Saturday, July 23, 2011

Islamic Channel during RAMADAN

Come and listen to inspirational speeches on Ramadhan and Dawah with topics including:
  • Dawah our responsibility
  • Ramadhan the month of the Qur’an
  • Preparing for Ramadhan now
  • Reaping the benefits of Ramadhan
  • Worship in Ramadhan
o        The Sahabah and Ramadhan
o        After Ramadhan

The Sheikhs will each give a short speech on their chosen topic, followed by a brief question and answer session relating to that topic.
There will also be a chance for open question and answer sessions for brothers and sisters with the Sheikhs.

FOR TICKETS GO TO  OR Call brother Abdul 07961 148 477 or sister Fatimah 0755 3366 207 tp purchase tickets

Adults: £10                    Children Aged 6-12: £7.50                       Children under 5 are free.
Ticket price includes a buffet lunch.
****Limited tickets available at the door****

The Pavilion Banqueting Suite, 324 How Street, Walthamstow, E17 9PX

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