Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Honoring the Islamic Personality of the Year

Honoring the Islamic Personality of the Year

The Vision:

Dubai International Holy Quran Award honors prominent Islamic personalities and Islamic call institutions and is keen to keep such honoring as a leading and outstanding one at the Islamic world level.                                                                          

Criteria of choosing the Islamic Personality of the Year:

  • To fulfill the objective of the Award, each year a renowned Islamic personality is chosen for the Islamic Personality Award. The amount of the award is (AED One Million).

  • The Islamic Personality of the Year may be scholar or an institution. The personality is nominated on the merits of his/its outstanding writings or his/its outstanding recognized contribution to the Islamic causes.

  • The Award’s Organizing Committee chooses the personality with consultation with specialists taking into consideration the religious, Islamic call and the media presence of the personality, academic qualification and specialization, scholar writings or books and activities at the local, Islamic and international levels, the scholar, political and honorary posts he has held at scholar and Islamic institutions.

  • The selected Islamic Personality is named at a press conference held by the Award’s Organizing Committee.

  • The Islamic Personality is honored at the final ceremony of the Award on the twentieth of Ramadan each year. The final ceremony is attended by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, the Patron of the Award.

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