Wednesday, August 31, 2011



The recent troubles in northern Kosovo highlight the need for all sides to refrain from unilateral action that could escalate tensions and to resolve underlying issues through dialogue, a senior United Nations official told the Security Council today.

The Secretary-General's acting Special Representative for Kosovo, Farid Zarif, said the situation remains "tense and unpredictable" after the clashes of late July between Serbs and Albanians.

On 25 July, Kosovo authorities attempted to take control of two northern boundary crossing points. One person died in the ensuing violence that took place between them and the northern Kosovo Serbs.

"Although the situation was contained and further loss of life prevented, we should note that the events which took place in northern Kosovo last month were the most serious security incidents since the violence in 2008," Mr. Zarif told the Council.

"They serve as a stark reminder that the issues underlying these incidents remain unresolved and constitute a serious threat to Kosovo's peace and security," he added. "It remains essential therefore that all sides refrain from any unilateral action, which could escalate tensions."

Mr. Zarif, who presented the latest report (S/2011/514) of the Secretary-General on the UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), stressed the need for all sides to work together to avoid any further deterioration of the situation and allow progress to be made through dialogue.

UNMIK ran Kosovo from 1999, when NATO forces drove out Yugoslav troops amid bloody ethnic fighting between Serbs and Albanians, until 2008, when Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia. Serbia has not recognized it.

While tensions in the north did not spill over into the rest of Kosovo, there was an increase in cases of intimidation of Kosovo Serbs and attacks on their property, noted Mr. Zarif.

"We are of the belief that the recent troubles must be a wake-up call to all that rebuilding trust and promoting inter-community cooperation and understanding cannot be further postponed," he said.

"There is a pressing need for leaders on both sides to speak the language of peaceful co-existence and reconciliation and to accompany their words with concrete actions."

Serbia's Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic said the events of last month led to the situation in the region becoming less secure, less stable and less predictable. "I urge the Security Council to send a clear message to the perpetrators that their unilateralism is totally unacceptable," he said, adding that peace and security in Kosovo is the responsibility of the Council, as per resolution 1244, which set up UNMIK in 1999.

"We sent Kosovo police forces to our northern borders neither to disturb citizens nor to attack them," stated Enver Hoxhaj, representing Kosovo. "We simply wanted to reinforce measures of reciprocity in trade when all attempts to negotiate the matter had failed." He added that Kosovo police did not use violence, and that it was the Serbian Government that "committed acts of violence inside the territory of Kosovo."


Hadith No: 76
Narrated: Abu Said Al-Khudri
The Prophet used to proceed to the Musalla on the days of Eid-ul-Fitr and Id-ul-Adha; the first thing to begin with was the prayer and after that he would stand in front of the people and the people would keep sitting in their rows. Then he would preach to them, advise them and give them orders, (i.e. Khutba). And after that if he wished to send an army for an expedition, he would do so; or if he wanted to give and order, he would do so, and then depart. The people followed this tradition till I went out with Marwan, the Governor of Medina, for the prayer of Eid-ul-Adha or Eid-ul-Fitr. When we reached the Musalla, there was a pulpit made by Kathir bin As-Salt. Marwan wanted to get up on that pulpit before the prayer. I got hold of his clothes but he pulled them and ascended the pulpit and delivered the Khutba before the prayer. I said to him, "By Allah, you have changed (the Prophet's tradition)." He replied, "O Abu Said! Gone is that which you know." I said, "By Allah! What I know is better than what I do not know." Marwan said, "People do not sit to listen to our Khutba after the prayer, so I delivered the Khutba before the prayer."

In Brief: Agency identifies 23,000 IDP shelters in Mogadishu

In Brief: Agency identifies 23,000 IDP shelters in Mogadishu

NAIROBI, 31 August 2011 (IRIN) - A UN agency's satellite-based analysis of the shelters housing internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, identified at least 23,000 such structures, mostly in the city's western districts.

 According to UNOSAT (the UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Operational Satellite Applications Programme [ ]), the analysis was based on imagery recorded on the morning of 28 July 2011. At least 188 spatially distinct IDP shelter concentrations were identified within the city, covering an area of approximately 176 hectares, with the two largest in Wadajir and Dharkelynley, both in Medina district.

 "A detailed shelter count assessment for 46 IDP concentration sites resulted in an identification of 12,150 individual shelter structures that ranged from very small informal shelters constructed from sticks to large emergency tents provided by international aid agencies," UNOSAT said in a report on 16 August 2011.

The CIA has been spying on New York City's Muslim communities for years

Giving up liberty in the pursuit of security
The CIA has been spying on New York City's Muslim communities for years, in violation of US law.

Ramzi Kassem 
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New York City police indiscriminately scrutinised taxi drivers because many drivers are Muslim [GALLO/GETTY]

Hosting a reception for members of New York City's Muslim communities in his mansion on Tuesday night, Mayor Michael Bloomberg eloquently described Muslims as an inalienable part of our great city's fabric. By Wednesday morning, however, many of us who attended that reception would have been forgiven for thinking that we actually lived in a nightmarish American avatar of Kim Jong-Il's Korea.

Indeed, an extensive investigation by the Associated Press raises alarming questions about the NYPD and CIA, hand in hand, breaching some of the most important bulwarks of an open and free society. Through a clandestine programme, operating without meaningful oversight and often without jurisdiction, NYPD and embedded CIA officers appear to have staged what can only be described as an end-run of staggering scope around legal strictures proscribing ethnic profiling by the government, limiting its ability to monitor constitutionally-protected activity, and prohibiting our foreign intelligence service from spying at home. 

While "mosque crawlers" monitored religious sermons, so-called "rakers" engaged in "human mapping" of minority communities, neighbourhoods, cafes, bars, nightclubs, and bookstores. Police indiscriminately scrutinised taxi drivers and food cart vendors, because Muslims are well represented in these professions. The authorities also aggressively policed and prosecuted minor traffic violations in order to pressure members of targeted Muslim communities to become spies. New Yorkers who, but for their apparent ethnic origin or religious affiliation, would not even have been stopped, were singled out for arrest and questioning in an effort to turn them into informants. 

The limits our laws place on our government are there for a reason. As a society, we do not want our government to spy on entire communities nor do we want individuals singled out on the basis of race or religion. Similarly, our CIA spies are trained to break laws and disregard rights. Our laws allow them to do that only abroad, not at home.

That the boundaries have been overstepped sadly comes as no surprise to many Muslim, Arab and South Asian Americans. Those communities have been decrying blanket surveillance and infiltration for years. The outrageous revelations should come as no surprise to attentive observers, either.

Recall the disturbing statements by Larry Sanchez, the senior CIA officer seconded to the NYPD as part of this programme. Testifying before the Senate in 2007, Sanchez explained that the secret to the NYPD's approach was viewing constitutionally-protected activity, including the practise of religion, as a potential precursor to terrorism. Setting the stage for the NYPD's massive fishing expedition was a 2002 federal court order paring down restrictions on the police's ability to infiltrate communities and monitor protected activity without any concrete suspicion of actual criminal conduct.

With these most recent revelations confirming their very worst fears, the breakdown in trust between Muslim New Yorkers and their police department may well be complete and irreversible. Notwithstanding the Mayor's rhetoric regarding tolerance and partnership, people in these communities now know that the police views them as fair game and that every aspect of normal participation in community life is exposed to surveillance. Seeing as census data was reportedly used in the mapping effort, they may no longer even wish to speak to census workers - let alone law enforcement. That the programme was modelled on how Israeli authorities operate in the West Bank casts the NYPD in the unfortunate role of brutal occupying force and the areas where Muslim New Yorkers live as occupied, foreign territory.

All New Yorkers, including Muslims, want safety. But no community should be forced to sacrifice its rights to that end. As Sanchez made clear in his congressional testimony, the NYPD believes it has a mandate to run roughshod over the privacy and rights of certain New Yorkers. Rights advocates and civil society should inform the NYPD and the Mayor that, contrary to their apparent belief, they were not issued a blank check.

From politicians and officials, the communities that have been targeted and surveilled through these covert measures deserve concrete responses. Community relations dinners, awards ceremonies, and cultural sensitivity briefings will not begin to appease the concerns confirmed by these revelations. In order to heal this rift, the City needs to commit to meaningful dialogue with a broad and representative cross-section of community organisations and activists about issues such as infiltration, surveillance and policing.

The City Council, as the NYPD's primary watchdog, should publicly probe these revelations. The City Comptroller's office should exercise its authority to audit this intelligence unit. And, finally, at the federal level, the Department of Justice and Congress, which bankrolls city police activity to a large extent, should investigate and hold hearings regarding this potentially grave breach of federal laws that protect civil rights, ban racial profiling, and prohibit domestic intelligence gathering by the CIA.

Anything less, and we risk forfeiting our standing in the eyes of people of conscience here and abroad as a city that welcomes all and as a country where the rule of law prevails and protects even our least popular minorities.

Ramzi Kassem is Associate Professor of Law at the City University of New YorkHe supervises the Creating Law Enforcement Accountability & Responsibility (CLEAR) project, which works to address the unmet legal needs of Muslim, Arab, South Asian, and other communities in New York City that are particularly affected by national security and counterterrorism policies and practices.

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera's editorial policy.

Lebanon aid arrives in famine-stricken SomaliaAugust

Lebanon aid arrives in famine-stricken SomaliaAugust  PM)By Nafez Kawas
The Daily Star
A newly internally displaced mother from southern Somalia and her young son carry food aid they received at a feeding center in Howlwadag district in Mogadishu, on August 25, 2011. Drought in the Horn of Africa is affecting some 12.4 million people, the most severe food security crisis in Africa since the 1991-1992 Somalia famine, leaving some 3.7 million people in need of food assistance and some 450,000 children malnourished in Somalia.
A newly internally displaced mother from southern Somalia and her young son carry food aid they received at a feeding center in Howlwadag district in Mogadishu, on August 25, 2011. Drought in the Horn of Africa is affecting some 12.4 million people, the most severe food security crisis in Africa since the 1991-1992 Somalia famine, leaving some 3.7 million people in need of food assistance and some 450,000 children malnourished in Somalia.

BEIRUT: A shipment of aid from Lebanon to famine-struck Somalia arrived in Mogadishu Friday and a Lebanese delegation has handed the much-needed supplies to local authorities.

The humanitarian assistance includes 1350 food ration packs each containing rice, sugar, baby milk and flour weighing 25 kilograms per share. A further 2.5 tons of medical supplies were also sent as part of the aid.

Some 3.7 million Somalis are at risk of starvation in the worst drought the country has seen in decades.

The Lebanese delegation arrived in Mogadishu Friday and, under the guidance of Prime Minister Najib Mikati, released the aid to local authorities.

The Lebanese aid shipment to Somalia was undertaken under the auspices of the government's Higher Relief Committee along with the Health Ministry and the Zakat Fund of Dar al-Fatwa. Riad Itani, responsible for charitable donations at Dar al-Fatwa, along with representatives from the HRC and the ministry were on the flight that landed at the airport in Mogadishu.

Meeting the delegation at the capital's airport, Deputy Minister of Constitution and Federal Affairs Suleiman Ibrahim expressed his government's gratitude for the assistance.

"This is a major crisis, many people in different states have been affected," Ibrahim said.

Ibrahim, who was accompanied by Ayman Aabed from the Islamic Relief Committee in Somalia, said many countries had offered assistance but that more was needed, especially the need to place a relief plan for those affected by the famine.

Ibrahim singled Lebanon out among the first Arab country to offer assistance and expressed thanks to Prime Minister Najib Mikati.

Aabed also expressed his thanks to the Lebanese government and said the aid would be distributed outside the capital, as refugees arriving in Mogadishu had been provided shelter in refugee camps. He said, "However, outside the capital, the aid is being distributed to the western and southern provinces."

For his part, Mohammad Mamlouk, the head of the Lebanese General Foreign Coordinating Committee said: "Under the guidance of Prime Minister Najib Mikati this assistance was donated to the Somali people and it consists of 36 tons of food and medical supplies."

Dar al-Fatwa's Itani said the Zakat Fund had "prepared the food for our brothers in Somalia under the auspices of Grand Mufti Sheikh Mohammad Rashid Qabbani and under the guidance of Prime Minister Najib Mikati."

Itani promised that more assistance would be sent.

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(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News ::



The United Nations today called on all States to end the "heinous crime" of enforced disappearances which has seen countless people vanish into secret prisons or worse, often never to be seen again, in cases of conflict and internal unrest.

"Over the last 30 years, the families of disappeared persons have brought to the attention of the international community the extent of this odious crime," the UN working group on the issue said in a <"">statement to mark <em>UN International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances</em>.

The <"">Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances also noted so-called 'short term disappearances,' where victims are placed in secret detention or unknown locations before being released weeks or months later, sometimes after having been tortured and without having been brought in front of a judge or other civil authority.

"This very worrisome practice, whether it is used to counter terrorism, to fight organized crime or suppress legitimate civil strife demanding democracy, freedom of expression or religion, should be considered as an enforced disappearance and as such adequately investigated, prosecuted and punished," it said.

Last December, the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, which was adopted by the General Assembly in 2006, came into force after Iraq became the 20th State to ratify it.

The treaty not only outlaws enforced disappearances but also recognizes the right of all people affected by the crime to know the truth about the circumstances of this crime, the progress and results of the investigation and the fate of the disappeared person.

The Group noted that 2012 marks the 20th anniversary of the General Assembly's adoption of the <"">Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance. "To commemorate it, we encourage all States and civil society to translate the declaration into all languages and dialects, with no distinction, since all serve the purpose to assist in its global dissemination and the ultimate goal of preventing enforced disappearances," it said.

"We pay tribute to the many victims, relatives of victims, human rights defenders, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), lawyers and other individuals and groups who work untiringly and unstintingly, often in difficult circumstances, to denounce cases of enforced disappearance, discover the fate or whereabouts of the disappeared, and eradicate this terrible practice."

In Nepal, where thousands of people 'disappeared' during the decade-long war between the army and Maoist guerrillas that ended in 2006, UN and Nepalese human rights officials stressed that the whereabouts of 835 people were still unknown.

"There is an urgent and genuine need for accountability for serious human rights violations, including cases of enforced disappearance," the UN Human Rights Office in Nepal and the National Human Rights Commission said in a joint news statement, calling for a full investigation and punishment of the perpetrators to end the "terrible situation of impunity."

They urged the Government to make public the status of those who disappeared during the conflict, ratify the Convention and set up an independent commission to investigate all cases.

Meanwhile, the Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus, established in 1981 by the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities under UN auspices, noted that in the past year it had visited 130 more alleged burial sites from past inter-communal conflicts, bringing the total to 542, and exhumed the bones of 108 more people for a total of 798.

"It is the first and foremost human tragedy, the problem of a profound pain, the pain that does not differentiate, that has no nationality, no religion, has no race or age," it said.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Greetings of Eid al Fitr


Shawwal 1, 1432 - August 30, 2011

IslamiCity wishes everyone the most Happy Greetings of Eid al Fitr. May God bless all who have fasted during this month and may He accept all our Ibada (worship). We beseech God for His guidance in all our thoughts and actions. May He help all of us share in the joy of our friends and family. May He help us remember and feel the suffering of those who are disadvantaged and oppressed so that we may work to establish peace and justice for all.

Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget or fall into error; our Lord! Lay not on us a burden Like that which Thou didst lay on those before us; Our Lord! Lay not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Blot out our sins, and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. Thou art our Protector; Help us against those who stand against faith.


Gunmen Assassinate Top Security Official

Unidentified gunmen on Saturday assassinated a top security official in the semi-autonomous state of Puntland, eyewitnesses said on Sunday.

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A Woman Soldier Faces Execution

The Somali military court has for the first time sentenced a woman to be executed for crimes against the military law.

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A brief look at Gaddafi's family members

Gaddafi family members flee to Algeria

Gaddafi family members flee to Algeria
Toppled Libyan leader's wife, his daughter and two of his sons in Algiers, as NTC says it will seek their extradition.
File picture of Muammar Gaddafi's wife Safia, left, daughter Aisha, centre, and son Hannibal [Reuters]

Muammar Gaddafi's second wife, two of his sons and his daughter have entered Algeria, according to the Algerian foreign ministry.

"The wife of Muammar Gaddafi, Safia, his daughter Aisha, and sons Hannibal and Mohammed, accompanied by their children, entered Algeria at 08:45am local time [0745GMT] through the Algeria-Libyan border," the ministry said in a statement on Monday published by the APS news agency.

However, it gave no information on the toppled Libyan leader, whose whereabouts has remained a mystery since fighters opposed to his government seized control of Tripoli, the Libyan capital, last week.

Algeria said their arrival had been reported to the United Nations and to the head of Libya's Transitional National Council [NTC], now widely recognised internationally as the country's legitimate government. 

The Libyan rebel leadership said on Monday that Algeria had given them "a pass" to enter a third country.
"Algeria said they gave a pass to go to a third country," Mahmud Shammam, a spokesman for the National Transitional Council (NTC), said.
"We cannot confirm that but they said they welcome them [to Algeria] for humanitarian reasons."
Shammam said the rebel leadership did not understand how anyone could "save Gaddafi's family" and wanted them back in Libya.
"Saving Gaddafi's family is not an act we welcome and understand. We'd like those persons to come back," he told a news conference.
"We can assure our neighbours that we want better relations with them ... but we are determined to arrest and try the Gaddafi family and Gaddafi himself."
Shammam said the rebels guaranteed a "fair trial".

Act of aggression

Gaddafi's Sons: Where Are They?

 Mohammad: He has entered Algeria. He was captured by Libyan fighters in Tripoli but managed to escape

 Hannibal: He is now in Algeria

 Saif al-Islam:Believed to have moved to the town of Bin Walid, south of Tripoli

 Saif al-Arab:Killed by a NATO air strike in April

 Khamis: There are rumours of his death but it has yet to be confirmed

 Saadi: At large

 Mutasim: At large. 

Another NTC spokesman accused Algeria of an act of aggression and also said the council would seek the extradition of Gaddafi's family members.

Ahmed Bani, a military spokesman for the council, said he was unsurprised to hear Algeria had welcomed Gaddafi relatives.

Throughout the six-month Libyan uprising, rebels have accused Algeria of providing Gaddafi with mercenaries to curb the revolution.

Al Jazeera's Anita McNaught, reporting from Tripoli, said: "There have been rumours over the last few days that family members had gone and that Gaddafi himself may have gone.

"The Algerian government has always got on really well with the Gaddafi regime. Algeria is one of the few countries that has not yet recognised the NTC."

Earlier, the Egyptian news agency MENA, quoting unidentified rebel fighters, had reported that six armoured Mercedes cars, possibly carrying Gaddafi's sons or other top regime figures, had crossed the border at the southwestern Libyan town of Ghadamis into Algeria.

Algeria's foreign ministry had denied that report.

Watch: A brief look at Gaddafi's family members

ICC warrant against Khamis?

Meanwhile, Khamis Gaddafi, another of Gaddafi's sons, whose military unit is accused of killing dozens of detainees in Tripoli, may be placed on the international war crimes court's most-wanted list, the prosecutor told the Reuters news agency on Monday.

The Hague-based International Criminal Court [ICC] has already approved warrants for the arrest of Gaddafi, his son Saif al-Islam, and Libyan intelligence chief Abdullah al-Senussi on charges of crimes against humanity.

Luis Moreno-Ocampo, the ICC prosecutor, said he may also apply for an arrest warrant for Khamis, after Human Rights Watch said members of the Khamis Brigade, a force commanded by him, appeared to have carried out summary executions of detainees whose bodies were found in a warehouse in Tripoli.

"We know Khamis should also be prosecuted because he was the commander of the brigade that was more active on some of the crimes," Moreno-Ocampo said.

Moreno-Ocampo said a UN Human Rights Council commission would conduct further investigations on the ground in Libya soon and that he would base his decisions on the results.

Hunt for Gaddafi as family flees

Hunt for Gaddafi as family flees

Muammar Gaddafi's close family is said to have fled Libya as the hunt for the ousted dictator continues.

Gaddafi's wife Safiya, daughter Aisha and sons Hannibal and Mohammed arrived in neighbouring Algeria on Monday morning, according to state news agency APS.

The new Libyan government, being set up by the National Transitional Council (NTC), may seek to extradite the relatives and bring them to justice.

However, Algeria's autocratic regime has not yet recognised the new Libyan administration and has successfully snuffed out anti-government protests in its own borders.

The whereabouts of Gaddafi himself remain unknown, although some of his other sons are thought to be in Tripoli, and there were reports that one, Khamis, had been killed in an air strike.

While the rebel-led NTC is seeking to establish the new government in Tripoli, pockets of resistance remain from forces loyal to Gaddafi. Fighting is still particularly intense around the coastal city of Sirte, Gaddafi's home town.

A team of UK officials has begun work in Tripoli towards the reopening of the British embassy in the Libyan capital.

A Foreign Office (FCO) spokesman said the move to re-establish the British embassy reflected "recent military progress" against the Gaddafi regime.

Meanwhile, any prospect of the only man convicted of the Lockerbie bombing being extradited from Libya has been dismissed by Scotland's First Minister. Alex Salmond spoke after footage showing Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, looking ill and apparently close to death, was aired on US news channel CNN.

In the wake of calls, particularly from America, that the former Libyan intelligence agent should be sent back to prison in the US, Mr Salmond said: "The latest pictures broadcast of Mr al-Megrahi clearly demonstrate that he is an extremely sick man, dying of terminal prostate cancer. Hopefully, this will end the ridiculous conspiracy theories that seek to claim anything else."


Ahmed Arwo

Waxa inoo dhammaatay bisha ugu kheyr badan bilaha, bishii quranka, bishii taraawiixda, bishii sadaqada, bishii naxariista, bishii soonka Alle, ee miskiin iyo maalqabeen ka sintay gaajada iyo haraadka. Waa mid ka markhaati ah midnamadeena iyo in jaceylka iyo cibaadada Alle ku dhisantay sinnaan. Waajib loo siman yahay iyo ajar la wado doonaayo.
Mahad oo dhan ALLE ayaa leh, ILAAHA inaga dhigay Muslim, ILAAHA inagu tilmaamay inaynu nahay ummadda ugu kheyr badan ummadaha, Waxa nasiib leh inta Alle waafajiyey soonka, taraawiixda iyo quraan akhriska, inta raacsatay sadaqad iyo quudinta saa'imiinta. 
Waxa iyana nasiib leh inteena caafimaad iyo nabad ku ciidaysa ee meel nabad iyo naruuro ah ku tukanaysa salaadda ciida, wadajir u akhriyeysa takbiirta cabsi laáan. Waa nimco ay garanayaan inta ay ka maqantay.

Waa ayaan barakaysan oo Islaamku ku midoobay, caddaan, madow, maalqabeen, faqiir, taliye iyo loo taliye, wiil
iyo waayeel, rag iyo dumar. Waa kulan farxadeed, waa madal xarago, waa muuqaal Alle ka cabsi iyo muujinta midnimada Islaamka. Waa dabaaldeg iyo damaashada daafaha dunida camiray.

Waxa ina kala qaybiya wax kasta oo damac adduunyo ah. Tartan ganacsi, tartan siyaasadeed, ilaa tartan ciyaareed. Waxa ina mideeya diin iyo camal kasta oo leh kheyr ma guurta ah. Wanaag iyo walaalnimada diintu waa daawada keliya ee khilaaf kasta soo afjari karta, kolka sida Eebbe ina faray lagu camal falo, iyadoon
la qaloocin, waxna lagu darin, waxna laga saarin. 

Waxa dalkeena iyo mandaqadaba ka taagan abaar, gaajo iyo macaluul xun. Haddaba inagoo ogsoon in kumanaan danyari Somaliland ku dhibaateysan yihiin, haddana waa leys dhaamaa oo tan ugu xumi waa tan Soomaliya ka taagan ee aynu ku aragno shaashadaha tiifiiyada caalamkoo dhanna damaqday. Inagoon iloobayn fuqarada iyo masaakiinta gudaheena ku baahsan, ayey tahay inaynu sadaqada u fidino kuwa inaga sii liita. Waxa ku jira kheyr badan iyo masiibada ayaa lagaga badbaadaa. Waxaynu la baxno wax ka weyn ayuu Alle ina siin doonaa. Waxaan xusuustaa islaan dawarsanaysay oon xoogaa lacag ah u dhiibay ayaa waxa isasoo ag taagay nin weyn oo curyaan ah, intaanu daaqada gaadhiga i soo gaadhin ayey islaanti waxii aan siiyey badh siisay. Naxariista islaantaas waligey ma iloobi doono. Waa wanaag lagu daydo.

Waxa farxad gaar ah ii ah in baaq aan hore u soo jeediyey in Somaliland dad iyo dawladba ka qayb qaataan taakulinta Walaalaheena Soomaliya ku macaluushan in la hirgeliyey maal fiicana la qabtay, welina hawshu socoto. Haddaba inkasta oo qof qof ahaan qurbojoogu gacan fidiyey, haddana sida Guddiga ka soo yeedhay, waxa qurbojooga Somaliland laga filayaa taageero muuqata oo nidaamsan. Insha Allah weynu yeeli tilmaanta Guddiga Qaran ee u Gargaarka Dadka Tabaaleysan. Akhri oo guji Linkan
Ka akhri linkan hoose maqaalkii aan hore u qoray.

Ciid mubarak Somaliland, dawlad iyo shacbiba, sidoo kale ciid muabarak dhammaan Soomaaliyey meel aad joogtanba. Alle haynu waafajiyo tubta toosan,. Allow na cafi oo noo naxariiso, Allow inta bugta daawee, inta baahan baahi tir, inta gaajeysan dhergi, inta halowsa soo hadee, Allow Islaamka u gargaar, halka colaadi ka jirto nabad ugu bedel, Allow xaqqa u hiili, Allow daalinka iyo dulmiga naga qabo. Aamiin.

Ciida ha leys cafiyo oo niyad san ha lagu wado ducaysto. Kheyrka aynu isla jeclaano, sharkana aynu wado nacno, xaqqa iyo daacadda aynu u hiilino, gar-darrada iyo dulmigana aan meel uga soo wada jeedno. Aan u damqano oon gargaarno inta inaga itaalka yar, inaga adduun yar, inaga caafimaad darran.

Nabad, caafimaad iyo barwaaqo Alle haynagu simo ciidan ciideeda iyo qaar kale oo badan. Aamiin.

Mahad oo dhan Alle ayaa leh.

Ahmed Hassan Arwo
La-taliyaha Madaxweynaha ee
Dhaqaalaha, Ganacsiga iyo Maalgashiga.

EID MUBARAK --- Sunan of Eid

Sunan of `Eid
Taken from ad-Dawah illallaah Magazine
It is true to say that although much information has reached us about Fasting and Hajj - authentic or otherwise - we know very little about the etiquettes of 'Eid: what we are recommended to do in this day and what is obligatory for us to do. Below is a brief list of some of the prescribed practices of 'Eid.
1. It is established from the Companion Ibn 'Umar, that he used to bathe on the morning of 'Eid. The tabi'ee, Sa'eed ibn al Musayyib said: "The sunnah of the fitr is three: walking to the Prayer-ground, eating before going out and taking a bath." [l]
2. It is known that the companion Ibn 'Umar would also dress in his best clothes for the two 'Eids as reported by Ibn Hajr in his Fathul-Baaree(2/439).
3. It is compulsory on all adult sane Muslims to attend the 'Eid prayer. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and his Companions never ceased doing it and he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam commanded everyone including women, children and the elderly to attend. Even menstruating women should go to the place of congregation so that they may partake in the blessings. [Bukharee and Muslim]
4. It is Sunnah to eat dates before we leave for Al-'Eid prayer to show openly that we are not fasting on this day. The Prophet, sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, used not to leave for Al-Eid [al-Fitr] prayer except after eating some dates. [2]
5. It is Sunnah to say takbeer loudly when leaving our homes to go to 'Eid prayer and repeat these till the prayer starts. [3]
6. It is preferable to pray the 'Eid prayer on open ground and not at the masjid if possible. [Bukharee and Muslim]
7. Neither Adhaan nor Iqaamah are said for 'Eid prayer. [4]
8. It is Sunnah to say the extra takbeers i.e. say 'Allaahu Akbar' seven times in the first rak'ah and five times in the second.[5] It is preferable to only raise the hands to the shoulders after the first takbeer and then fold them upon the chest. However, it is authentically reported from Ibn 'Umar radhiAllaahu 'anhu that he would raise his hands with every takbeer.
9. It is Sunnah to take different routes to and from the prayer ground, preferably walking if possible. Jaabir reported that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam used to come back from the 'Eid prayer on a path other than the one used in going to it. [Bukharee]
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam would say takbeer loudly when travelling to go to the 'Eid prayer. Ahadeeth have reached us telling us exactly what he used to say, but Ibn Abee Shayhah narrated that Ibn Mas'ood, radhiAllaahu 'anhu used to say the following:
AllaahuAkbar, AllaahuAkbar, Laa elaahaa ilallaah
Allaahu Akbar, Allaahu Akbar, wa lillaahil-hamd
Allaah is Great, Allaah is Great, there is none worthy of worship except He
Allaah is Great, Allaah is Great, and to Him belongs all Praise.
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, who never spoke of his own desire, said:
"Three supplications are answered: the supplication of the fasting person, the supplication of the one who is oppressed and the supplication of the traveller". [6]
Therefore, in this month of Ramadaan, there is for you a supplication which will be answered. So seize this opportunity and call profusely upon Allaah during what is left of this month, and in particular at the time of breaking the fast (iftar), since the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: Indeed there is for the fasting person when he breaks his fast, a supplication which is not rejected." [7]
And be sure in your heart that your du'aa will be answered and know that Allaah does not respond to a heedless and inattentive heart. Call upon Him with supplications for anything good and hopefully you will attain the good of this life and the Hereafter.
1. Saheeh - Al Firyaabee & al-Irwaa (2/104)
2. Reported by Anas bin Maalik & collected in Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (eng. trans. vol.2 p.40 no.73) & Ahmad.
3. Silsilatal-Ahaadeeth-Saheehah (no 171).
4. Reported by Ibn 'Abbaas and Jaabir ibn 'Abdullah & collected in Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (eng. trans. vol.2 p.40)
5. Aboo Daawood, Ahmad & others.
6. Saheeh - Reported by al-'Uqailee in ad -Du'afaa .
7. Reported in Ibn Maajah & others. Declared saheeh by al-Boosairee.

Monday, August 29, 2011



أتقدم لكم بأطيب التهاني وأجمل البركات بمناسبة حلول عيد الفطر المبارك
أعاده الله علينا وعليكم و على الأمة الإسلامية بالخير والبركات
سائلاً المولى عز وجل أن يتقبل صيامنا وقيامنا.




Eid Mubarik and many happy returns of the day.
Do not miss the Eid prayer and make your families, relatives and friends happy. Provide charity to the poor and deprived neighbours, visit the sick, and remember the dead of your relatives and friends.

May Allah accept our fasting, our prayers and our charity during Ramadan and after. May Allah bless us, our families, friends, neighbours and all Muslims worldwide with joy, prosperity and peace of mind.

May Allah free all oppressed, cure all sick, enrich all poor. May Allah guide us to his path and make us those whom he shields from all evil. May Allah make us those he frees from hell in the honour of Eid Al-Fitr Al-mubarak.Ameen.


Ahmed Hassan Arwo
Somaliland Presidential Economic Advisor


Quran - Miracle of Miracles (6/6)

Mutamarkii 11aad Seattle WA 2011 Jaceylka Rasuulka

For some imams, directive to lower sound of loudspeakers.....

For some imams, directive to lower sound of loudspeakers not yet loud and clear enough


JEDDAH: Despite the directives given by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, many imams of mosques across the Kingdom increase the volume of loudspeakers, disturbing people living in the neighborhoods, especially children and patients.

An Arabic daily recently reported that some mosques in the Asir province were not following the ministry's instructions. There are several mosques in Abha that are located close to one another and the sounds of the azan (call for prayer) overlap.

As a result of this, some imams and muezzins increase the volume of their loudspeakers in order to make their voices distinguishable.

Some imams are very much concerned with the sound systems in their mosques and ask the faithful to contribute money in order to purchase the most advanced systems.

A survey of mosques in Abha and Khamis Mushayt found that most of them compete with one another in obtaining the most advanced sound systems, the Arabic daily said. Some imams keep loudspeakers in various parts of the mosque, bringing the total number of speakers to 16.

Sheikh Ali Al-Ahmary, imam of the Jami mosque in Khamis Mushayt, supported the ministry's decision to reduce the volume of sound systems to protect public interest, especially children and the elderly who live in the neighborhood.

He also pointed out that some imams install nine to 10 loudspeakers on the mosque's minarets. "We should not install more than four loudspeakers in a mosque because they are enough to alert the public when it is prayer time," he said.

Sheikh Saeed bin Ali, imam of Zaina Al-Hasaniya Mosque in Khamis Mushayt, said some people want to hear the azans and the prayers at a high pitch, especially when imams have beautiful voices.

"I am not in favor of switching off loudspeakers outside mosques. At the same time I am against using them at top volume. One thing we should remember is the time when prayers are done loudly are not sleeping hours. Some patients enjoy listening to the Qur'an, especially if the imam has a nice voice."

However, he pointed out that imams and mosques installing several loudspeakers on minarets and other parts of the mosque is a clear violation. "The ministry gave its instructions in the public interest. Some people in the neighborhood want the imam to raise his voice for them to follow. We cannot ignore such requests."

Muhammad Al-Qattani, director of the ministry's branch office in the Asir province, said loudspeakers are allowed in order to inform the public about prayer times. It is also used when classes and lectures are held inside mosques. Some imams increase the volume of these sound systems in order to inform people who show negligence in their prayers, but it creates a problem for others. "We have set up a team to monitor such violations," he said.

Islamic Affairs Minister Saleh Al-Asheikh has given instructions several times that the use of loudspeakers should not cause a disturbance to the public, especially children, sick and the elderly. He also instructed that only Jami mosques (that conduct Friday prayers) are allowed to use loudspeakers for taraweeh, not small mosques.

A company supplying sound systems confirmed that most mosques replace old sound systems with new ones at the beginning of Ramadan. Philanthropists pay the cost of purchasing new sound systems for mosques. "We make more revenue during Ramadan compared to other months," a company official said. Some systems are valued at more than SR30,000.

Hadith of the day

نَّآ أَنزَلۡنَـٰهُ فِى لَيۡلَةِ ٱلۡقَدۡرِ (١) وَمَآ أَدۡرَٮٰكَ مَا لَيۡلَةُ ٱلۡقَدۡرِ (٢) لَيۡلَةُ ٱلۡقَدۡرِ خَيۡرٌ۬ مِّنۡ أَلۡفِ شَہۡرٍ۬ (٣) تَنَزَّلُ ٱلۡمَلَـٰٓٮِٕكَةُ وَٱلرُّوحُ فِيہَا بِإِذۡنِ رَبِّہِم مِّن كُلِّ أَمۡرٍ۬ (٤) سَلَـٰمٌ هِىَ حَتَّىٰ مَطۡلَعِ ٱلۡفَجۡرِ (٥) 
We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the night of Power: (1) And what will explain to thee what the Night of Power is? (2) The Night of Power is better than a thousand Months. (3) Therein come down the angels and the Spirit by Allah's permission, on every errand: (4) Peace!... This until the rise of Morn! (5)

Daily Hadith, 29-08-2011

Narrated: Ubada bin As-Samit
The Prophet came out to inform us about the Night of Qadr but two Muslims were quarreling with each other. So, the Prophet said, "I came out to inform you about the Night of Qadr but such-and-such persons were quarreling, so the news about it had been taken away; yet that might be for your own good, so search for it on the 29th, 27th and 25th (of Ramadan).

Saudi air bridge takes off to deliver relief to Somalis

Saudi air bridge takes off to deliver relief to Somalis

Relief supplies for famine-hit Somalis being loaded onto a Saudi air force cargo plane at Jeddah Airbase on Sunday. (SPA)


JEDDAH: A Saudi Air Force cargo plane carrying 20 tons of relief supplies left here Sunday for Somalia as part of the Kingdom's efforts to alleviate the suffering of the famine-hit Somali people. The air force will transport 200 tons of supplies donated by people in the Kingdom.

"The relief supplies will be distributed directly among the famine victims," said Saaed Al-Harithy, adviser to Prince Naif, second deputy premier and minister of interior and chairman of the relief committee.

Saudi Air Force will operate 24 flights to transport the relief supplies including food, medicine and tents. Among them, 17 will be from Riyadh and seven from Jeddah. "We are planning to send four cargo flights of relief to Somalia every day," he said.

Al-Harithy said the national fundraising campaign for Somalia was still collecting donations from Saudis and residents in both cash and kind. Interested people may transfer their donations to the unified account No. 6000 at NCB and IBAN No. SA43100020177777000104.

A two-day telethon organized by Saudi Arabian Television last week raised more than SR202 million in addition to hundreds of tons of food, medicine, medical appliances, dates, tents and other supplies.

The nationwide campaign, ordered by Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah, received a tremendous response. King Abdullah gave SR20 million while Crown Prince Sultan donated SR10 million and Prince Naif SR5 million to the fund.

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) has commended the Saudi government's generous donation of $60 million for Somalia, adding that it would contribute to reducing the suffering of the Somali people.

"The living conditions of the Somali people are very bad and the donation announced by Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah had a big impact on UN organizations working in Somalia," said Fouad Mujalled, WHO's regional adviser for international cooperation. He commended the cooperation between Saudi Arabia and the WHO, adding that it helped in providing necessary assistance to countries inflicted by natural calamities. Several Asian and African countries have benefited from Saudi humanitarian aid, he added.

In a related development, Saudi Aramco announced on Sunday that it would donate a total of SR14 million to the Somalia fund including SR7 million given by its employees. Aramco President Khalid Al-Falih lauded the employees for their humanitarian gesture.


A number of Saudi companies have extended their donations to the people of Somalia during the past week. Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, chairman of Alwaleed bin Talal Foundation, donated SR5 million.

Saudi petrochemical giant SABIC said it would give SR5 million while the Saudi British Bank (SABB) announced a donation of SR1 million. Riyadh Gov. Prince Salman and his family announced a donation of SR2 million.

IDB has offered relief assistance worth $1.2 million for the famine and drought victims, the bank said, adding that it would distribute more relief supplies worth $1 million after Eid Al-Fitr.

During its second mission, the IDB will distribute supplies among women, children and other victims in six provinces south of Somalia. The bank delegation supervised the distribution of emergency aid among famine victims along the Somali-Kenyan border, where 350,000 Somali refugees are living in three camps. Adnan Khalil Basha, secretary-general of the International Islamic Relief Organization Saudi Arabia, said his organization had carried out 25 relief campaigns for Somalis in the past, spending a total of nearly SR180 million. These campaigns, he said, benefited more than 3.98 million Somalis.

Qaddafi forces killed detainees, says survivor

Qaddafi forces killed detainees, says survivor


TRIPOLI: A man has told The Associated Press he survived a massacre by Muammar Qaddafi loyalists who opened fire on about 130 civilian detainees. On Sunday, an AP reporter saw at least 50 charred bodies at the site near a military camp held by Qaddafi supporters until rebels took Tripoli.

Mabrouk Abdullah, who was at the site Sunday, said he and other prisoners were told by a guard they would be released Tuesday. Instead, guards threw hand grenades and opened fire at detainees huddling in a hangar.

Abdullah said he had been crouching along a wall and was shot in his side. He said that as survivors of the initial attack tried to flee, they came under fire again.

Human rights groups have accused both sides in Libya of abuses against detainees. Tripoli's streets are littered with rotting corpses and the debris of war after heavy fighting by rebels to end Qaddafi's 42-year rule, though the deposed leader remains at large.

But the Human Rights Watch on Sunday said the Qaddafi's forces may have executed scores of prisoners and killed civilians as rebels overran the Libyan capital last week. 

Reuters reporters in Tripoli have also seen evidence of several mass killings, including several bodies with their hands bound. Amnesty International said last week it had found evidence of Qaddafi's fighters killing prisoners. Amnesty International also said it had received reports of rebels abusing their detainees.

"The evidence we have been able to gather so far strongly suggests that Qaddafi government forces went on a spate of arbitrary killing as Tripoli was falling," Sarah Leah Whitson, HRW's North Africa director, said in a statement in the Tunisian capital, Tunis.

Some 18 bullet-riddled bodies, two with their hands bound, were found in a riverbed near Qaddafi's Bab Al-Aziziya complex and witnesses told HRW they had been killed by Qaddafi fighters, the statement said.

A further 29 corpses were found in a makeshift medical clinic near the compound, also showing signs of execution, HRW said. Four were lying dead on cots in the clinic, and at least one had been tied up.

HRW said it interviewed three survivors of alleged executions by pro-Qaddafi forces, including a man who said he had been shot three times as mercenaries fired into a room of 25 prisoners after receiving orders to "just finish them off."

The sounds of advancing rebels had been heard just before the prisoners were shot, the witness told HRW.

"These incidents, which may represent only a fraction of the total, raise grave questions about the conduct of Qaddafi forces in the past few days, and whether it was systematic or planned," said Whitson. "If these incidents are proven to be extra-judicial killings, they are serious war crimes and those responsible should be brought to justice."


Over 2 million seek God’s mercy at Khatm Al-Qur’an prayer

Over 2 million seek God's mercy at Khatm Al-Qur'an prayer

An aerial view of the illuminating Grand Mosque and surrounding buildings on the 29th night of Ramadan. (AN photo by Ahmad Hashad)


MAKKAH: More than 2 million faithful, including hundreds of thousands of pilgrims, attended Khatm Al-Qur'an prayer (conclusion of the Holy Qur'an) at the Grand Mosque here Sunday. Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, imam and khateeb of the mosque, led the prayers.

The mosque was overcrowded with worshippers since the early hours of the day as most of them wanted to take part in the prayers to mark the end of the recitation of the holy book during taraweeh and qiyamullail prayers at the mosque.

Sheikh Al-Sudais prayed to God to strengthen Muslim unity in order to help the Ummah face its growing challenges. He also prayed for improving the situation of Muslims all over the world. He invoked God to forgive the sins of Muslims and encourage them to lead a better life on the basis of Islamic teachings.

Thousands of worshippers were standing in the courtyards and streets around the mosque to attend the prayer. Most of them had come seeking the blessings of Lailat Al-Qadr (the night of power), which according to a Hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him) falls in the odd nights in the last 10 days of Ramadan.

The first verses of the Holy Qur'an revealed to the Prophet in Lailat Al-Qadr, which according to the Qur'an is better than a thousand months. The Qur'an plays an important role in the lives of Muslims as they read its verses while praying and follow its teachings.

The worshippers experienced their spiritual moments in an atmosphere of tranquility, peace and security provided by the Saudi authorities as part of many other services aimed at enabling pilgrims and worshippers to do their rituals in ease and comfort.

Assistant Director of Public Security Maj. Gen. Saad Al-Kilaiwi, there were about 1,700 police officers and privates around the Haram directing people toward their destinations and showing them the assembly places using signboards in various languages.

He said the main task of the police force is to maintain security and prevent friction and stampedes that might be fatal to the worshippers.

Commander of Security of the Holy Haram Col. Yahya Al-Zahrani said a total of 1,600 privates, 29 officers and 280 cadets are working inside the Grand Mosque to prevent pilgrims blocking the passages and stop those who are not performing Umrah from entering the Mataf area to allow pilgrims to perform their rites peacefully.

He said worshippers not wearing ihram would be directed toward the roof of the mosque, the underground floor and the outside plazas.

Al-Zahrani said the Grand Mosque is monitored around the clock by more than 750 cameras.

Abdullah Hassanain of Makkah waters said the water would be pumped mainly to the central area and those accommodating pilgrims and visitors and added that any shortage would be compensated from the reserve of more than a million cubic meters.

He said there are 15 maintenance centers in Makkah with 149 teams to intervene immediately to fix pumps and repair water networks.

Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah is in the vicinity of Makkah to supervise services being extended by the various government and private agencies to the guests of God. He is supported by Second Deputy Premier and Minister of Interior Prince Naif and other senior Cabinet members.

Dubai: Eid Al Fitr holidays announced

Eid Al Fitr holidays announced

Ola Salem

DUBAI // The five-day Eid Al Fitr holiday for the public sector will begin from Sunday, August 28.

The announcement, made by the Ministry of Labour yesterday, noted that all public sector employees will be given the week off and return to work on Sunday, September 4.

Police break up Dubai march for Indian hunger striker Hazare The organiser of a Dubai walk supporting anti-graft Indian protester Anna Hazare has been arrested. Read article

The start of Shawwal is dependent on the sighting of the moon, but it is widely expected to fall on August 30.

Traditionally, the Eid holiday has been scheduled from the first day of Shawwal.

This year the break begins at least two days before then.

Nezar Sallam, the 31-year-old Yemeni who is the owner and creator of the UAE's first mobile observatory, said he will be near Marina Mall in Abu Dhabi a week from today to see if he can spy the first crescent of the new moon.

"The moon will be born at 7am UAE time on Monday, so there is no way to see it at night, even with telescopes," he said. "Even so, we still go out for the moon sighting on the 29th because it is a religious ritual."

According to Mr Sallam's calculations, Eid will probably start on Wednesda

Nigeria :Eid-el-Fitri: FG declares 2 days public holiday.

Eid-el-Fitri: FG declares next Tuesday, Wednesday public holidays


ABUJA—The Federal Government yesterday declared Tuesday, 30th and Wednesday, 31st August, 2011, public holidays to commemorate the 2011 Eid-el-Fitri celebration.

Minister of Interior, Comrade Abba Moro, who made this declaration, also urged Muslim faithful to pray for enduring peace and progress of the country.

In the statement signed by the Ministry's Permanent Secretary, Mr S.B Ozigis, the Minister further wished all Nigerians a pleasant and blissful Eid-El-Fitri celebration.