Germany: 58% want to 'seriously limit' practice of Islam Via The Local: The acrid immigration debate sparked this summer by former Bundesbank board member Thilo Sarrazin has apparently had an effect on the German public. A poll released on Wednesday showed that one-tenth want a "Führer," while one-quarter admitted to strong xenophobic attitudes – up from one-fifth in 2008. The poll, presented in Berlin by the Friedrich Ebert foundation for political education (FES), showed that xenophobic views are taking a greater hold among the German public than previously. The 10 percent who wanted a "Führer" said that this person should "govern with a hard hand for the good of Germany" and believed a dictatorship to be a "better form of government." (...) Anti-Islam views were particularly strong in the FES poll, which surveyed 2,400 Germans aged between 14 and 90. Just over 58 percent said that "religious practice for Muslims in Germany should be seriously limited," and that number rose to 75.7 percent for people from former East Germany. The study is available here (PDF, in German). 55.4% can understand that some people think Arabs are unpleasant, compared with 44.2% in 2003. There was no significant difference between East and West. This opinion was held by 53.7% of those who oppose the extreme-right worldview and by 73.8% of those who support it. 58.4% said that religious practice for Muslims should be significantly restricted, 53.9% in the West, 75.7% in the East. This opinion was held by 55.5% of those who oppose the extreme-right worldview, and by 89.5% of those who support it.   |
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