Wednesday, March 31, 2010

We say No to the President of Somaliland for his illegitimate dismissal of Hargeisa Regional Health Board

The Hargeisa Regional Health Board has been rehabilitating and rebuilding Hargeisa Group Hospital -the biggest referral hospital in Somaliland from 1991-up to now on a volunteer basis. The president disbanded and reprimanded them without consulting the community who selected them, or not even saying thank you.

This misuse of power tantamount to dictatorial tendency of President Riyale, and if not checked will damage the health of our nascent democracy, Democracy cannot survive without good governance build upon accountability, transparency and respect of law.

We say No to that, and no to a group selected by the government without consulting the people in Hargeisa region. Please sign this and add your voice.

We say No to the President of Somaliland for his illegitimate dismissal of Hargeisa Regional Health Board


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