Sunday, March 22, 2009

Scotland: Muslims offer to guard attacked synagogue

Scotland: Muslims offer to guard attacked synagogue

Scottish Muslims are offering to provide security for a synagogue in Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, following an attack on the Jewish worship place, the Scotsman reported on Thursday, March 19.

"We trust you have adequate security arrangements in place, in line with places of worship across the country," Ken Imrie, chairman of the Scottish Islamic Foundation, said in a letter to Rabbi David Rose of the Edinburgh Hebrew Congregation.

"If not, such is our strength of feeling on this matter, we would wish to physically guard the synagogue ourselves."
The synagogue, which serves an estimated 700-strong local Jewish community, came under attack last week.
Two men were arrested over the assault, which left several window panes smashed.
Imrie said mosque preachers will stress rejection of attacks on any worship places during the weekly Friday prayer.
"We wish you to know that the Muslim community stand full square with you in revulsion and horror at this vandalism," he wrote to Rabbi Rose.

"To violently damage any building is wrong. That this is a respected place of worship, faith and spirituality makes the crime even more heinous."

The Muslim offer to provide security at the synagogue was welcomed by Mark Gardner, spokesman for the Community Security Trust, a group that offers protection to British Jews.

"This statement and others like it around the UK will hopefully encourage both communities to regard each other as allies in the face of racism and extremism."


Source: IslamOnline (English)

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