Tuesday, June 28, 2011




For your questions about Islamic knowledge:

28 June 2011 / 26 Rajab 1432


    Our Prophet (sall-Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam) has declared, "When the teacher says Basmala [1] to the child and the child repeats it, Allahu ta'ala has a voucher written down lest the child and his parents and his teacher go to Hell. " Abdullah ibni Mas'ud (radi-Allahu 'anh) says, "He who wants to escape from the 19 angels who will torment him in the next world, should say the Basmala. " The Basmala consists of 19 letters.

    It is the Basmala that was written first in the Lawh-i mahfuz [2]. It is the Basmala that descended to Hadrat [3] Adam first. Muslims will pass the Sirat with the help of the Basmala. The Basmala is the signature on the invitation to Paradise. Here the meaning of the Basmala is "I am able to write this book with the aid of Allahu ta'ala who has done favours to every being by creating it, by keeping it in existence and by protecting it against annihilation. The 'arifs knew Him as the ilah. Beings found food through His mercy. Sinners are saved from Hell through His pitying. "

    Allahu ta'ala has begun the Qur'an al-Karim with these three names of His because man has three states, namely his state in the world, in the grave, and in the Hereafter. If man worships Allahu ta'ala, He facilitates his works in the world, pities him in the grave, and forgives his sins in the Hereafter.

[1] Basmala: the phrase "Bismi'illahi 'r-rahmani 'r-rahim" (In the Name of Allahu ta'ala the Compassionate, the Merciful).
[2] Lawh-i Mahfuz In pre-eternity, Allahu ta'ala knew everything that would happen in the world. He explains His knowledge of eternity and His eternal Word to angels at a place called Lawh-i mahfuz. Angels do what they learn from the Lawh-i mahfuz.
[3] Hadrat: title of respect used before the names of great people like and Islamic scholars.

A person with equal earnings on two [successive] days has suffered a loss. A Muslim must make progress every day.

'One should carefully choose whom to love, and share the love accordingly'

'What is important is whom you are with, not who you are.'

'Kalam-i kibar, kibar-i kalamast.'

(The words of the superiors are the superior words.)

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