Assalamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullahe wa barakatu, alhamdulillah I have attached the first issue of our newsletter. I was hoping that you guys could print some off in your are and distribute it in the masjid and bookshop. Help us at Masjid as-Sunnah spread the Haqq and your reward lies with Allah, if you wish I will send you the issue every month bi'idnillah so that you can help us promote and benefit the ummah. BaarakAllahu feek
Bismillah ar Rahmaan ar Raheem
Asalamu alaykum,
Alhamdulilah some brothers and sisters from West London have put together a small 12 page newsletter aimed at providing authentic Salafi Da'wah to the "average Jaahil Muslim".
The intention is to provided basic fundamental information on topics including Aqeedah, Manhaj, Fiqh, Akhlaaq etc..
We have tried to make the information easy to digested, non-threatening and interesting. There are sections for all types of people, young, old, men and women so all are included.
You can aid us in this endeavour in the following ways
1 - Spread this via email internet, printing or however else possible (Attached are both single page and double spread (for printing) formats)
2 - Dua. that Allah aids us and guides us and the general Muslims, towards Tawheed and Sunnah and away from Shirk and Bidah.
3 - Donations are welcome and greatly needed. The Magazine costs 30p per issue to print in Black and White via professional printers in A4 size. We aim to print 500-1000 per month which will cost us £150 - £300 and distribute them to shops Masaajid and restaurants in the local area's. You can either donate one off, monthly or even have your business (non Da'wah related) sponsor us (we will put your sponsorship and business logo on the back page if you wish)
4 - Alhamdulilah we have senior brothers and sisters checking over the articles (most of which are just copied from authentic sources) but we are still open to advice and correction if you feel it is needed and we ask that Allah makes us all sincere in both advising and listening to it.
If you need to contact us the please email
We plead that Allah makes this a good deed for all those involved on the day of Account. Ameen
Please make du'a that Allah allows us to continue spreading this authentic da'wa and that He enables people to be sincere in spreading it with us. BaarakAllahu feekum!!!
Asalamu alaykum,
Alhamdulilah some brothers and sisters from West London have put together a small 12 page newsletter aimed at providing authentic Salafi Da'wah to the "average Jaahil Muslim".
The intention is to provided basic fundamental information on topics including Aqeedah, Manhaj, Fiqh, Akhlaaq etc..
We have tried to make the information easy to digested, non-threatening and interesting. There are sections for all types of people, young, old, men and women so all are included.
You can aid us in this endeavour in the following ways
1 - Spread this via email internet, printing or however else possible (Attached are both single page and double spread (for printing) formats)
2 - Dua. that Allah aids us and guides us and the general Muslims, towards Tawheed and Sunnah and away from Shirk and Bidah.
3 - Donations are welcome and greatly needed. The Magazine costs 30p per issue to print in Black and White via professional printers in A4 size. We aim to print 500-1000 per month which will cost us £150 - £300 and distribute them to shops Masaajid and restaurants in the local area's. You can either donate one off, monthly or even have your business (non Da'wah related) sponsor us (we will put your sponsorship and business logo on the back page if you wish)
4 - Alhamdulilah we have senior brothers and sisters checking over the articles (most of which are just copied from authentic sources) but we are still open to advice and correction if you feel it is needed and we ask that Allah makes us all sincere in both advising and listening to it.
If you need to contact us the please email
We plead that Allah makes this a good deed for all those involved on the day of Account. Ameen
Please make du'a that Allah allows us to continue spreading this authentic da'wa and that He enables people to be sincere in spreading it with us. BaarakAllahu feekum!!!
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