They are the product of western
education system which makes a man stupid, selfish and corrupt. They
have been mis-educated and de-educated and they do not know where they
belong. They suffer from identity crises. They speak English in local
accents. They are unable to speak, read and write Urdu language. They
find themselves cut off from their cultural roots and are unable to
enjoy the beauty of their literature and poetry. Such individuals are
fully assimilated into British culture. What do you expect from such
individuals? Instead of sending them to prison, they should be
included in New Year Honour List. In the past a Muslim girl was
awarded MBE for running way from her parents. Now there are round
about 6000 runaway Muslim girls in the custody of LAs. They should
also be included in the Honour List. Thanks to the British education
Most teenage girls, but especially the girls who hang around the
streets have no roots, low self esteem etc and so is easy prey for any
group - any group - who cares to seduce them. Lots of "KID's" around
12 to 14 start partying! (Drinking, doing drugs & having sex). This
was happening in the 60s & 70s, so I am sure it's worse now. The big
issue is where the PARENTS are. British parents already lost the
battle to have any control over their children.
Britain's so brilliant Education Ministry had embarked on teaching sex
to 5 year olds from last year. Britain already has health and social
services, including counseling for children who are sexually active.
One initiative has distributed contraceptives to girls as young as 11.
Tony Blair said it is the right thing to do- handing free
contraceptives to British girls. The Institute for Public Policy
Research found that a major reason for Britain's thug generation was
the collapse of British family life. Evidence also showed that British
adults are afraid to control their drunk, high, fornicating and
violent teens. The adults also lagged behind their European peers in
confronting their teenagers about "antisocial" behavior.
The native Brits have double standards and are hypocrites; they don't
mention the fact that the majority of men who go to countries in East
Asia looking for under aged sex are natives European men.
This is sickening. It's no wonder Great Britain is in such a bad
shape. Ten years old British girls are haveing babies out of wedlock.
They are not allowed to get married but are allowed to have babies.
Teenage pregnancy rate in Great Britain is the highest in Western
Europe. It is a civilised country and Yemen is a backward country
because it allowes young girls to get married.
Indiscipline, incivility, binge drinking, drug addiction, gun and
knife crimes, teenage pregnancies and abortion are part and parcel of
British schooling. These are the reasons why majority of Muslim
parents would like to send their children to Muslim schools with
Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods.
Only less than 5% attend Muslim schools and more than 95% keep on
attending state and church schools to be mis-educated and de-educated
by non-Muslim monolingual teachers.
There are hundreds of state and church schools where Muslim children
are in majority. In my opinion, all such schools may be opted out as
Muslim Academies. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a
teacher in a Muslim school.
London School of Islamics
Iftikhar Ahmad
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