Monday, June 7, 2010

An Obama flotilla? | Al Jazeera Blogs

An Obama flotilla? | Al Jazeera Blogs: "So much for helping our coverage of�the Netanyahu visit.� I arrived in Washington, DC, last week thinking that would be my mission.� Instead I found myself - like the rest of Washington - reacting to the Flotilla crisis.

As I reported, the vast majority of Americans would have seen a highly skewed presentation of those events as reported by the dominant cable news channels.�� TV is the preferred way most Americans get their news each day.� And the effects�that has on US foreign policy is telling.� MJ Rosenberg at Media Matters Action Network summed it up�best. 'The one sided cable coverage of the whole flotilla incident,' he said, 'leads people out there to basically say Israel is right, Israel has always been right, and leads them not to put any pressure on Congress or the President to do anything about this."

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