Monday, July 4, 2011



For your questions about Islamic knowledge:

3 July 2011 / 2 Sha'ban 1432


    It is written in Halabi-yi kabir, "The salat of 'Iyd consists of two rak'ats [1]. It is performed in jama'at (congregation). It cannot be performed individually. In the first rak'at, after the Subhanaka the takbir-i zawaid is said three times, that is, the hands are lifted up to the ears three times; in the first and second times, they are let down hanging on both sides, and after the third time they are clasped under the navel. After the imam [2] says the Fatiha and the additional sura aloud, they (the imam and the jama'at) bow for the ruku'. In the second rak'at the Fatiha and an additional sura are said first, then the hands are lifted up to the ears three times, and after each time they are let down hanging on both sides. In the fourth takbir you do not lift your hands up to your ears but instead prostrate for the ruku' [3]. In the first and second rak'ats five and four takbirs [4] are said respectively. And in order not to forget where you will put your hands in those nine takbirs, you memorize this procedure as follows: "Hang them twice and clasp them once. Hang them thrice and then prostrate."

[1] Rak'at: In performing namaz, the actions of standing, bowing and putting the head on the ground twice are altogether called a rak'at. Most prayers of namaz consist of two or four rak'ats. One of them contains three rak'ats.
[2] imam: i) profound 'alim; founder of a madhhab; ii) leader in congregational salat; iii) caliph.
[3] ruku: bowing during the prayer of namaz.
[4] Takbir: the word Allahu akbar, means: Allahu ta'ala is the greatest.

A person who makes tawba will become as purified as if he had never sinned.

'One should carefully choose whom to love, and share the love accordingly'

'What is important is whom you are with, not who you are.'

'Kalam-i kibar, kibar-i kalamast.'

(The words of the superiors are the superior words.)
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