Sunday, June 13, 2010

County looks for "female, white and non-Muslim" taxi driver

UK: County looks for "female, white and non-Muslim" taxi driver

An advert issued by Northamptonshire County Council asking for a "female, white and non-Muslim" taxi driver has been labelled "deeply disturbing and outrageous" by a Muslim faith group in the county.

This article was prepared by the Islam in Europe blog -

The Chronicle & Echo revealed yesterday that the council had issued the tender for private firms to bid for the contract, which would require them to transport a vulnerable child to and from school.

Yousuf Miah, chairman of Northamptonshire Muslim Council, called for those responsible for the advertisement to "be held to account".

He said: "Having made the error, I am pleased to see that the council has swiftly apologised and promised to look into the matter.

"This advertisement discriminates on several fronts including gender, race and religion.

"I can accept the gender choice in some instances but the other two are outrageous and unacceptable and I see no reason to exclude non-whites or the people of a particular faith.

"I would be very keen to see just what the circumstances were to warrant such a specific requirement."

He added that the advertisement's specific exclusion of Muslim applicants was very damaging to the council's relationship with the Islam community in Northamptonshire.

He said: "Are we going to exclude a white female who is Muslim simply because of her faith?


Source: Chronicle & Echo

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