EU: 50 terror attacks averted |
Thursday, September 30, 2010
50 terror attacks averted
Germany: Insurer cites Koran to reject claim
Germany: Insurer cites Koran to reject claim
A Muslim immigrant in Germany who asked his insurance firm to cover the costs of a maid while he recovered from a serious accident had his claim rejected on the grounds that according to his religion, husbands don't do the housework anyway. |
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
All the lights are red. They are flashing from everywhere."
EU: "All the lights are red. They are flashing from everywhere." Al Qaeda and its allies are taking aim at Europe, according to U.S. and Western intelligence officials, who say there are indications a terrorist plot is in the offing. The indictment against Mr. Headley states that he was sent by an al Qaeda commander named Mohammed Ilyas Kashmiri to scope out Jyllands-Posten, the Danish newspaper that in 2005 published cartoons of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad. The indictment says Kashmiri recommended contacts in Western Europe that could provide Mr. Headley "with money, weapons and manpower for the attack on the newspaper." That network of contacts is still at large, according to U.S. intelligence officials. |
Monday, September 27, 2010
Italy: Muslims appeal to president over 'discrimination' in north
Italy: Muslims appeal to president over 'discrimination' in north Muslims in Italy have written to the country's president Giorgio Napolitano claiming their constitutional rights are being violated by the anti-immigrant policies of the Northern League party. |
Netherlands: Salafi Muslims don't believe in violence
Netherlands: Salafi Muslims don't believe in violence Traditionalist Salafi Muslims in the Netherlands disapprove of violence and reject it as a means of spreading their belief, according to research published by the University of Amsterdam. |
Strasbourg: Muslim cemetery desecrated
Strasbourg: Muslim cemetery desecrated
Via the Canadian Press:
Mogadishu: Danish Somali suicide bomber attacks airport (UPDATED)
Mogadishu: Danish Somali suicide bomber attacks airport
Politiken reports that there are about ten young Danish Somalis who are currently in Somalia and ready to commit terrorism. They've been recruited through the Somali mosques in Copenhagen and other Danish cities. Source: Politiken 1, 2 (Danish) See also: Scandinavia: Somalis concerned about al-Shabaab recruitment
Sunday, September 26, 2010
May her soul rest in peace
Ahmed Arwo
On Tuesday 21 of September 2010, we buried a giant humanitarian, a scholar and a pillar of wo men empowerment in Somaliland. Sakin was so kind to all creatures large and small, she adopted a blind dog. She was munificent to the poor and the weak. She was passionate to female education, their health and overall development. She spent her entire life in curing and caring the sick and the frail. That noble duty took her to three major continents: Africa, Asia and Europe, whe re she served in some of the largest and famous hospitals worldwide.
Sakin was among the first girls educated in Somaliland. She started her education after Quranic Madras, in 1953 at Buroa Girls Boarding School. She showed great endurance and persistence to survive against a barrage of criticism and refutation from society at large, that venerated neg ative attitude towards women and their affairs. She passed all potential impediments with the most important help she needed at the time. Her father Jirde Hussien, a prominent businessman with foresight, was not among those who saw girl education un-Islamic; on the contrary he fought for women's right to education in all fronts. War of ideas is won by convincing the enemy of better future. That is just how Sakin, her father and fellow progressive citizens secured wome n's education in Somaliland.
Once more Sakin broke another glass ceiling. She was among the first Somaliland women to go abroad for further education. She went to U.K early 60's and earned a degree in nursing. She came back and served her nation at Hargeysa Group Hospital. Years later she was deployed to Digfer Hospital in Mogadishu to the role of Head Nurse.
With political deterioration in Somalia, early seventies she was among the first emigrants that went to the Middle East. She was employed as Director of Nursing in the largest Libyan Hospital in Tripoli. During her stay in Libya Sakin applied and successfully became an International Senior Staff within World Health Organization (WHO). In that capacity she spent number of years in DR of Congo. Latter on and most of the following twenty years, she was in employment with vario us senior managerial positions within Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland.
"Colka ninka soo arkay iyo kan looga sheekeeyaa, isku si ugama baqaan" meaning: "The one that experiences war or conflict and the one who hears about it will have different fears"
Sakin couldn't stay away from her country when it was crying blood. She came on fact finding m ission in 1993 and was touched by the state of the nation, a country destroyed by its government beyond recognition. She saw in person the lamentable state the only hospital in the capital city was. That left a permanent picture in her mind. Equipped with painful truth, she amalgamat ed her effort to whistle around the world and mostly within humanitarian circles, the misery and mayhem her people were experiencing. She raised awareness of dire condition Somalilanders w ere in.
Finally, and with proper preparation, she decided to settle her home town and took all her know ledge, experience and wealth to contribute to re-construction of an annihilated society. The physical destruction of infra-structure is nothing compared to the physiological, negative impact it implanted into the social well-being of its people. Trauma, stress, and victimization, contributed to ever-increasing mental disease. The fractured family unit by death, disease and separation, has its impact of family life, and social safety.
Sakin, joined Hargeysa Health Board from its inception, with special interest in Pharmacy and management of prescriptions. She devoted much of her responsibility to mental health issues, and ever increasing orphanage in Hargeysa. She was first to volunteer in any field needed. With extra sense of duty, she campaigned to improve ambulance and transportation problems. She initiated and appealed community large fund-raising to enhance ambulance shortage in Hargeysa with triumph.
Let me throw light on personal aspect of her principles in life and her thoughts about Somaliland. Being my first cousin, (Habarwadaag) I had the honour of debating with her about social and political life of our country. She never hide her despair of political process in one aspect only that of clan influence on political decision making. She told me the only reason she didn't engage in politics is her rejection to go into clan platform. She said" How can one reconcile his clan support and his duty to the country". A question hard to answer .It is a hurdle we have to break in-order to build a fair society where rule of the law is the norm and where citizens are equal regardless of clan, gender and age.
On another front, she believed that hard work, honesty and persistence are essential to succe ss in any profession. She once quoted Theodore Roosevelt who said:
"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or wh ere the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actu ally in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again … who spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly."
That quotation was in response to my political debate, when she visited me last year in Cardiff. My cousin told me frankly, to go straight and play frontline politics. Hence influencing me to come home and dirty my hands in real Somaliland politics. I did just that thanks to her.
Sakin believed Somaliland is again at momentous cross roads. "It is fifty years late, but not too late, because what else can a people or a nation do, but to take up the fallen standards and persevere. They should take up the difficult long journey of slowly building civil institutions of imp erfect political situation, to attain an internal cohesion and become a nation at peace with itself and its neighbors." She said the day she passed away.
That left me in tears. She was so coherent, so pensive and to me she was just getting better. It was precisely 2.00 pm on Monday 20th September, when she told me so many things in her life from childhood to her deep thoughts about future. I learned lately that good people regain their posture physically and mentally to pay farewell to their relatives and friends.
Life is complex and beyond our understanding. Looking forward for another session with my de ar cousin, I left her home, never to return her alive I was phoned at 9.15 pm same Monday 20, the September that Sakin passed away peacefully at 9.00 pm, without pain. That reminded me how kindness and charity reduce pain of death: It is narrated by Anas bin Malik that the Proph et (SAW), said: Verily charity appeases the wrath of Allah and eases the sufferings of death. (Tirmidhi)
Sakin left us but her legacy of dedication to nation building, striving for better life to all our citizens, seeking without reservation to establish a fair society where justice is for all, equality in total, no gender discrimination, nor clan superiority is lifelong struggle incumbent upon us all. That vision is the torch she passed over to the young generations of this beloved country.
'O Allah! Forgive Sakin; raise her station among those who are rightly-guided; O Lord of the Wo rlds! Forgive her and us, make her grave spacious, and put light therein for her."
Let me remind myself, her relatives and friends, that charity will help her in the Day of Judgm ent. Donate on her behalf to her causes. Let us remember what our prophet said about charity:
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) taught that three things continue to benefit a [believing] perso n even after death - charity which he had given (which continues to benefit others), beneficial knowledge which he had left behind (i.e. authored or taught), and supplication on his behalf by a righteous child (Narrated by Saheeh Muslim).
May Allah bless Sakin Jirde's soul, may He enlarge and light up her grave, may he bestow her the highest of all paradises, Janatul Fardows. May Allah guide us, her relatives and friends to give charity on her account.
*But those who disbelieve say, "The Hour (i.e. the Day of Judgment) will not come to us." Say, "Yes, by my Lord, it will surely come to you. [God is] the Knower of the unseen." Not absent fro m Him is an atom's weight within the heavens or within the earth or [what is] smaller than that or greater, except that it is in a clear register - That He may reward those who believe and do righteous deeds. Those will have forgiveness and noble provision. But those who strive against our verses [seeking] to cause failure (i.e. to undermine their credibility) - for them will be a pain ful punishment of foul nature. * (Quran, 34:3-5)
Sakin rests in grave No. 1322 of Xeedho, (Heedho) cemetery, Hargeysa, a garden opened to Janatul Fardows, Insha Allah.
Ahmed Arwo |
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Truly we belong to Allah and truly to Him shall we return.
On Tuesday 21 of September 2010, we buried a giant humanitarian, a scholar and a pillar of women empowerment in Somaliland. Sakin was so kind to all creatures large and small, she adopted a blind dog. She was munificent to the poor and the weak. She was passionate to female education, their health and overall development. She spent her entire life in curing and caring the sick and the frail. That noble duty took her to three major continents: Africa, Asia and Europe, where she served in some of the largest and famous hospitals worldwide.
Sakin rests in grave No. 1322 of Xeedho, (Heedho) graveyard, Hargeysa, a garden opened to Janatul Fardows, Insha Allah.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
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Masjid Al Noor in Cardiff (Wales)NEEDS YOU!
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Actions are but by intentions and your reward/punishment is in the intention
Whoever acquires knowledge of things by which Allaah's good pleasure is sought, but acquires it only to get some worldly advantage, he will not experience the odor of Paradise on the Day of Judgment. [Musnad of Imaam Ahmad]
the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said:
"Whoever goes out to the mosque, not intending except to learn some good or to teach it, then for him shall be reward like that of a person who performs Hajj, whose Hajj is complete."
Reported by at-Tabaraanee in 'al-Mu`jamul-Kabeer'(8/111/no.7473)
Shaikh al-Albaanee said in 'Saheehut-Targheeb'(no.82): 'Saheeh'.
"Blessed be He who sent down the Furqaan (Qur'an) to His slave Muhammad that he may be a Warner to the Mankind".
Milan: Catholic Church backs Muslim struggle to build mosque
Milan: Catholic Church backs Muslim struggle to build mosque Milan, the northern Italian city famed for finance and fashion, is home to about 100,000 Muslims, mostly migrant workers from North African countries. But within city limits, there isn't a single mosque. |
Denmark: Hirsi Ali speech in DPP congress
Denmark: Hirsi Ali speech in DPP congress
Danish People's Party's annual congress saw prominent Somali rebuking their policies |
Germany: Integration debate is racist 19th century talk, says Turkish scholar
Germany: Integration debate is racist 19th century talk, says Turkish scholar A leading Turkish scholar has likened elements of the latest German debate on integration to racist 19th century notions of "primitive" immigrants who breed uncontrollably. |
Israeli forces violated human rights and international humanitarian law during the 31 May incident involving a convoy of aid ships bound for Gaza, the United Nations Human Rights Council's international, independent <"">fact-finding mission has concluded.
In a <"">56-page report, the fact-finding mission, which is separate from Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's four-member panel of inquiry into the same incident, found that the action of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in intercepting one of the ships, the Mavi Marmara, on the high sea was "clearly unlawful."
Nine civilians lost their lives and several more were seriously injured in the incident against the flotilla that departed from Turkey and was trying to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza, which has been the subject of an Israeli blockade since 2007.
"The conduct of the Israeli military and other personnel towards the flotilla passengers was not only disproportionate to the occasion but demonstrated levels of totally unnecessary and incredible violence," the report states.
"It betrayed an unacceptable level of brutality. Such conduct cannot be justified or condoned on security or any other grounds. It constituted grave violations of human rights law and international humanitarian law."
The report, which was made public yesterday, presents a factual description of the events leading up to the interception of each of the six ships in the flotilla as well as a seventh ship intercepted on 6 June, the deaths of nine passengers and wounding of many others, and the detention of passengers in Israel and their deportation.
The three-member mission said there is clear evidence to support prosecutions of crimes such as wilful killing, torture or inhuman treatment, and wilfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health.
It also voiced regret that the Israeli Government declined to cooperate with the mission, and that this is not the first time that this has happened.
"On yet another occasion of an enquiry into events involving loss of life at the hands of the Israeli military, the Government of Israel has declined to cooperate in an inquiry not appointed by it or on which it was significantly represented."
The mission, chaired by Judge K. Hudson-Phillips, former judge of the International Criminal Court (<"">ICC</>) in The Hague, interviewed more than 100 witnesses in Geneva, London, Istanbul and Amman during the course of its work.
Sir Desmond de Silva, Queen's Counsel, who was chief prosecutor of the Sierra Leone War Crimes Tribunal, and Shanthi Dairiam, human rights expert of Malaysia and former member of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, are also on the team, which will present its report to the Geneva-based Human Rights Council next week.
Sep 23 2010 11:10AM
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Real history of Islam and the West
On the eve of the second Christian millennium, the Crusaders massacred some thirty thousand Jews and Muslims in Jerusalem, turning the thriving Islamic holy city into a stinking charnel house. For at least five months the valleys and ditches around the city were filled with putrefying corpses, which were too numerous for the small number of Crusaders who remained behind after the expedition to clear away, and a stench hung over Jerusalem, where the three religions of Abraham had been able to coexist in relative harmony under Islamic rule for nearly five hundred years. This was the Muslims' first experience of the Christian West, as it pulled itself out of the dark age that had descended after the collapse of the Roman Empire in the fifth century, and fought its way back on the international scene.
Click HERE to read full article.
Noting the decision by Somali's Prime Minister to step down, a top United Nations official today urged that the country's leaders learn to work together to advance peace and stability in the strife-torn nation that has not had a functioning government in over two decades.
Augustine Mahiga, the Secretary-General's Special Representative for Somalia, said the resignation of Omar Abdirashid Sharmarke is "yet another manifestation of the serious disputes within the Transitional Federal Institutions (TFIs)."
Former adversaries are participating in an internationally recognized Transitional Federal Government (TFG) in Somalia, in line with the 2008 peace pact brokered in neighbouring Djibouti.
Mr. Mahiga said he hoped that TFIs will now put an end to the internal divisions, which have crippled the TFG's ability to carry out its essential tasks, adding that the Somali leadership must remain united and focused on its work.
"There is less than a year to go until the end of the transitional period in August 2011 and there is a huge amount of work to be completed," said the Special Representative. "I call on all those who support peace and security to demonstrate that they can work together in a cohesive manner."
Last week in a briefing to the UN Security Council, Mr. Mahiga outlined some of the tasks that need to be completed before the end of the transition period. These include continuing the initiatives on reconciliation, building civilian and security institutions and the completion of the constitution-making process.
"The international community and the Somali people are looking to their leaders for unity, not recurrent political crises and there should be no excuses for stalling the peace process in Somalia," he stated today.
Sep 21 2010 5:10PM
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The United Nations envoy to Afghanistan today commended the country's electoral authorities on conducting the recent parliamentary polls amid immense security and logistical challenges, and stressed that they must be given the space to complete their responsibilities.
More than 4 million voters took part in Saturday's elections for the Wolesi Jirga, or lower house of Afghanistan's parliament, which were organized by the Independent Election Commission (IEC).
"Afghanistan's electoral institutions are now at a critical stage of fulfilling their duties under the law to finalise the Wolesi Jirga elections," Staffan de Mistura, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's Special Representative, said in a <"">statement.
He commended the IEC for sticking to the electoral timetable, adding that the body demonstrated "significant" improvements in organizing the elections.
"We recognize that these achievements were accomplished against a backdrop of immense security and logistical challenges," said Mr. de Mistura, who heads the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (<"">UNAMA).
Noting that the IEC has shown "considerable strength and resolve" in its decisions prior to polling day, the envoy said the post-election days are equally critical – transporting the ballots and other sensitive materials to the central tally centre, the process of checking all materials to ensure that irregularities are detected and that votes are rigorously verified.
Likewise, the Electoral Complaints Commission (<"">ECC) also has an essential role to play in adjudicating individual complaints about the electoral process, he said, adding that anyone who has evidence of electoral offences should bring their complaints to this body.
Mr. de Mistura stressed that the IEC and the ECC must be able to operate in a fully independent manner, free of interference. "The independence of these institutions is crucial to the credibility of the completion of the electoral process."
In a statement issued over the weekend, the Secretary-General acknowledged the efforts of the leadership and staff of the Afghan electoral bodies, the IEC and the ECC, and called on "all parties to use appropriate legal channels to file complaints and asks for patience as the electoral authorities complete the process in accordance with the law."
More than 2,500 candidates are vying for the 249 seats in the Wolesi Jirga, including almost 400 women candidates. Provisional results are likely to be announced around 8 October, but final results are not expected until the end of the month.
Meanwhile, in his latest report on the situation in Afghanistan, Mr. Ban writes that discussions on long-term electoral reform need to begin soon.
"Working on the electoral reform agenda with the Government, electoral institutions, and all relevant Afghan and international partners will be a critical component of UNAMA activities after the elections of 18 September," he says in the report, which was made public today.
Among the issues to be discussed are the electoral legal framework and sustainability of the electoral calendar, the currently temporary nature of the ECC, a single nationwide civil and/or voter registry, and district boundary demarcations for district council, municipal and village elections.
Mr. Ban also draws attention to the holding of the Kabul Conference on 20 July, which marked a "milestone in Afghanistan's transition towards the full exercise of its sovereign authority" and resulted in joint commitments with detailed benchmarks on the gradual assumption of Afghan responsibility for the country's security, governance, and economic and social development.
At the same time, he warns that much of the progress achieved in recent months is fragile and continues to be overshadowed by the deterioration in the security situation. The overall number of security incidents increased by nearly 70 per cent compared to the same period in 2009, owing to a combination of factors, such as increased international troop levels and a corresponding increase in security operations by the Afghan national security forces, and increased activities of anti-Government elements.
Ensuring access for humanitarian assistance remained a challenge, Mr. Ban adds, and ongoing conflict and insecurity continued to limit the presence and the activities of aid agencies across the country.
He states that, maintaining focus and momentum on the transition to Afghan leadership, amid rising security challenges and competing domestic, regional and international political pressures, will require sustained Government attention and the support of international partners.
A United Nations monitoring committee said today that Israeli and Palestinian investigations into the deadly conflict in the Gaza Strip that ended early last year have so far been inadequate.
In March, the UN Human Rights Council decided to establish a panel of independent experts to "monitor and assess any domestic, legal or other proceedings undertaken by the Government of Israel and the Palestinian side" in light of the allegations raised last year in the report of the UN Independent Fact-Finding Mission into the Gaza conflict – known as the <"">Goldstone Report.
That report alleged that both Israeli forces and Palestinian militants were guilty of serious human rights violations and breaches of humanitarian law during Operation Cast Lead, which took place from December 2008 to January 2009.
"The parties responded, albeit in a different manner, to the call of the General Assembly and the Human Rights Council to meet their obligations to investigate allegations of crimes detailed in the Fact-Finding Mission report," said Christian Tomuschat, chair of the committee of experts.
"The investigations, however, remain incomplete in some cases or fall significantly short of meeting international standards in others," he added in a news release.
The Committee, which issued its report today, said that while it received no response to its numerous requests for cooperation and access to Israel and the West Bank from the Israeli authorities, it did receive cooperation and assistance from the Palestinian side.
"A lack of cooperation from Israel has hampered the Committee's assessment of investigations into serious violations of war crimes," Mr. Tomuschat stated.
"Israel has published a lot of information on their investigations, but its refusal to cooperate with the Committee made it impossible to assess whether inquiries met international standards."
Despite the lack of cooperation, the Committee was able to draw some conclusions based on official submissions and numerous interviews with military experts and Palestinian witnesses with knowledge of Israeli investigations.
"Israel conducted investigations into many incidents, but only four resulted in criminal indictments, one of which led to a conviction for a credit card theft," Mr. Tomuschat noted.
The Committee found that these inquiries did not cover all allegations made by the Fact-Finding Mission. It found that Israel had not undertaken investigations into high-level decision-makers and had also failed to investigate claims of human rights violations in the West Bank alleged to have occurred at the time of the conflict.
As for the Palestinian side, the Committee met with members of the independent Commission set up by the Palestinian Authority to investigate alleged human rights violations committed by public officials in the West Bank.
"The Committee concluded that those investigations conformed with international standards. However, the Commission was unable to investigate fully allegations of serious violations of war crimes occurring in Gaza due to difficulties the Commission faced in accessing the Gaza Strip," the experts stated.
The UN Committee was however able to assess the work of two Committees of Inquiry established by Hamas, the de facto authorities in Gaza. The first, made up of Hamas officials, "made no serious effort to address the allegations raised by the Fact-Finding Mission," it stated.
The second body provided information on measures taken to redress violations in Gaza, but failed to substantiate assertions that political prisoners had been released and criminal prosecutions had taken place, the experts added.
The UN Committee will present its report to the Geneva-based Human Rights Council on 27 September.
The Remanents of the Defeated Rayaale Still Can’t Belief Their Eyes
When Will They Know! The current government came through legitimate means, the power of the ballot box. Rayaale supporters got the fact that Somalilnader tolerated you for 20 years. They need to stop crying and let the new government rules and leads the country. Let the new legitmate goverenment do its job. Let the people enjoy their peace and mind their business. The people of Somaliland gave them the benefit of their doubt despite their blunders and corruption. Theey were never an opposition party, on the contrary, they were always a ruling party.Then quickly forgreality you were in power for the last 20 years.Our people stands behind one governm at a time. Our people are behind their president heir and government. I advice those former rulers to calm down and mind their busines. |
Monday, September 20, 2010
Netherlands: Suspected British Somali terrorist arrested at airport
Netherlands: Suspected British Somali terrorist arrested at airport |
Halal at schools, hospitals, sporting venues
UK: Halal at schools, hospitals, sporting venues A Mail on Sunday investigation – which will alarm anyone concerned about animal cruelty – has revealed that schools, hospitals, pubs and famous sporting venues such as Ascot and Twickenham are controversially serving up meat slaughtered in accordance with strict Islamic law to unwitting members of the public. Even Britain's biggest hotel and restaurant group Whitbread, which owns the Beefeater and Brewers Fayre chains, among many others, has admitted that more than three-quarters of its poultry is halal.
BREAKING: Five Arabs arrested in London in plot to harm Pope
BREAKING: Five Arabs arrested in London in plot to harm Pope
Police arrested five men in a dawn raid today after receiving information they were plotting to harm the Pope. |
Foreign minister wants to eject Israeli Arabs
"Plot by Muslims to kill Pope' another Islamophobic ploy
"Plot by Muslims to kill Pope' another Islamophobic ploy
Six Algerian street cleaners arrested for planning to kill Pope Benedict were pronounced innocent and released without any charges.
The six were arrested in London by British police on the basis of a conversation overhead. According to those critical of the police, if the pope had been under any threat it might have come from the gay right groups, or the hundreds of victims who had suffered sexual abuse by Catholic priests; Or was this as critics have claimed just another opportunity to play the Muslim card again by the authorities and media as the tabloids went to town with blaring headlines like "Muslim Terrorists Plot to Kill Pope".
An opportunity once again to perpetuate the myth that all Muslims are terrorists, something they have been doing successfully for over a decade.
The situation is just as bad or even worse in America as recent events revealed. The hysteria and outpouring of hate for Islam and Muslims had never been more evident than by the incidence of Qur'an burning and the debacle over the building of a Muslim community center near Ground Zero.
If one wonders how and why Islamophobia has spread its poisonous tentacles taking root in Western society, one has to realize that the "seeds of hatred had been sown decades ago and today those who sowed the seeds are reaping the benefits".
To mark 9/11 racist anti-Muslim graffiti was daubed on Islamic centers, mosques and houses, Muslims were attacked and abused. In one horrific incidence a cab driver was stabbed several times.
Islamophobia in America has reached a level that a magazine editor Martin Peretz felt confident enough to declare that Muslims are not "worthy of the privileges of the First Amendment".
Peretz is a known for his hatred toward Islam and Muslim and a great supporter of Israel. So apparently are the two figures behind the anti- Park51 protests Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, whose anti-Muslim sentiments were further energized through support from a number of prominent neoconservative and Zionists groups such as the Center for Security Policy (CSP), which itself is funded by major US defense contractors and several wealthy Jewish donors who also support radical Jewish settlers in the West Bank.
The rally organized against the Islamic center also featured Geert Wilders, the racist Dutch politician whose anti-Islam stance received little support in Europe but was welcomed with open arms from pro-Israel groups in America, and named "the most important European alive" by the vehemently anti-Muslim and pro-Israel Daniel Pipes.
If that was not enough to have a "hate fest", the final icing on this poisonous cake was to bring over members of the English Defense League, a British far-right group whose thuggish methods involve using violence to prevent "the Islamization of Britain". Investigations by "Spinwatch" have revealed the close collaboration between EDL and American neocons and Zionists.
Maybe now we can understand Jonathon Cooke's book called "Israel and the Clash of Civilizations" in which he states how Israel has been working to create hatred against Muslims in the hope that there will be conflict and wars that will benefit Israel's future expansionist plans.
He further explains saying Israel continues to suppress and kill Palestinians, knowing it is fueling Muslim anger and hoping it encourages extremism. He states: "The injustices that Muslims are watching will be imprinted on their psyches and extremist ideologies will flourish, further feeding the theory that there will be a clash of civilizations since Muslims and Islam are violent."
The whole incidence would never have gone out of control if the media had ignored the deranged pastor with less than 40 people in his congregation, who had never read the Qur'an and didn't even know how to say imam and ended up saying inam.
Investigations reveal that more than 96% of the mainstream media is owned by Zionists. Whether this is true or not their pro-Israel bias is clearly evident.
We see the similarities in the mainstream media's narrative, which as Robert Fisk has pointed out is a "parasitic-osmotic relationship between supposedly honorable reporters and the nexus of power that runs between White House and State Department and Pentagon, between Downing Street and the Foreign Office and the Ministry of Defense."
If we are constantly fed the same narrative, the logical question asked is how do we know that the information we are presented with is the truth or fabricated?
President Bush and Prime Minister Blair lied, backed up by the media and went to war with Iraq leading not only to the death of over a million Iraqis but also deaths of Western soldiers.
Islamophobia has been building for more than a decade now, and many a government official and political analysts have warned that the continual demonization, the situation in Palestine, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will radicalize and marginalize Muslims.
There is no concrete evidence that Muslims are now "radicals"; however scant attention has been paid to what the Muslims are feeling living under this barrage of hatred, as they watch American and British troops bombing Muslim countries killing thousands of innocent people and calling it collateral damage; the abuses in prisons like Abu Ghraib, where hundreds are locked up without evidence or trial.
All this continues against a background of misleading narratives that are used by media to cover the footprints of terror and the feelings of Muslims is of no concern to them as long as they don't express "radical opinions" and if they do it is not because they are angry at what is happening but because Islam is teaching them.
Debate in the Muslim communities is suppressed, university campuses are monitored and spying on fellow students is encouraged. There is heavy surveillance of mosques and imams.
When Muslims voice their opinions against foreign policies, they are seen as extremists indoctrinated by "radical Islam", or by radical imams. The latest radical imam is supposed to be a Western-educated Yemeni who has lived in the US for over 20 years. He is being blamed for every terror plot from 9/11 to 7/7 to Fort Dix shooting to the Christmas bomber.
The US is adamant that it's the "radical" imams' fault and nothing to do with its foreign policies. Therefore in the tradition of Bush's Wild West tactics, the CIA has been sent to "get their man" and without any substantial evidence, to kill him.
The West may have hated Nazis Germany, but has certainly learned from Goebbels motto, "if you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it people will eventually come to believe it."
However some of the "truths" that have been put out, especially those concerning terror plots have glaring holes in them and those questioning the holes are labeled conspiracy theorists.
The demand for an independent investigation by the 9/11 Truth Movement is beginning to gain ground.
The most credible demand has come from members of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Richard Gage who has been an architect for over 20 years has delivered over 150 presentations of evidence that the World Trade Center skyscrapers were explosively demolished on Sept. 11.
The terror plot last Christmas was never investigated in detail. A young Nigerian known for having terrorist sympathies was escorted on to the plane without a passport or any security checks. Also witnesses have said that this young Nigerian who appeared to be looking like he is in a trance was filmed by an anonymous man from the minute the young man sat in his plane seat.
Other facts the media have ignored is that the Israeli security company that allowed the "Underwear bomber" to catch the flight at Amsterdam airport was the same security company that allowed some of the 9/11 hijackers on and also was the same company that let the shoe bomber Richard Reid to get on his Miami flight in 2001.
The uncovering of terror plots has only led to further introduction of draconian legislation that curbs civil liberties, and fueled hatred toward Muslims.
As people like Blair continue to perpetuate fear against Islam by repeating the same old mantra about "radical Islam being a threat to world peace", one should also be aware that this mantra has made him a very rich man who now works in the interests of Israel as a Middle East Peace Envoy.
In a fight against good and evil, Blair and those perpetuating lies, should also remember that history has shown that oppression and injustice cannot survive, truth will finally prevail; however truth and justice needs a little help sometimes, and with this is mind maybe we should remember these important words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr:
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends".