Friday, December 25, 2009

Kenyan Deputy Speaker addresses Somaliland parliament

Kenyan Deputy Speaker addresses Somaliland parliament

Kenyan Deputy Speaker addresses Somaliland parliament thumbnail

HARGEISA (Somalilandpress) — Kenya's Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, Mr Farah Maalim insisted his country was ready to firmly support Somaliland's democraticisation process and stability in a historic gathering of Somaliland's two champers on Friday morning.

Mr Maalim, who arrived in Hargeisa on Tuesday with a delegation of seven, praised the country for the progress and stability it has achieved without international support.

He spoke highly of Somaliland's own competence to resolve their differences through peaceful dialogue and urged them to stay on one track for clean and peaceful elections. He also discreetly warned them that some Western powers and policies that claim to be 'experts' could interfere with their democracy values and could sabotage the elections unless they remain vigilant about the risks of foreign hands and influence.

"As you are aware what happened in Kenya from end of 2007 until 2008, the international mediators consisting of Western officials would come to us and praise us, they would say we were right, then they go to the opposing camp and tell them the same – they were working on our downfall, our two leaders released and agreed to resolve differences," Mr Maalim told Somaliland parliament. Refering to Kenya's election dispute which rapidly deteriorated into a cycle of ethnic battles and revenge killings that left more than 1000 dead.
About the recognition subject, Mr Maalim said he was not in a position to express an opinion on such issue but his government had the right channels to address it. He added Mogadishu was practically powerless to change the course of events and has no justification to refuse Somaliland independence.

Finally, he said that he would deliver a goodwill message and the facts on the ground in Somaliland to his government back in Nairobi.

Mr Maalim is the first high-ranking Kenyan official to address the Somaliland assembly.


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