Denmark: Ramadan celebration in Parliament The Danish People's Party and Christian Democrats are trying to stop a controversial end-of-Ramadan meal to be held in Parliament. In a joint complaint to the Parliament chairman, Thor Pedersen (V), the two parties say that the parliament building shouldn't be used for such thins, and that the event conflicts with the constitution, which says that Denmark has freedom of religion, not equality of religions. Kristian Thulesen Dahl of the Danish People's Party said that the meal was 'sheer provocation against Danish society". Kristian Thulesen Dahl says it's natural to celebrate after Ramadan and the fast, but that most of Parliament did not fast over the past month. It's absurd and a provocation to have the Ramadan meal in parliament and parliament should not allow its premises to be used for provocations. Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen (V) was invited to the end of Ramadan event as well. The event is organized by the newspaper Zaman Scandinavia and Özlem Sara Cekic of the Socialist People's Party. Özlem Sara Cekic says that if the Prime Minister would come to the event, it would be a strong signal that there is freedom for differences in society and there is place for everybody, regardless of ethnic, religious or cultural background. Turkey's Family Affairs Minister Selma Aliye Kavaf, Danish Social Affairs Minster Benedikte Kiær (K) and former Chief Rabbi Bent Melchior already announced they would come to the event, September 6th. Sources: Berlingske Tidende, Kristeligt Dagblad (Danish)  |
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